九年级上 期中 练习题

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《九年级上 期中 练习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级上 期中 练习题(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 九年级上 期中 练习题 1 _of the warm water _ already been used up . A Two thirds .; has B Two third ; have C Two thirds ; have D Two third; have 2 You must never think that you are good at _ while others are good at _.A everyting;something else B everything ;nothing C all;none D nothing ; all 3 - hasnt betty

2、 come yet ?-no, and I _for her for nearby 2 hours A wait B waited C have waited D had waited 4 were going to the bookstore . You can go there with us _ you can meet us there later . A and B but C or D then 5 Milk quickly turns sour _its in a fridge . Because it is very hot today . A until b since C

3、unless D though 6 He asked me _. A. if she will come B. how many books I want to have C they would help us do it D what was wrong with me 7 Thoms Edison was a great inventor . duing his lifetime , he had 1093_. A instructions B competitions C inventions D injections 8 -Would you like to visit Shanto

4、u City with me this summer vacation? -No,thanks . I _ it before . besides , itshot and rainy there in summer. A have visited B visited C will visit D visit 9 _Lucy _ Lily may go dancing with you , because they are not allowed to go out on school nights.A Either; or B Neither ;nor CBoth ;and D Not on

5、ly; but also 10 Thanks _the Great Wall ,the land produce more crops.A by B of C for D to 11 -What a nice MP3|. How long _you _it?-Only two days A have; bought B did ; buy C have ; had D are ; having 12 “ _youve made / But you should still work harder ,” the teacher said to the boy .A What a big mist

6、ake B How big mistakes C what great progress D How great progress 13 Mary looks happy . Shesgot a postcard from her sister abroad, _?A doesnt she B hasnt she C isnt she D didnt she 14 -David has made great progress recently. -_, and _.A So he has ; so you have B So he has ; so have you C So has he;

7、so have you D So has he ; so you have 15-Havent you ever studied within ( 在。 。 。 。之内)-_. Ive learned a lot from that way .A Yes , I have B No , I havent C Yes , I had D No , I didnt 16 When you are learning English , use it ,_you will lose it.A but B or C then D and 17 Jims father said to him , “ I

8、hope you _what I _ you to buy.”A didnt forget B not to forget ; have told C wont forget; have told D havent forgotten; will tell 九年级英语重点归纳 Unit2 一短语 1 天哪 my goodness 2 不见了 have/ has gone 3 有某人/某物正在做某事 there bedoing 有要做 there beto do 4 把到入 里 pourinto 5 废水 waste water 6 对有害 be harmful to / do harm to

9、/ be bad for 对有益 be good for 7 心情好 in a good mood / in high spirits 心情坏 in a bad mood / in low spirits8 制造噪音 make a noise 9 容忍 stand +名词/代词/doing 10并非所有 not all 并非每个 not every 并非两个都 not both 11许多 quite a few + 可数名词复数 quite a little+不可数名词 几个 a few 一点点 a little 几乎没有 few / little 12听力丧失 hearing loss 丧失

10、听力 lose ones hearing 13变聋 go deaf 14据报道 Its reported 据说 Its said 众所周知 Its well known 15 不比好,和几乎一样坏 no better than 16在许多方面 in many ways 17随着人口的增长 with the increase of population 随着的发展 with the development of 在的帮助下 with the help of/ with ones help 表示伴随状态,其反义词是 without18pourinto向排放 19be harmful to=do h

11、arm to 对有害 20produce terrible gas 排放难闻的气体 21make sb.do sth. 使某人做某事 22too much noise 太多噪音 23too many problems 太多问题 24manage to do sth. 设法做某事 25cause hearing loss.=lose hearing 听力失聪,丧失听力 26the look of 的外表 27not all不是所有的都 28become deaf 变耳聋 29quite a few/a lot/ bit 许多,大量 30no better than “同(几乎)一样”, 和(几乎

12、) 一样坏 31during the classroom break 在课间 32 各种污染:air /water /soil /light /noise /litter/traffic /factory/ plants /animals pollution producer and user of coal 煤的生产者和消费者 Topic 2 1 as a result 结果 2 The government has done something useful to protect the environment. 政府已经做了些有效的事去保护环境 3one of us likes poll

13、ution.我们中没人喜欢污染 4What should we do as students? 作为学生我们应该做什么 5 leave rubbish here and there 随处扔垃圾 6 step on the grass 踩踏草坪 7spit in public 在公共场所吐痰 8 Nothing is difficult if you set your mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人 9 pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事 10wash away 冲走 11blow strongly 吹得猛烈 12die out 灭绝 13cut d

14、own 砍伐 14A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. 许多肥田变成沙漠,只剩下沙子 15 stop/prevent/keep from doing sth 阻止做 16run away 流走、跑走 17cut off its water supply 切断水供应 18Some things weve done are good, while some are not good for the earth. 我们所做的一些事对地球 很好,也有些不好 19be in bad health 身体不好 20be in danger of doing sth 21 处于做某事的危险中 plenty of 许多 22come to realize 开始逐步认识 23Beach Clean-u


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