享受岁月(enjoy your age)

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享受岁月(enjoy your age)_第1页
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《享受岁月(enjoy your age)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《享受岁月(enjoy your age)(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、享受岁月(Enjoy Your Age)h ften ne hears hildren ishing the ere grnups and ld peple ishing the ere ung eah age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest peple are thse h en hat eah age gives hi ithut asting his tie in useless regretshildhd is a tie hen there are fe respnsibilitiesif a hild has gd

2、 parents, he is fed, led after and lved it is ipssible that he ill ever again in his life be given s uh ithut having t d anthing in return hats re, life is alas giving ne things t the hild things that have lst their interest fr lder peplehever, a hild a als have his pains: he is nt s free t d hat he

3、 ishes t d; he is repeatedl being tld nt t d sething, r being punished fr hat he has dne rnghen a ung an starts t earn his n living, he an n lnger expet thers t pa fr his fd, lthes, r,et, but has t r if he ants t live frtabl if he spends st f his tie plaing as he used t in hildhd, he ill g hungr and if he breas the las f siet as he used t brea the las f his parents, he a g t prisn if,hever, he rs hard, eeps ut f truble and has gd health, he an have the great happiness f building up his n psitin in siet



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