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1、论外资银行的法律 监管 中文提要 二战以来,随着全球国际贸易,国际投资及国际资本流动的 大规模增长,世界 经济一体化趋势日渐加强。各国尤其是发达国 家的银行也顺应时势,以不同形式大力发展海外业务。进入 80 年代后,发达国家的银行又把目标瞄向了新型市场。我国经过改 革开放后,经济势力增强 ,国内市场需求不断扩大,成为外资银 行的首选目标。1979 年日本输出入银行的进驻,拉开了我国银 行业对外开放的序幕至今。外资银行以成我国现代金融领域体 系中的一支重要力量。外资银行进入我国金融领域,是我国金融 改革的一项中大举措,它在促进建立充满竞争和富有活力的商 业银行体系,提高金融资 源配置效率,促进我

2、国经济发展的同时 , 也带来了一些负面影响,如:幼稚的国内金融业缺乏竞争力,国 内金融恶化,影响国被 经济;外资银行向某些行为渗透,有可能 控制相关行业;在趋利的诱导下从事投机或高风险经营活动,扰 乱过哪金融次序,加大金融风险等。随着我国市场经济体制的不 断完善,金融归外开放将不断迈出新步伐,人民币业务也会逐渐 开放,届时进入中国的外 资银行也会渐多,当然问题及风险也会 渐增。从巴林银行和和大 银行事件来看,得出结论即为对外资银 行监管不力早成。结合我国对外资银行监管的现状可以看出,我 国对外资银行的监管仍是一个相当薄弱的环节。为了及时应对 这一金融环节的变化,金融监管工作者应研究借鉴国外对外

3、资 银行监管的有效措施,从宏观和微观方向加以调整,从而进一步完善我国外资银行的监管。我国中央银行的金融监管工作也应 在金融法制的健全,金融监管人才的培养,金融电子化的建设, 存款保险制度等方向切实加快步伐,努力有所作为。随着全球经 济一体化的发展和我国加入 WTO,我国金融业必会受到不同程 度的冲击,加之 东南 亚金融危机的灾难后果给我们的警示,必须 意识到现阶段加强对外资银行监管的重要性。本文从法律角度 对外资银行法律监管存在问题及其对策进行研究,有重要的理 论和实践意义,有助于我国及时调整战略和相关法律制度,从而 有利于我国金融改革,保障国民经济持续,健康, 稳步的发展。 关键词: 外资银

4、行金融法律监管 Abstract Since World War II,with global international trade,the inernatinonal investment and extensive growth of internatinonal capital circulation,the economic integrtion trend of the wrold is strengthened day by day.the banks of various countries,especially developed country go with the st

5、ream,by developing overseas business multi-formiy in a moore cost-effective manner.After entering the eighties,bank of developed country take aim goal to the new-type market.out country is after reform and opening-up,the economic strength is etrengthened,domestic market demand is expanding constantl

6、y,become the first-selecred goal of the foreign capitals bank.Export-Import Bank of Japan was garrisonned in in 1979,drew back the prelude opening to the outside world of banking of our country so far.the foreign capitals bank is in order ti become an important strength in our countrys mdern financi

7、al system.The foreign capitals bank enters the financial field of our country,it is a great action of the financial reform of our country,it is promoting and setting up and full of competitions and dynamic commercial bank syste,improve financial resource distribution efficiency,while bringing about

8、an advance in economy of our country,has brought some negative effects too, for instance:Inmanture domestic financial circles is uncompetitive,the domestic finance worsens,influence the domestic economy; The foreign capitals bank permeates to some behaviors,may control the relevant trade;In trend to

9、wards profit engaged in congenial or risky business acticities under leading,upset domestic financial order,strengthen financial risks,etc. . With the constant perfection of the market economic system of our country,financial opening to the outside world will be taking new paces constantly,RMB busin

10、ess can let go of gradually too,enter foreign capitals of China bank can more an more large too when the time cones,natural question an risk will be cumulative.And and large bank incident is it watch to come form Bahrain Bank,draw conclusion to is it is it lead to the fact to do ones best to supervi

11、se to the foreign capitals bank.Can find out to the current situation that the foreign capitals bank supervises,the supervision of the foreign capitals bank of country is still a quite wesk link while combining our country.For should is it draw change of link this in time,financial supervision worke

12、r should is it draw lessons from abroad to foreign capitals effective measure that bank supervise to study,adjust from the macroscopic and micro direction,thus perfect the supervision of the foreign capitals bank of country further.It is sound that the financial supervision of the Central Bank oa ou

13、r country should be in financial legal system too,thecultivation of financial supercision talents,the construction compterizing financial sercices,the directions,such as insurance system of the deposit,etc.quicken ones step conscientiously,accomplish something hard.With global development and of our

14、 country accession to the WTO of economic integration,of our country financial circles must will receive in various degree impact,in addition Southeast Asia disaster consequence of financial crisis give warning of us,must is it strengthen to foreign capitals importance that bank supervise the presen

15、t stage to realize.This text supervises pr0blem and countermeasure to study to the law of foreign capitals bank in terms of law,there are important theory and practice meanings,help our coungtry to adjust the strategic and relevant legal system in time,thus favorable to the financial reform our coun

16、try,ensure national economy to be sustaiend,health,steady development.The keyword The bank of the foreign capitanls Finance The law is supervised 目录 外资银行发展概况6 二、我国外资银行法律监管存在的问题7 (一)对外资银行监管的法律体系尚不完备7 1、从现实情况看7 2、从立法角度看8 3、从权利与责任看9 (二)缺乏明确的外资银行监管原则9 (三)市场准入法律规定尚不够完善10 (四)业务经营法律监管力度不够11 (五)缺乏规范化的风险监控法律制策13 三、强对外资银行法律监管的对策14 (一)借鉴国际先进监管经验,加强我国外资银行法律监 管



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