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1、专项练习一 名词1. One day, the man upstairs heard the of Children in the park.A. noise; to play B. sound; to play; C. noise; play D. sound; playing2. What it is! A. an expensive blouse B. a bad weather C. a wonderful trousers D. thirsty sheep3. Where is John? He is at .A. Mr. Greens B. Mr. Green C. the Mr.

2、 Green D. the Greens4. That shop sells clothes.A. mens B. mans C. the mens D. the mans5. These are my friends.A. buses-driver B. bus-driver C. buses-drivers D. bus-drivers6. There a lot of good news in todays newspaper.A. is B. are C. was D. were7. This is James Allen Green. We can call him .A. Mr.

3、Green B. Mr. Allan C. Mr. James D. James Green8. This is .A. a book of Mary B. books of Mary C. books of Marys D. a book of Marys9. Can I orange?A. have drink of B. have a drink of C. have a drink D. drink an 10. Which is the most popular at the moment?A. piece of music B. music C. a music D. a piec

4、e of music11. You should do more . Dont always sit at the desk busy doing your .A. exercise; exercise B. exercises; exercises C. exercises; exercise D. exercise; exercises12. There on the wall. They are very beautiful.A. are photos B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photo13. This is kind of car made

5、in Shanghai.A. is B. are C. were D. has14.The of the cottage were covered with .A. roofs; leafs B. roofs; leaves C. roves; leafs D. roves; leaves15. Something was wrong with car, but luckily they knew how to fix it.A. Jims and Toms B. Jim and Toms C. Jims and Tom D. Jim and Tom16. There are four and

6、 two in the group.A. Japanese; Germen B. Japaneses; Germen C. Japanese; German D. Japanese; Germans17. Thats photo.A. a actresss B. an actresss C. a actress D. an actress18. The boys have got already.A. two bread B. two breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread19. The old man wanted .A. se

7、ven boxes of matches B. seven boxes of matchs C. seven boxes of match D. seven boxes of matches21. There some in the woods.A. is; deer B. are; deers C. is; deers D. are; deer22. There is no in the bus so we have to wait for another bus.A. room B. a room C. rooms D. seats23. My school is about twenty

8、 walk from home.A. minute B. minutes C. minutes D. minutes24. Today is September 10th. Its Day. Lets go and buy some flowers for our teachers.A. Teachers B. Teachers C. the Teachers D. Teachers专项练习二 代词1. I dont think this one good enough. Please show me .A. the others B. other C. another D. the othe

9、r one 2. were the only people who went swimming yesterday.A. I, you ad he B. I, he and you C. You, he and I D. He, you and I3. The children dress when they get up.A. them B. they C. themselves D. their4. There are so many buildings on side of the road.A. all B. both C. either D. every5. the pupils a

10、re here, some are playing on the sports ground.A. All B. Not all C. none of D. Neither of6. Here is a sit for .A. both us B. us both C. both of us D. B and C 7. Have you read the newspaper today? Yes, there is in it.A. something interesting B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. interes

11、ting any thing8. The basket is too heavy. Students in our class cn carry it.A. Few B. A few C. A little D. Little9. Guess! Who is at the door? must be Lin Tao.A. It B. That C. He D. She10. Is this story the same in that newspaper?A. the one B. it C. which D. what11. The schools in Shanghai are not d

12、ifferent from .A. those in Beijing B. that of Beijing C. Beijing D. Beijings students12. Can you get down from that tree? I dont think .A. it B. this C. so D. that13. Hello, is that Mrs. Black speaking? Yes, whos that? Mary.A. Im B. Thats C. This is D. Shes14. Could you do for me , please? Certainly

13、.A. something B. anything C. some things D. any things15. is no use telling him about it.A. These B. Those C. It D. They16. do you like best, bread, rice or noodles?A. What B. Which C. Who D. Whom17. How about these two films? of them are very interesting.A. Neither B. Either C. All D. Both18. There

14、 is with my computer. It doesnt work. A. nothing wrong B. wrong something C. anything wrong D. something wrong19. Have you sent your parents an e-mail telling them you arrived safe? No. of them can use a computer.A. None B. Neither C. Both D. All20. This is not my dictionary. Its .A. her B. his C. your D. their21. Is there? No. Bob is ill at home.A. anybod


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