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1、1大话西游剧本CAST至尊宝陈骏明紫 霞将梦圆牛魔王金慧婷香 香毛梦莹铁 扇陶滢汀小妖首王俏丹唐 僧洪 冠猪八戒赵隆祥沙 僧连炯芳狱 卒金佳军观 音赵 萍旁 白彭 漪英语 073 班荣誉出品2大话西游英语剧本第一幕地点:婚礼现场人物:牛魔王,至尊宝,紫霞,香香,铁扇公主,蛤蟆怪,众小妖Aside: The story begins with a wedding. The Bull King is going to have a concubine. (香香用毛巾擦拭)至尊宝:Dont cry. Its me who should cry.众妖:congratulations! Bro.牛魔王:

2、Its really a happy day!众妖:why?牛魔王: Today is my sisters wedding. and Im going to have a concubine today.众妖: Concubine? Does your wife agree to it?牛魔王: That bitchbitch bitF is not lovely anymore. Shes right now at the Flame Mountain. She can do nothing about it!蛤蟆怪: haha, Bro Bull, how did you meet yo

3、ur new wife?牛魔王: I passed the desert last night, I met a pretty girl there. Shes dying!众妖: Zixia Immortal!蛤蟆怪: Good, OK, this time.牛魔王: Youve got a nice name.(至尊宝从后台走入人群中)牛魔王: Let me introduce my sister and my brother-in law to you. Xiang xiang! My bro! Come here! This is my brother, this is my sist

4、er xiangxiang.香香: Zixia!紫霞: Can you stay here for your wedding?至尊宝: I think so.紫霞: What do your wife at home think?牛魔王: Wife? You know her?(至做尴尬状)香香:Have you a wife?至尊宝: just divorced!香香:I havent heard that before!牛魔王: Its normal that a man has a dozen of wives. Take it easy. bro, do you think so?至尊

5、宝: yes, yes牛魔王: Zixia, listen to me. I think Ive fallen for you once I know you. I want to show my sincerity. So I request you to marry me in front of my bros. This Pandoras Box is my gift to you. I hope you would say yes.众妖: I object!牛魔王: what?至尊宝: Let me do this! what? what? They are a good match!

6、 You cant object it.3蛤蟆怪: Zixia has a means to test her lover. If you can pass it, I will shut up!至尊宝: what s this? really?蛤蟆怪: this test is that she would marry the guy who can make her Magic Sword go out of the scabbard.(剑从至的怀中落下)众妖: Magic Sword?牛魔王: let me do this!(紫跑出,拾剑)紫霞: its not true! its ju

7、st a joke.众妖: A joke?紫霞: it is still meaningless even if you can put it out!牛魔王: You sons of bitches, how dare you hang around here? Im gonna kill the ones who block my way!(铁扇入场)众妖: King, Iron Fan Princess has come.牛魔王: aaa.(The monkey king leaves the front hall, running to back garden)第二幕地点:牛魔王后花园

8、 Site: Bull Kings back garden 人物:至尊宝(zh) ,紫霞(z) ,牛魔王(n) ,铁扇(t)故事:(至跑过来,突然看到紫独自坐在台阶上,于是走过来)至尊宝: why are you hiding here?(紫抽剑,指向至,两人定格,至走出来,独白)至尊宝: at this time ,the blade is really close to me ,0.01 cm I think. But after a short period of time, 0.01 second I think, the owner of the sword will fall fo

9、r me whole-heartedly. Because Ive decided to tell lies, Ive told many lies in my life, but I think it is the most wonderful lie!紫霞: Ill kill you if you come closer!至尊宝: you should kill me! kill me! Id found my best love, but I didnt treasure her. I felt regretful after that. Its the ultimate pain in

10、 the world. Just cut my throat, please dont hesitate! If God can give me a chance, I will tell her three words. “I love you”. If god wanna give me a time limit, Ill say this love will last 10 thousand years.(紫长叹,抛剑,拾剑,抱剑)紫霞: what can you tell your wife?至尊宝: I have to tell her the truth. So I must ge

11、t the Pandoras Box back. Then go back with 4you and explain everything.But I hate myself that I cant get the box back. I.紫霞: I help you!至尊宝: no, its dangerous!紫霞: you dont want to?至尊宝: I do!(牛和铁上场)牛魔王: I cant hide a woman here! Its just rumour.铁扇公主: I wont trust you anymore.(铁转身,对 2 人)铁扇公主: Whatre y

12、ou doing here?(2 人走近)铁扇公主: whos this guy?铁扇公主: Im asking you, whos this guy?牛魔王: she. Bro, who s she? Tell her!至尊宝: aaa. my wife!牛魔王: ok! Bro, how bad youre!铁扇公主: why did you marry your sister to him?牛魔王: so his wife cant take this anymore. Kill him.铁扇公主: follow me! I have something to ask you紫霞: yo

13、uve got a wife?牛魔王: we dont love each other now!铁扇公主: Explain it to me clearly. What the hell is going on?至尊宝: Ive told you, my sister-in-law!铁扇公主: you called me sister-in-law!至尊宝: sorry, madam bull.铁扇公主: when we watched the moon in the past, you called me sweetie.now you get a new lover, you called

14、 me madam bull.至尊宝: sweetie?铁扇公主: do you think I come back for tha bull? I come back for you, the heartless monkey!牛魔王: bro, help me please!至尊宝: Its none of my business.铁扇公主: you have to come back at midnight, you have to wait for me here. Lets figure it out.(铁走回,对 2 人)铁扇公主: if I were you, I would k

15、ill my husband who wanted to get a concubine.牛魔王: really?铁扇公主: yes! But I must castrate you first. Go!(牛和铁下,至走回,对紫霞)至尊宝: zixia , I紫霞: I trust you! I ll get the Pandoras box back tonight. Wait for me here at midnight.(猪喊)至尊宝: let me do something to my bros first. See you tonight.(紫霞喜,原地转一圈)5(Aside: The night 第三幕地点:地牢人物:至尊宝(zhi) ,猪八戒(p),沙僧(s),唐僧(t)故事:八戒和沙僧: master,master.(两人同时说)猪八戒: we come to save you.沙僧: we come to bring you out.唐僧: I wont go.八戒和沙僧: stay here? Why?唐僧: therere full of obsta


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