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1、 冀教版 8 年级英语下册 Lesson 15 The Zoo IS Open 教案教学过程一预习检测1.danger(adj.) 2. dangerous(反义词) 3.bamboo(复数) 4.giraff (复数 ) 5.grass(复数) 6.main(adv.) 7.scared(vt.) 8.几乎(adv.) 9.处于危险 10. 脱险 11. 禁止拍照 12.11:45 13.如此可爱 14. 对有益二Listen to the tape and answer questions.1. Can they take photos? Why?2. Can Danny give don

2、uts to a bear?三. Read the lesson and tick the correct answers.1. What day is today?Saturday Sunday2. Where do they go?The zoo. The park.3. What time is it when they arrive?11:15 a.m. 10:45 a. m.4. What do they see at the entrance?A photo. A sign.5. What animals do they see?A bear and a panda. A bear

3、 and some giraffes.四 语言点:1.The zoo is open! 动物园开放啦!open adj. 意为“开放,营业 ”。The new store will be open in this spring. 新商店将在春天营业。When was the zoo open? 动物园什么时候开放?open 作形容词,意为“开着的,开阔的”。反义词 closed (关着的)。open 作动词,意为 “打开 ”,反义词为 close/ shut(关上)。The door is open. 门是开着的。She keep the door open. 她把房门敞开着。Open the

4、 windows and let some fresh air in. 打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来 。2. They go through the entrance and see the sign.辨析:介词 through 与 acrossacross 意为 “横穿”,指从一边到另一边,强调动作是在表面进行。through“在.之中,透过 ”的意思,主要表示从物体内部穿过。如穿过森林、隧洞等。区分:cross 作动词用, “穿过,越过”的意思。主要表示在物体表面上横穿。与 go across 同义。1.We must _ the road very carefully.2.Before g

5、oing _ the road, you should look left first and then right.3.Look! The man is swimming _ the lake.4.The sunlight comes _ the glass.5.He _ the road and then comes to the post office.6.The two friends were walking _ the forest.3.He points to the sign.他指向指示牌。point to 与 point at 的区别1)point to 意为“指向”,表示指

6、向离说话人 较远的事物,着重于指的方向。He pointed to the house on the other side of the river and said, “that is my home ! ”他指向河对岸的房子说:“那是我家!”2)point at 意为“指着”,表示指向离说话人 较近的事物,着重于指的对象。Dont point at the words while you are reading. 读书时不要用手指着字。4. Why we cant take photos? 为什么我们不能拍照?take a photo (picture) /photos (pictures

7、)拍照注意:take a photo of sb. 给某人拍照( 相片上有这个人),take a photo for sb. 给某人拍照( 相片不一定有此人 )I want to take a photo/ picture of you. 我想给你拍照。5. You cant feed donuts to a bear! 你不能把面包圈为给熊吃!feed vt. & vi. “喂养,饲养”。其过去式和过去分词是 fed。主要有以下用法:1)feed sth. to sb. 把某物给某人She fed milk to her baby. 她给宝宝喂了奶。2) feed sb. on / with

8、 sth. 用某物来喂养某人She fed the baby on / with milk. 她喂宝宝牛奶。3) feed on sth. “以 为食”,feed 做不及物动词,此用法只用于动物,表人类“以为食”用 live on。Tigers feed on meat. 老虎食肉。Chinese people live on rice. 中国人以大米为主食。注:当“以供给”解时,feed 只可用 with 而不用 on。He fed the stove with firewood. 他往炉子里加柴火。6.Maybe the panadas could eat some grass inste

9、ad of bamboo.instead 意为 “代替”“替代 ”,作副词用,通常位于句尾。如位于句首时常用逗号与后面阁开。instead 在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折(或逆转)句子中作“然而”讲。Lily isnt here. Ask Lucy instead.instead of 是介宾短语,其意与 instead 相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,其宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词 + ing 形式充当。Well ask Li Mei instead of Mary.1)Peter is seriously ill.So I will attend the meeting_.A

10、 instead B instead him C instead of D insteads of2)You should do some exercise _staying at home all the time.A instead B but C instead of D so体验:instead 与 instead of 的转换1) He didnt answer me, instead, he asked me another question He asked me another question instead of answering me. 2) Ill of instea

11、d of her.She wont go. Ill go instead. 7.Zoos help stop animals from going extinct. 动物园帮助阻止动物灭绝。stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事,Parents should stop their children from telling lies.父母亲应制止孩子们说谎。同义词组有:prevent from doing sth. 和 keep from doing sth. 小结动词 stop 的用法:stop.from+v.-ing “阻止”“阻拦”“阻止做某事”。stop to

12、 do sth. “停下来做某事 ”,强调停下来去做另外一件事。stop doing sth. “停止做某事”,强调停止正在做的事情。We are tired. Lets stop _(have) a rest. When the teacher came in, the students stopped _; when the teacher went out , the students stopped to_(talk). 五 练习:Fill in the blanks.1. In time of war a soldiers life is full of d_. 2. My l_ b

13、rother never cleans his room. 3. I was _ (几乎) killed in the accident. 4. Please _ _ _ (不要拍照) at the zoo.5. _ _ doing it himself, he got a man to do it. 单项选择1.The library _. It _ at 8:30 am. Every day.A. open; opens B. is open; is open C. is open; opens D. opens; is open2.Lets go swimming _ going hik

14、ing, shall we?A. as well as B. in order to C. in addition to D. instead of3. What sign is often found in a museum? “_ ”.A. MENU B. THE SIDE UPC. PAUSE C.NO PHOTOS4.The heavy rain stopped people from _ out.A. go B. to go C. going D. goes5. These animals are in danger of _ .A. disappear B. disappearing C. disappears D. disappeared6. “Thats the way to the nearest shop,” the little girl pointed _ the left. A. at B. to C. in D. for六Homework1. Review Lesson 16. 2. Write a story about your trip to the zoo.


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