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1、第 1 页座号五年级英语期末测评笔试部分(50)五、与众不同。找出不同类的一个,把序号填在括号内。(5)( ) 1. A. dinner B. summer C. lunch D. breakfast( ) 2. A. fourth B. fall C. spring D. winter( ) 3. A. April B. August C. always D. June( ) 4. A. letter B. report C. sports D. e-mail( ) 5. A. draw B. phone C. drink D. eat六、挑挑选选。单项选择。(5) 新课 标第 一 网( )

2、 1. Which is _ timetable?A. Mike B. Mikes C. Mikes( ) 2. _ do you like spring? Because I can plant trees.A. WhereB. When C. Why( ) 3. _ I speak to Chen Fang, please? A. Am B. Can C. Do( ) 4._ are you doing?A. WhatB. WhichC. When( ) 5. The elephant is drinking water _ its trunk.A. use B. with C. at七、

3、读读写写。根据提示完成句子。(10) 1. _ (有时候) I watch TV and go shopping.2. My birthday is in _ (七月).3. Brother is in the _ (书房). 4. Look! The monkeys are _ (打架).5. My _ (爷爷) is in the sitting-room.八、有问必答。(10)从右边的答语中选择正确选项填在左边问句前的括号内。九、排词成句。按照正确顺序排列下列句子。(10)1. you, the, do, do, on, what, weekend (?)_2. I, in, swim,

4、 lake, because, can, the (.)_3. birthday, Bills, is, in, too, June, uncle (.)A. Yes, they can.B. No, Im not, I am watching insects.C. At 6:00.D. They are in the woods.E. I see two elephants.F. My birthday is in February.G. Uncle Larry.H. Im reading a book.I. Yes, I do.J. Sure, hold on, please.( ) 1.

5、 When do you get up?( ) 2. When is your birthday?( ) 3. Where are they?( ) 4. Are you reading a book?( ) 5. Can tigers really swim?( ) 6. What do you see?( ) 7. Do you see any elephants?( ) 8. Whos that?( ) 9. What are you doing?( ) 10. Can I speak to your dad, please?第 2 页_4. is, dinner, cooking, i

6、n, mom, kitchen, the (.)_5. they, the, eating, are, honey (?)_十、阅读理解。 (10)2008 年北京成功举办了奥运会,中华大地欢快一片。孩子们高兴雀跃,动物们也热闹非凡,看,Sarah 和 Amy 正一块用望远镜瞧北京最大的天然自然公园。Sarah: What are you doing? Amy: Im watching the biggest nature park in Beijing city. Sarah: What can you see? Amy: I can see some students and some a

7、nimals. Sarah: What are the students doing? Amy: Zhang Peng is picking up leaves, John and Mike are playingchess, Chen Jie is flying a kite.Sarah: What are the animals doing? Amy: Some birds are flying. I can see two tigers. Sarah: What are they doing? Amy: They are running. I see two pandas, too. S

8、arah: What are they doing? Mother panda is swimming, baby panda is sleeping.Amy: Can you see monkeys? Sarah: Yes. There are three, they are swinging. Amy: Can you see the elephants? Sarah: Sorry, I cant see them. 判断下列图片是否与短文内容相符,相符的 T,不相符的 F。1. 2. 3. 4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6. 7. 8.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )9. What is the mother panda doing? (1) _10. _? (1)They are flying.


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