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1、Methods of Heat Transfer热的传递方式,Heat can be transfer by three methods热的传递有三种方法Conduction 传导Convention 对流Radiation 辐射,Conduction传导,Is the process in which heat is transferred to the food by- direct contact with the cooking vessel是指热的传递直接通过烹饪器具作用于食品上,Convention对流,When food is cooked through the convent

2、ionprocess, the heat passes through当食品的烹饪通过对流的形式则热的传播是通过:Another medium 其它的媒介Either liquid or gas 液体或气体,Radiation辐射,heat transference directly onto the food being cooked.是通过热量直接作用于食品之上而完成的Electromagnetic waves通常是电磁波Microwaves and infrared waves诸如像微波和红外线,But但是,Cooking some food, two or three of these

3、 methods maybe combined.烹饪一些食品时,两种或三种热的传递方法会混合使用,Cooking Methods烹饪方法,Moist Cooking Methods带有水分的烹饪Dry Cooking Methods干燥式烹饪Others cooking Methods其他烹饪方法,Moist Cooking Methods带有水分的烹饪,BlanchingBoilingPoachingSteamingPressure BraisingVacuum Pack StewingSimmering,抄煮卧蒸加压烩边烤边煮真空包装 炖煨,Dry Cooking Methods干燥式烹饪

4、,RoastingGrilling & BBQDeep Fat FryingPan FryingSauteGratinateingBaking,烤扒和烧烤炸煎炒焗烤 (面包类),Coatings for Fried Food被炸食品的覆盖,Coating before frying to:炸制前的覆盖:Improve the appearance增强食品的表现力,Retain a good shape保持食品的形状 Enhance the taste of the food加强食品的味道Prevent fat soaking into the food by forming a crust o

5、n the food as it comes into contact with the fat使食品的外部形成脆壳,从而避免过多的油进入到食品里,Types of Coatings used不同种类的覆盖物,Seasoned flour (flour, salt & pepper)调味面粉 (面粉,盐和胡椒粉)Seasoned flour, egg wash & breadcrumbs (Pane)调味面粉, 蛋液和面包糠 Batter (a wet mixture of flour, egg and milk)煎炸糊 (由面粉,鸡蛋和牛奶构成的混合物)Pastry, such as fil

6、lo, spring rolls面食,如油面皮,春卷皮,Pan sear烙印煎,Is to used as little or no oil to pan cook food通常用于少油或无油的烹饪,Other Cooking Methods其他烹饪方法,Vacuum Pack Cooking真空包装烹饪Microwave微波炉烹饪Marinating : is a process, seasoning.腌泡: 是一个工艺流程,调味品Smoke : cold and hot烟熏: 冷熏和热熏,Preservation保存,Heat treatment 热处理Dehydration 脱水处理Accelerated Freeze Drying 快速凝固干燥Freezing 极冻的Chemical ( traditional and permitted )化学物品 (传统的和可食用的)Pickling (natural ingredient)腌制 (自然的原料),


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