“钉客”的兴趣乐园 英语杂志

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1、“钉客”的兴趣乐园 英语杂志ALiona: To Brinley Can I help you get anything else ready? Brinley: Sure, why dont you come help me finish putting out all of the food? Bobcan you tell Jack that well be ready to eat in about 5 minutes? Bob: Will do. 5 minutes later, in the kitchenLiona: Brinley! I just love these new

2、1)lampshades. Theyre adorable. Whered you find them? IKEA? Brinley: No, are you ready for this? hesitates I made them! Got the idea on Pinterest! Liona: Ah! You joined! Isnt it amazing?! A丽安娜:(对布林利说)有什么我能帮上忙的吗?布林利:有,能不能帮我把食物拿出去?鲍勃你能不能告诉杰克,我们5分钟后开饭?鲍勃:好的。 (5分钟后,在厨房里)丽安娜:布林利!我爱死你这些新的灯罩了。真好看。你在哪里买到的?宜家

3、?布林利:不是的,准备好听答案了吗?(迟疑)我自己做的!在 Pinterest 找到的创意。丽安娜:哈!你也加入了!是不是很奇妙?!B The husbands walk in the kitchenJack: Oh, no.please tell me were not talking about Pinterest again! Bob: Whats Pinterest? Jack: No, Bob, no! Dont ask. It is not a question you want to find out the answer to. If you start askingyoull

4、 never hear the end of it. Bob: End of what? Jack: Decorating, baby pictures, recipes, make up, craftsall kinds of “woman stuff.”Brinley: Oh, stop. I am not that bad! Jack: Not that bad? I never knew someone could talk about one website so much! All Ive been hearing about is “Pinterest this” and “Pi

5、nterest that.” Youre basically 2)addicted. Liona: Im afraid youve got me to thank for Brinleys new obsession. I started her on it a few weeks ago. Jack: So youre the culprit? Liona: Guilty as charged! Bob: I have no idea what any of you are talking aboutJack: Trust me, Bob. Dont ask any more questio

6、ns. You are asking for trouble. Once it starts, it never stops. bob laughsBob: All rightI guess I wont ask. Brinley: Dont mind him. Im not really that bad, I promise. Come on and sit down, you guys. The food is going to get cold. B 丈夫们走进厨房杰克:哦,不要别告诉我你们又在谈论 Pinterest 了!鲍勃:什么是 Pinterest?杰克:不,鲍勃,不要!不要问

7、。你不会想知道这个问题的答案的。如果你问起来就永远听不到结尾了。鲍勃:什么的结尾?杰克:装修,宝宝的照片,菜谱,化妆品,手工艺品都是“女人的东西”。布林利:别这么说,我没有那么啰嗦。杰克:没有那么啰嗦?我不知道还有谁能谈论一个网站那么长时间了!我一直听到“Pinterest 这”“Pinterest 那” 。你基本上已经上瘾了。丽安娜:恐怕布林利最近这个上瘾的情况,你要感谢我了。我几周前给她推荐的这个网站。杰克:所以你就是始作俑者是吗?丽安娜:我知错了。鲍勃:我完全不知道你们在说什么杰克:相信我,鲍勃。别再问了。你这是自寻烦恼。只要开始就停不下来了。 (鲍勃笑了)鲍勃:好吧那我就不问了。布林利

8、:别听他的。我才没有那么可怕呢,我保证。大伙儿坐下吧。食物就快凉了。C 5 minutes laterBob: Brinley, this food is fantastic! I feel like Im sitting in a caf in Mexico or something. These enchiladas are awesome. Got any more? Brinley: Thanks, Bob! Yes, I do. Theres another 3)batch in the oven right now. Theyll be out shortly. Liona: Th

9、ey really are great, Brinley! Jack: Theyre right, honey. This is one of the best recipes youve made in a while, I think. Im a fan. Brinley: Thats great, sweetheart. Im glad you like itBob: I think that Liona might need to get this recipe from you before we leave.Brinley: Funny you should say thatI k

10、now where she can get the recipeLiona: Did you get it where I think you got it?Brinley: Yes, I did! Jack: Moans Oh, no! Dont say it! Brinley: Sorry honey, I hate to break it to you, butI got it from Pinterest! Jack: Well if Pinterest has you making these cheesy enchiladas, I guess its not as bad as

11、I thoughtC 5 分钟后鲍勃:布林利,这些食物真是太棒了!我感觉我仿佛就在一家墨西哥餐厅里。这些玉米卷饼真棒。还有吗?布林利:谢谢,鲍勃!还有呢。烤箱里还有一炉呢。马上就出炉了。丽安娜:真的很好吃,布林利!杰克:确实不错,亲爱的。我觉得这是你这段时间做的最好的菜之一了。我已经是它的粉丝了。布林利:(笑)很好啊,亲爱的。很高兴你喜欢鲍勃:我想丽安娜可能会在离开之前从你这里拿到菜谱丽安娜:你是在我想的那个地方看到的菜谱吗?布林利:没错!杰克:(抱怨)哦,不!别说!布林利:对不起,亲爱的,我也不想让你听见,但是我是从 Pinterest 上看到的!杰克:(笑)好吧,如果 Pinterest 能让你做出这些美味的玉米卷饼,我想它也不像我想象中的那么糟单词1) lampshade lmpeid (n.) 灯罩2) addict dikt (v.) 使上瘾3) batch bt (n.) 一批,一炉



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