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1、17秋华师英汉翻译在线作业一、单选题1、C2、C3、C4、A5、B一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1. The dinner was delicious! I agree. I am so full. Thats too bad. But some dessert ().A. has orderedB. will be orderedC. has been orderedD. was going to be ordered正确答案:C 2. Hes given me so much help in trouble; I teach his daughter English (

2、).A. in turnB. by turnsC. inreturnD. in answer正确答案:C 3. Mr Black must be worried about something. You can () it from the look on his face.A. reasonB. recognizeC. readD. realize正确答案:C 4. Hey, Kelin. Happy new year! ()? Ok, I guess. My grandma kept cooking and cooking, so I just kept eating.A. How was

3、 your breakB. How is your grandmaC. Where did you go for holidayD. What did you do in your holiday正确答案:A 5. Whats the matter with Tim? Oh, Tims cell phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never () again.A. to findB. to be foundC. findingD. being found正确答案:B 6. The research on the new bird flu virus

4、vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job? () my students have a try?A. ShallB. MustC. WillD. May正确答案:A 7. Stop making so much noise () the neighbor will start complaining.A. or elseB. but stillC. and thenD. so that正确答案:A 8. Can I pay the bill by check? Sorry, sir. But it

5、 is the management rule of our hotel that payment () be made in cash.A. shallB. needC. willD. can正确答案:A 9. Usually banks require credit card applicants to have an ID card and a(n) () income.A. commonB. ordinaryC. usualD. regular正确答案:D 10. How much vinegar did you put in the soup? Im sorry to say, ()

6、. I forget.A. noB. no oneC. nothingD. none正确答案:D 11. You didnt wait for Mr. Black last night, did you? No, but we (). He didnt return home at all.A. couldnt haveB. neednt haveC. didnt need toD. should wait have正确答案:C 12. The house I grew up () has been taken down and replaced by an office building.A

7、. in itB. inC. in thatD. in which正确答案:B 13. () the excitement of travel, one reason to go to XinJiang is that youll know more about LouLan Kingdom.A. BesideB. ExceptC. BesidesD. Except for正确答案:D 14. How come a simple meal like this costs so much? We have () in your bill the cost of the cup you broke

8、 just now.A. addedB. includedC. containedD. charged正确答案:B 15. Did your sister pass the exam? She failed and is in low spirits. Im sorry for her. ().A. Thank youB. Youre welcomeC. I would think soD. Never mind正确答案:A 16. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, (), refusing them when they turn to

9、him.A. if neverB. if everC. if notD. if any正确答案:B 17. She brought with her three friends, none of () I had ever met before.A. themB. whoC. whomD. these正确答案:C 18. Now that we () all the money, its no use turning on me and saying its all my fault.A. had lostB. lostC. have lostD. lose正确答案:C 19. This wa

10、ll of air is an effective answer to the problem and it () work. But it is a question to put such a wall of air around the statue.A. mayB. mustC. shouldD. could正确答案:C 20. Thank you for sending us () fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us () a great service.A. 不填;aB. the;aC. 不填;不填D. the;不填正确

11、答案:A 21. Dont worry. You shall get the book you want this Sunday, (), according to the timetable, Mr. Brown is to come to return it.A. afterB. whileC. whenD. before正确答案:C 22. We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to () and learn from failure.A. deal withB. depend onC. carry o

12、nD. go with正确答案:A 23. Scientists say they have found a way to produce the human bodys own cancer-killing cells through gene treatment, () new hope to cancer sufferers.A. offeringB. showingC. takingD. making正确答案:A 24. We are going to discuss the way of reading works () it is used for real life purpos

13、es, and this should give you a better understanding of it.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when正确答案:D 25. It is reported that heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily cause and () .A. effectB. affectC. affectionD. infect正确答案:A 26. My brother is very tall. The little bed wont () for him.A.

14、prepareB. matchC. fitD. do正确答案:D 27. Do you mind if I smoke? ()A. Why not?B. Yes, help yourselfC. Go aheadD. Yes, but youd better not正确答案:C 28. The little girl couldnt work the problem out. She wasnt () clever.A. thatB. muchC. enoughD. too正确答案:A 29. Theyve won their last three matches. () I find a b

15、it surprisingA. thatB. whenC. whatD. which正确答案:D 30. Tom, you are caught late again. Oh, ()A. not at allB. just my luckC. never mindD. thats all right正确答案:B 31. Mozarts birthplace and the house () he composedThe Magic Flute are both museums now.A. whereB. whenC. thereD. which正确答案:A 32. I have no one () me, for I am a new comer here.A. helpB. helpingC. to helpD. to have helped正确答案:C 33. Its now quite common () for married women not to take their husbands second name.A. wayB. practiceC. cus


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