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1、1高级英语模拟试卷二.Choose among the words or expressions given below to complete the following sentences. Each word or expression is to be used in one sentence. (20%)_acquire, affect, alert, application, average, caution,commandeer, conceal, convenient, evolve, get.-where, option, proceed, program, resemble

2、, rinse, take over, take ones time, wither, within the reach of_1. The house a castle.2. The whole idea from a casual remark.3. The president-elect will next January.4. The entire country by drought.5. The soldiers the e house and used it for offices.6. Luxuries are not the poor.7. If quite to you I

3、 will be with you Tuesday next.8. Now that our plans are settled, let us 9. You see, despite all its accomplishments, the so-called electronic brain must by a human brain.10. The of the new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually makes jobs easier to do.11. After washing them

4、 in soapy water the clothes out thoroughly.12. Despite the devastating flood in some places, this years rainfall in the whole country came close to the 13. The doctor me to the danger of not getting enough sleep.14. The ability to use a language can only by the act of using the language.15. She has

5、the of entering graduate school or starting her professional career.16. The lecturer his explanation with some tape recordings.17. As a result, his reputation by the scandal.18. Since there was no need to hurry, we leaving.19. Work, work, work and _ does it _ you? It _ you exactly _! 20. Clever thou

6、gh she was, she could not her eagerness for praise. Replace the parts underlined with words or expressions learnt in the text. (The first letter of the required word or expression is given.) (20%) 1. He wandered along the street looking in the shop windows.s 22. The unqualified typist had to retype

7、the letter five times. i 3. To be frank, I dont think you have the talent to be a great violinist. c 4. The children felt frightened when they realized they were lost. p 5. The nutritional value of rice is improved by baking it with milk. e 6. More information becomes obtainable through the use of c

8、omputers. a 7. The landlady could not provide us with a place, because all her rooms were booked. a 8. He was deeply involved in the series of sufferings and loss. s 9. His neighbours scared his family into leaving. i 10. She was a lovely but unpredictable woman. c 11. Where did you get that foolish

9、 and absurd idea? r 12. Hands pressed together with the fingers interlaced, she stood there, silently praying to God. c 13. Could you do me a favour by posting the letter? o 14. Visitors to the factory must act in accordance with the rules. c 15. I dont think anyone can blame you for not being cauti

10、ous. a of16. The boys are not at fault in this case. to b 17. Prospecting for gold is a dangerous way to earn a living. h 18. The plane was old. There was not enough fuel. And bad flying conditions were an unexpected factor which made the whole situation even more complicated. c 19. The boys face sh

11、owed the fact that he had been eating jam. b 20. Lincoln is a striking and obvious example of a poor boy who succeeded. c . Word explanation: (20%)1. miraclea. wonderb. mythc. miseryd. strangeness2. ruga. old clothb. blanketc. woollen matd. rag3. abundanta. abandonb. plentifulc. larged. much4. inert

12、a. idleb. unattractive3c. actived. inner5. flecka. spotb. flickerc. remarkd. drop6. hulkinga. monstrousb. clumsyc. ugly d. loose7. immensea. enormousb. infinitec. definited. endless8. drudgerya. toilb. hardshipc. agonyd. affliction9. executiona. exertionb. performancec. exploitationd. extraction10.

13、boosta. bootsb. heightc. increased. tighten11. ingredienta. mixtureb. particlec. blendd. component12. fantasya. reverieb. legendc. nightmared. imagination13. swinga. lurch4b. swayc. sweepd. drift14. transactiona. interactionb. business dealc. bargaind. transformation15. burglara. thiefb. rubberc. ro

14、botd. stealth16. affecta. influenceb. planc. concluded. undertake17. domestica. of the houseb. of ones own countryc. of some particular countryd. all the above18. propela. push forwardb. comparec. supposed. move backward19. hassleda. puzzledb. botheredc. boredd. skilled20. cozya. hard and roughb. co

15、ld and inertc. warm and comfortabled. pleasant and busy21. arraya. a particular wayb. a long listc. a small amountd. a large number22. groovy5a. gloomyb. sadc. satisfyingd. unpleasant23. optiona. opportunityb. choicec. applicationd. favoured24. harassa. frightenb. wear onc. exhaustd. draw out25. ken

16、a. mixture of substanceb. range of knowledgec. distanced. family26. cryptica. hiddenb. strangec. mystery d. sacred27. erranda. taskb. a trip to get sthc. a written messaged. a piece of business28. offensivea. attractb. aggressionc. interveningd. onslaught29. swifta. quickb. smoothc. timelyd. swept30. abrupta. suddenb. erectc. eruptd. corrupt


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