02平板电脑会消亡吗 该何去何从

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《02平板电脑会消亡吗 该何去何从》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《02平板电脑会消亡吗 该何去何从(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、双语: 平板电脑会消亡吗 该何去何从市场研究公司 IDC 的最新数据显示,问世仅仅 5 年的平板电脑似乎遭遇了瓶颈,购买平板电脑的人越来越少。在笔记本市场陷入低迷,智能手机市场迅猛增长的大背景下,被夹在中间的平板电脑地位尴尬,尽管它还有生存空间,但这个空间正在持续萎缩。It was just over five years ago that we were waiting with batedbreath for Apples tablet computer. The company delivered,dubbed its new creation the iPad, and set abo

2、ut redefining what a “tablet” could be.仅仅 5 年前,我们还在屏息等待苹果平板电脑的面世。该公司没有让我们失望,推出令人惊艳的新产品 iPad,重新定义 了“ 平板电脑”的概念。Remember? Tablet computers used to be clunky, convertible laptops that ran Microsoft Windowsand reeked of compromise. The release of the iPad helped redraw that gadget in consumersminds. No,

3、this wasnt the hefty hunk of steel lugged around by UPS workers; this was the futureof the computer.还记得吗?平板电脑曾经是笨重的可折叠式笔记本电脑,安装着微软 Windows 系统,充满了各种折中的糟糕设计。iPad 的推出让消费者对平板电脑有了全新的认识。它不再是依靠不间断电源支持的厚重金属块,而是电脑的未来。Heres the truth: I was always suspicious of them. Sure, they seemed wonderful andlight andpe

4、rfect for couch-based computing. But they werent the right format for a lot of the ways Iused a computer. They were great for a meeting but less so for my desk. When I needed to grindout a report or design a page, I needed the precision of my otherwise anachronistic mouse. And,toughest of all, I alr

5、eady owned a laptop, like most people. Buying another computer seemedmore of a “nice to have” than a “must have.” (Unless youre a UPS worker.)然而事实上,我对此一直持怀疑态度。没错,平板看起来很棒,十分轻薄,很适合躺着使用。不过我使用台式机的许多方式都不适用于平板电脑。它们很适合会议,但不太适合坐在桌边使用。当我需要写一份报告或设计一个页面时,我需要也许显得有些过时的鼠标带来的精准操控。而最困难的一点在于,我像很多人一样,已经有了一台笔记本电脑。再买个平

6、板电脑看起来更像是“锦上添花” ,而不是“雪中送炭”。(除非你是 UPS 的快递员。)New figures from IDC, the market research firm, suggest that weve reached a ceiling forthemodern tablet computer. According to the firm, shipments of the device in the second quarter ofthis year dropped 7% worldwide compared to the same time last year. Appl

7、eand Samsung, themarket leaders (41% combined market share), each experienced a drop year over year ascompetitors like LG and Huawei surged.市场研究公司 IDC 的最新数据显示,时尚的平板电脑似乎遭遇了瓶颈。该公司称,平板电脑在今年第二季度的全球出货量同比下降 7%。随着 LG 和华为等竞争者奋起直追,作为市场领头羊的苹果和三星(两家公司合计拥有 41%的市场占有率)的平板 电脑销量比前一年都有所下滑。But the overall market is s

8、hrinking, just five years after it appeared. For good reason: Laptopscontinue to shrinkhave you seen the latest Macbook?and smartphones continue to grow,even as both get lighter and longer-lasting in terms of battery life. Tablets, stuck in the middle, stillhave their place. But the utility of that

9、place is dwindling.平板电脑整体市场正在萎缩,尽管它仅仅面世 5 年而已。理由很充分:笔记本市场持续萎缩 你见过最新款的 Macbook 吗? 而智能手机市场 正持续增长,尽管两种产品都变得更加轻便,都拥有更长的电池续航能力。被夹在中间的平板电脑地位尴尬,尽管它还有生存空间,但这个空间正在持续缩水。Heres a look at IDCs top five worldwide tablet vendors for the second quarter of 2015:以下是 IDC 列出的全球五大平板电脑供货商 2015 年第二季度出货量:1. Apple第 1 名:苹果10

10、.9 million units shipped in 2Q1524.5% market share in 2Q1513.3 million units shipped in 2Q1427.7% market share in 2Q14-17.9% growth year over year2015 年第二季度出货量 1,090 万台,市场占有率 24.5%2014 年第二季度出货量 1,330 万台,市场占有率 27.7%出货量同比下降 17.9%2. Samsung第 2 名:三星7.6 million units shipped in 2Q1517.0% market share in

11、2Q158.6 million units shipped in 2Q1418.0% market share in 2Q14-12.0% growth year over year2015 年第二季度出货量 760 万台,市场占有率 17.0%2014 年第二季度出货量 860 万台,市场占有率 18.0%出货量同比下降 12.0%3. Lenovo第 3 名:联想2.5 million units shipped in 2Q155.7% market share in 2Q152.4 million units shipped in 2Q144.9% market share in 2Q1

12、46.8% growth year over year2015 年第二季度出货量 250 万台,市场占有率 5.7%2014 年第二季度出货量 240 万台,市场占有率 4.8%出货量同比增长 6.8%4. Huawei (*tie)第 4 名(并列): 华为1.6 million units shipped in 2Q153.7% market share in 2Q150.8 million units shipped in 2Q141.7% market share in 2Q14103.6% growth year over year2015 年第二季度出货量 160 万台,市场占有率

13、 3.7%2014 年第二季度出货量 80 万台,市场占有率 1.7%出货量同比增长 103.6%4. LG Electronics (*tie)第 4 名(并列): LG 电子1.6 million units shipped in 2Q153.6% market share in 2Q150.5 million units shipped in 2Q141.0% market share in 2Q14246.4% growth year over year2015 年第二季度出货量 160 万台,市场占有率 3.6%2014 年第二季度出货量 50 万台,市场占有率 1.0%出货量同比增

14、长 246.4%Others其他厂商20.4 million units shipped in 2Q1545.6% market share in 2Q1522.4 million units shipped in 2Q1446.7% market share in 2Q14-9.3% growth year over year2015 年第二季度出货量 2,040 万台,市场占有率 45.6%2014 年第二季度出货量 2,240 万台,市场占有率 46.7%出货量同比下降 9.3%Total总体44.7 million units shipped in 2Q1548.0 million u

15、nits shipped in 2Q14-7.0% growth year over year2015 年第二季度出货量 4,470 万台2014 年第二季度出货量 4,800 万台出货量同比下降 7.0%Not very encouraging for a young, new computing format.对于一款年轻的运算设备来说,这并不是令人兴奋的数据。Are tablets dead? I genuinely dont think so. They remain critical for specialized uses, from hospitalsto delivery tr

16、ucks to sales meetings. Hundreds of millions continue to be sold every year. And someof their best traits have been absorbed by the latest generation of laptops. (What is the newMacbook if not a touchscreen-lacking iPad with a permanent keyboard and OS X, Apples desktopoperating system?) But from the looks of these numbers, tablets have an identity problem thatcant be ignored.平板电脑会消亡吗?坦率地说我不这么认为。在一些特定场合,如医院、运货卡车或销售会议上,它们仍然能起到关键作用。生产厂商每年仍然会卖出几千万台平板电脑。一些最好的平板电脑特质也被


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