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1、高考完形填空解题技巧指导张黎 2012.12【教学目标】1. 通过分析各种类型的完形填空,找出切实有效的完形填空的解题方法。2. 在小组讨论过程中,培养合作探究精神,相互学习,共同进步。【教学重难点】1. 重点 :归纳总结出行之有效的解答完形填空的方法2. 难点 :将所学解题技巧恰到好处用到实践中。【教学方法】探究法;归纳法;演绎法;自主学习与合作学习的方法等【教学过程】Step 1 Introduction of cloze test1. Present students the proposition principle of cloze test in NMET. Ask them to

2、 summarize the main features of cloze test according to their understanding.2. Point out the principle of doing a cloze test: Reading should be stressed on the meaning.3. Lead students to think about the steps of doing a cloze test:Text scanning the whole passage to get a general idea and paying att

3、ention to the first sentence.Sentences filling in the blanks according to the context using different techniques.Text going over the whole passage to check the answersStep2 Cloze test problem solving strategy1. Get students to focus on the first sentence when doing a cloze test. Read the first sente

4、nce and skip the whole text to get the theme and clues of the story.2. Ask students to do several parts of cloze tests taken from NMET. Discuss the answers first in groups and then find out the skills employed in different parts. According to the context clues According to cultural background and co

5、mmon sense According to phrase and idioms According to word discriminations and collocations According to grammar analysis According to the logic analysis Step 3 Practice Get students to employ the skills above to complete the cloze test of 2011 Hubei. Check the answers together and get students to work in group to discuss the different options and the skills applied to the test.Step 4 SummaryMake a simple summary of the strategies employed in doing cloze tests.Step 5 Homework1. Review the lesson.2. Do a cloze test of 2010. Anhui


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