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1、大学英语六级听力答题技巧及例题讲解小对话解题技巧之一:视听反向原则、同义替换原则。视听反向原则是指,在小对话的题目中,看似明显被读到的选项反而更容易是错的。但须注意,当小对话原文本身较长或生僻词较多时,该原则可能会出现特例,如 03 年 6 月第 8 题。同义替换是指,若某一选项中的单词或短语是听力原文中单词或短语的同义形式,则该选项容易为正确。例题:2010 年 6 月六级考试第 11 题A) The man failed to keep his promise.B) The woman has a poor memory.C) The man borrowed the book from

2、the library.D) The woman does not need the book any more.原文:M: Oh, Im so sorry I forgot to bring along the book you borrowed from the library.W: What a terrible memory you have! Anyway, I wont need it until Friday night. As longas I can get it by then, OK?Q: What do we learn from this conversation?解

3、析:培训搜 px.wangxiao.so 培训网提示您:可以明显看出,本题的答案为A.其中,另外三项的大部分单词或短语都被读到。例题:2010 年 6 月六级考试第 13 题 A) The printing on her T-shirt has faded.B) It is not in fashion to have a logo on a T-shirt.C) She regrets having bought one of the T-shirts.D) It is not a good idea to buy the T-shirt. 原文:M: I think Ill get one

4、 of those new T-shirts, you know, with the schools logo on boththe front and back.W: Youll regret it. They are expensive, and Ive heard the printing fades easily when youwash them.Q: What does the woman mean?解析:准确答案 D。其中 A 和 C 中都有若干单词被读中,听到的慎选。例题:2010 年 6 月六级考试第 18 题A) The speakers will dress formal

5、ly for the concert.B) The man will return home before going to the concert.C) It is the first time the speakers are attending a concert.D) The woman is going to buy a new dress for the concert.原文:M: Honey, Ill be going straight to the theatre from work this evening. Could you bringmy suit and tie al

6、ong?W: Sure, its the first performance of the State Symphony Orchestra in our city, sosuit and tie is a must.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?解析:准确答案 A。容易错选 C,听到的慎选。正确答案 A 中,dress formally 和suit and tie 同义替换。小对话解题技巧之二:动作题的处理方式。 选项均以动词原形或 to do 形式开头的题目为动作题。放音时,注意抓情态动词(如could, should,would, m

7、ay, can, have to, must 等)和建议/请求句型(如 Why not do, Will you do),其中包含的主要动作即为该题答案。例题:2010 年 6 月六级考试第 15 题A) Leave Daisy alone for the time being.B) Go see Daisy immediately.C) Apologize to Daisy again by phone.D) Buy Daisy a new notebook.原文:M: Daisy was furious yesterday because I lost her notebook. Shou

8、ld I go see her andapologize to again?W: Well, if I were you, Id let her cool off a few days before I approach her.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?解析:准确答案 A。这是一道动作题,原文中出现建议句型 if I were you, Id所以答案即是let hercool off a few days before I approach her 的同义替换形式。此题另一难点在于 A 选项中短语 for thetime being 意思是“目前暂时”。关于大学英语六级听力技巧的介绍就是这么多了,英语六级听力是六级考生需重点提高的内容之一,各位在备考时一定不要松懈。


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