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1、瑜伽房使用规定Yoga Studio: Rules & Regulations1. 请准时参加瑜伽课程,并按顺序入场。Make time to attend yoga classes, according to the order of admission.2. 瑜伽课程开始十分钟后,禁止入场。Yoga classes start after ten minutes, prohibit admission.3. 瑜伽房内禁止穿着任何鞋类。Yoga room prohibit wearing any footwear.4. 请遵守教练的指导及课程的预约程序。Please follow the c

2、oachs instruction and curriculum appointment procedures.5. 教室内请保持安静,进场前请将您的手机调整到关闭状态。Please keep quiet in the classroom, please send your phone before entering the adjustment to the closed state.6. 若您在课程进行中感觉头晕或不舒服,请立即终止运动。If you feel dizzy in the curriculum or uncomfortable, please terminate the mo

3、tion immediately.7. 儿童及孕妇禁止参加瑜伽课程。Children and pregnant women are prohibited from participating in yoga classes.8. 心脏病、高(低)血压、哮喘等疾病的患者请勿参加瑜伽课程。Patients with heart disease, high (low) blood pressure, asthma and other diseases do not attend yoga classes.杭州湾环球健身俱乐部健身操房使用须知Aerobics room Precautions1. 健身

4、操房只可进行相关活动,取得健身中心批准除外。Aerobics room can only be carried out related activities, except to obtain the approval of the fitness center.2.健身操房内禁止吸烟。Aerobics room smoking.3.在健身过程中,请您穿着运动服和运动鞋,禁止穿拖鞋,皮鞋或光脚进入健身操房。 (特殊课程除外) 。In the fitness process, please wear sportswear and sports shoes, forbidden to wear s

5、lippers, shoes or bare feet into the aerobics room. (Except for special programs).4.健身操课请准时参加,并提前 5 分钟进入操房,按顺序入场。Aerobics classes, please attend on time and ahead five minutes into the operating room, according to the order of admission.5.请勿在健身操房内用餐,如需适量饮水,请注意保持环境的清洁。Do aerobics room dining, for the right amount of water, please pay attention to maintaining a clean environment.6.在参加健身锻炼时,请您将手机调至静音或暂时关闭。When participating in fitness training, please adjust your phone to mute or temporarily closed.杭州湾环球健身俱乐部


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