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1、 新航标教育清溪分校 成功源于专业 1新航标个性化一对一辅导学案学生姓名:李紫雯日期: 2015 年 月 6 日 上课时段: 13:00 15:00 辅导科目:七年级英语课次: 第 5 次 课时:( 2 )小时 上课地点:北京新航标教育清 溪分校导学目标 Unit 8 重点短语,句型的复习与运用;听力练习;问路指路的口语表达导学内容一、unit 9 词汇检测二、课前基础知识检测三、一般过去时四、听力练习五、口语表达导学重难点 本节课重点要求学生掌握问路和指路的表达教学过程一、词汇检测1. 直的 2. 高的 3. 身高4. 瘦的 5. 重的 6. 身材7. 在今夜 8. 小的 9. 电影院10.

2、 眼镜 11. 英俊的 12. 演员13. 人 14. 嘴 15. 圆形的16. 脸 17. 歌手 18. 艺术家19. 放置 20. 描述 21. 不同地22. 另一 23. 真正的 新航标教育清溪分校 成功源于专业 2课前检测(一)重点词汇_ prep. 在.附近 _ adv. 过,穿过 _ n. 前面_ prep. 在.后面 _ prep. 沿着 _ v. 转向_ adv. 向右边 _adv. 向左边 _ v. 享受_adv. 容易地 _v. 花(时间,钱) _adj. 免费的(二)重点短语_ 在对面 _ 在 前面 _ 向左转_紧靠 旁边 _ 沿着走 _ 在右边_享受做某事的乐趣 _ 善

3、于,擅长near here _ on bridge street _ look like _ on school days _ be good at _(三)重点句型1.-有医院吗? -在桥街上-_ _ a hospital _ _ ?-Yes, _ _. _ _ bridge street.2.中心街在哪里?_ _ _?3.请沿着桥街走,接着向左拐_ _ _ Bridge Street and _ _.听力练习I . A .I. 听小对话,选出与你所听到内容相符的图片。1-5_II. 听小对话, 回答问题: ( ) 6. Where is the bank ?A. On Center Str

4、eet B. On Green Street C. On Bridge Street ( )7. Which place is across from the library ?A. The park B. The post office C. The Sixth Avenue( )8. Where does the girl want to go ?A. To Center Park B. To Fifth Avenue C. To Center Hotel( )9. Which Avenue is the supermarket on ?A. Fifth B. Fourteenth C.

5、Fourth( )10. How is the street ?A. Its busy but dirty B. Its quiet and clean C. Its quiet but dirty. III. 听短文, 选择正确答案 新航标教育清溪分校 成功源于专业 3( )11. What is NOT in the neighborhood?A. The restaurant. B. The post office. C. The supermarket.( )12. What is the park like?A. Big and clean. B. Quiet and beautif

6、ul. C. Big and beautiful.( )13. Where is Jims home?A. On the left of the park. B. On the right of the park. C. Across from the park.( )14. Who does Jim usually play sports with in the park?A. His brother. B. His friend. C. His father.( )15. When do Jims grandparents go to the park?A. After lunch. B.

7、 After dinner. C. Before breakfast.IV . 听短文,完成下面的句子16. Mary lives in Sydney, Australia _ now.17. The Center Street is a _ street.18. _ is between the bank and the library.19. You can _to your friends in the post office. 20. Marys house is _the cinema.一般过去时态 叙述过去的事情,尤其是讲故事的时候,就必须用一般过去时的谓语来表示了. 如:My f

8、ather worked in that factory for 30 years. 我爸爸在那间工厂工作了 30 年. 动词过去式的变化形式1. 动词 be (am, is, are)的过去式原形 am is are过去式 was was were2. 由谓语动词 be 构成的一般过去时肯定 ,否定和疑问句式如下表:肯定 否定 一般疑问 回答 特殊疑问I was in Chengdu last year.I was not (wasnt) in Chengdu last year.Was I in Chengdu last year?Yes, I was.No, I wasnt.Where

9、was I last year?You were in Chengdu last year.You were not (werent) in Chengdu last year.Were you in Chengdu last year?Yes, you were.No, you werent.Where were you last year?He/She was in Chengdu last year.He/She wasnt in Chengdu last year.Was he/she in Chengdu last year?Yes, he/she was.No, he/she wa

10、snt.Where was he/she last year?We/You/They were We/You/They werent in Were we/you/they Yes, we/you/they Where were we/you/they 新航标教育清溪分校 成功源于专业 4in Chengdu last year.Chengdu last year.in Chengdu last year?were.No, we/you/they werentlast year?3. 一般动词的过去式规则动词的一般过去式的构成是在动词后面加 ed.变化规律如下表:变化规则 动词原形 过去形式一

11、般动词词尾加 ed walk, listen, look walked, listened, looked以 e 结尾的动词加 d live, notice, decide lived, noticed, decided以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,变 y 为 i, 加 edhurry, carry hurried, carried以元音字母加一辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写末尾字母加 edstop, step stopped, stepped不规则动词见附表4. 一般过去时态的时间状语一般过去时态的时间状语有 yesterday, a moment ago,yesterday morning, last night/week, the day before yesterday, just now, in + 过去的时间(in 1980)完成下列练习一、 (见 PP


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