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1、102 年 04 月(有答案)91.我们靠什么才能实现自己的目标?What do we depend on to achieve our goal?92.班上所有同学都把老师看作朋友。All the students in the class regard/look upon their teacher as their friend.93.桑兰梦想有一天能再站起来。Sanglan dreams that some day she will be able to get to her feet/stand up again.94.我们应该永远记住为祖国做出贡献的人们。We should alw

2、ays remember those who have mad contributions to our country.95.母亲走进房间时,小男孩假装忙着做作业。The boy pretend to doing his homework when his mother walked into the room.96.学校和家长都应教育孩子如何应对困难和失败。Both schools and parents should teach children how to deal with difficulties and face failures.97.既然他已经为自己的所作所为道歉了,我们就

3、应该原谅他。Now that he has apologized for what he did, we should forgive him.98.他们拒绝做任何会使祖国蒙受耻辱的事情。They refuse to do anything that may bring the shame on their motherland.99.他一上午都花在为邻居修理自行车上。He spent the whole morning repairing bicycles for his neighbour100.我们正在开会,一个陌生人突然闯了进来。We were having a meeting whe

4、n a stranger burst into the room.04 年 04 月(有答案)91.中国人大多喜欢乘火车而不是乘汽车旅行。Most Chinese like traveling by train rather than by bus.292.在中国,能被北大或清华录取是很荣耀的事。In China it is a great honor to be enrolled in Beijing or Qinghua University.93.作为记者,他不仅会说英语,而且会说法语和德语。As a reporter, he speaks not only English but al

5、so French and German.94.香烟给烟草公司带来巨额利润,但是它对人们的健康非常有害。Cigarettes bring tobacco companies huge profits, but they are very harm to peoples health.95.学生应该明白参加社会活动对他们的成长具有重要意义。Students should know that take part in social activities is very important to their growth.96.孩子们盼望春节的到来,他们可以呆在家里,玩电脑游戏。The childr

6、en are looking forward to the Chinese New Year, when they can stay at home and play computer games.97.自从施行新的城市规划以来,附近又盖起了一些新的建筑物。A few new buildings have been put up in the neighborhood since the new city planning program was started. 98.国家的经济每况愈下,Tom 发现越来越难以养家了。As the country economy is going from

7、bad to worse, Tom finds it hard to provide for his family.99.刚才给我们做关于计算机科学报告的人在一家大公司工作。The man who gave us a talk on computer science works in a big company.100.在对外关系中,中国奉行国家无论大小,都应该平等的原则。In dealing with foreign relations, China follows the principle that all nations are equal whether they are big o

8、r small.05 年 04 月(有答案)91这所大学正在努力实现自己的目标。The university is trying to achieve its goal.392越来越多的人开始认识到污染的危害。More and more people beginning to realize the danger of pollution.93我刚刚要去上班,突然电话铃响了。I was about to go to work when the telephone rang.94学生们好像没把教材当回事。It seems that the students didnt take the text

9、book seriously.95姐妹俩虽然长得像,但在很多方面都不一样。The two sisters look alike, but they are different from each other in many ways.96我本想自己做这事,可是很多人都来帮忙了。I meant to do 97故事中那男孩与女孩一见钟情。In the story the boy fell in love with the girl the first time they met/when they mea each other for the fist time.98电子邮件是与朋友交流的一种很

10、好的方式。Email is a very good way of communicating with your friends.99那个年轻人编造过去的经历,以便能够得到那份工作。The young man made up stories about his past so that he could get the job.100他们针对如何提高自己的语言技能提出了这些问题。They aimed these questions at how they should improve their language skills./These questions were aimed at ho

11、w they should improve their language skills.05 年 10 月(有答案)91食品短缺极大地困扰着这个地区。The area suffered greatly from lack of food.92玛丽搬到了市中心的一套公寓,那儿购物更方便。4Mary moved into a flat/ an apartment in the center of city, where it is more convenient to go shopping.93即使杰克不在这儿,他也会通过电子邮件与你保持联系。Even if Jack is not here,

12、he will keep/stay/get be in touch with you by email.94如果我负责这个项目,我就会更好地使用现有的资金。If I were in charge of the project, I will make better use of the money available.95那些病人在医院受到了良好的照顾,他们感到很高兴。The patients feel very happy that they have been taken/were taken good care of in the hospital.96昨晚电视剧突然被特别新闻报导打断了

13、。The television show was cut off by a special news report yesterday evening.97我们必须保持身体健康,才能学习好、工作好。We must keep ourselves healthy that that we can study and work well.98我们的主要任务是培养学生的独立工作能力。Our main task is to develop the students ability to carry on independent work/to work on their own.99约翰北京之行的所见所

14、闻给他留下了深刻的印象。What John had seen and heard on his trip to Beijing left him a very deep impression.100他的生意做得不错,生活比以前富裕了。His business is doing well and he is better than before./he is living a better life than before.06 年 10 月(有答案)91玛丽碰到麻烦时总是求助于她的老师。When Mary is in trouble, she always turns to her teach

15、er for help.592我坚信明年会有更多的学生报考我们学校。I am firmly convinced that more students will apply to our university.93杰克说得太快,我没听懂他的话。Jack spoke so fast that I couldnt understand what he was saying.94矿井下发生的事故说明缺乏安全措施。The accident which took place down the mine shows a lack of safety measures.95莉萨(Lisa )外出工作时,她妹妹

16、总是来照顾她的孩子。Her sister looks after her children when Lisa goes out to work.96他们不住在同一个镇上,只好在电话里交谈。Since they dont live in same town, they have to talk on the phone.97那位工人花了整个上午修理汽车。The worker spent the whole morning fixing the car.98计划已经制定出来了并很快会付诸实施。The plan has already been worked out and will be put into operation soon.99我想她会通过电子邮件与你保持联系。I think she will keep in touch with you by e-mail.100那位年轻人脱下外套跳入河中抢救落水儿童。Taking off his coat, the young m


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