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1、1必修 5 Unit1 Phrases1. put forward 提出,推荐,把提前, (表)拨快put up with 忍受put up 举起;安装;修建;张贴;住宿put off 推迟;延迟put out 扑灭;生产;出版;使不高兴put down 写下来;镇压put away 收拾起来;放弃;打消;存起来put aside 放一边;搁置起来;积蓄put an end to 结束2. conclude v.结论conclude sth. (from sth.)/conclude(from sth.) that 推断出,断定conclude sth. with sth. (by doing

2、 sth.) 以.结束conclusion n.draw a conclusion 得出结论come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion 结束;告一段落;得出一个结论in conclusion=finally 最后3. attend v.照顾;出席;护理;参加attend a meeting/wedding/funeral 参加会议/婚礼/葬礼attend church/school/class 做礼拜(上学/上课)attend to sb./sth. 处理;对付;照料;关怀;专心4. absorb v.吸收;吸引;使专心be absorbed in (doing)

3、 sth. 专心于; 全神贯注于be buried in./be lost in/fix ones attention on/concentrate ones mind on 全神贯注.be absorbed by/into 被. 所吸引absorb ones attention 吸引某人注意5. blame v.责备;谴责be to blame 应该受责备(用主动形式表示被动)If you are not to blame, then who is?blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把某市归咎于某人bear/get/take the b

4、lame for. 对.承担责任put/lay the blame on sb. 怪在.身上6 contribute v.贡献;捐献;捐助contribute to 为作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于contribution n.make contribution to 为做出贡献7. positive adj.积极的;肯定的;确实的be positive about sth. 对积极的8. strict adj.严格的;严厉的;精确的(be)strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对某事严格9.enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的 be en

5、thusiastic about 对热情10. cautious adj.小心的be cautious about sth. 小心.11. reject doing sth. v.拒绝;不解受;抛弃12. expose to/be exposed to 暴露.中13. come to an end 结束14. apart from 此外15. look into 调查 16. in addition 另外17. make sense 有意义make sense of 明白,理解a sense of 感a sense of humor18. at times 有时19. be for/again

6、st 支持/反对20. be/get under control 在 控制下be/get out of control 失去控制,不能操纵21. in addition 也,另外,此外 22. link.to. 将和连接或联系起来 23. lead to 导致,通向 24. be curious about 对好奇 25. cure sb. of illness 治好某人 病 2a cure for 用来治疗某种疾病的药物或疗法26. point of view 态度,观点,看法 27. make room for 为.腾地方28. suspect vt. 认为;怀疑 n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯s

7、uspectto be. 怀疑是.suspect sb. of.怀疑某人.29. challenge vt.& n. 挑战;向挑战face a challenge 面临着挑战offer a challenge 具有挑战性accept a challenge 接受挑战30. announce vt. 宣布;宣告;通知announce sth. to sb./announce to sb. sth. 向某人宣布某事It is announced that 据宣布.Unit 2 The United Kingdom Phrases1. consist of 由组成 consist in 在于;存在于

8、;以.为主consist with 与.一致;相符2. divideinto 把分成 divide sth. between/among sb. 在.之间分配;由分享separatefrom 把.和分开3. at war (with) (与)交战中 4. break away ( from ) 挣托(束缚);脱离 break down 出故障;身体垮掉;分解break in 破门而入;打断(话题)break out 爆发break through 突围;突破break up 分解5. educational / legal system 教育 / 立法制度 6. have a good / b

9、ad influence on 对有好/ 坏影响 =have a bad/good effect on7. take the place of sb./sth. 代替 =take sbs/sths placetake ones place(s) 就位be in place of sb./sth.= in sbs/sths place 代替in place 在适当的位置out of place 不合适in the first place 最初;首先;第一8. to ones credit 为.带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下have credit with sb. 得到某人的信任9. leave ou

10、t 省去;遗漏;不考虑 be/feel left out 被忽视(冷落 )/觉得被忽视/冷落leave for. 动身去某地leaveaside 搁置一边;不予考虑leavebehind 把抛在后面;超过leave alone 不管;不理;不干涉leave off 戒除;停止10. puzzle over / about 为烦恼,困扰 11. debate sth. with sb. 与某人讨论、争辩 12.at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候at your convenience 在你方便的时候 for convenience 为了方便(实用)convenient adj

11、. conveniently adv.it is convenient( for sb.) to do sth.13. in / with relation to (介)关于;和相关 14. under construction 在建设中15. arrange vt. 筹备;安排;整理arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事arrange to do sth. with sb. 与某人约定做某事arrange that 商定;安排arrangement n.make arrangements for. 安排come to an arrangement 达成协议16.

12、 delight n. 快乐;喜悦;高兴 vt. 使高兴delight in(doing) sth. 以(做)某事为乐(尤指不该做的事)to ones delight 令某人高兴的是take/find/have delight in 喜好;以为乐with/in delight 高兴地its a delight to do sth. 做某事是令人愉快的delighted adj.be delighted at 为而高兴3be delighted to do sth. 高兴做某事17. thrill vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊 n. 兴奋;激动give sb. a thrill to do sth

13、./of doing sth. 做某事让某人感到激动thrilled adj. 激动的;兴奋的be thrilled at/about/with sth. 对.感到兴奋thrilling adj. 令人感到兴奋的unit 3 Life in the future phrases1. have/ ge a good/bad impression of sb. sth.对某人、某物的印象好/不好2. leave/make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象3. have/ get the impression that. 觉得4. under the impression t

14、hat 原以为5. Impress sb. with 给某人留下.印象6. Impress sth. on/ upon sb. 使某人铭记某事7. be impressed by / with / at. 为.所感动,对.有印象8. be impressed on ones mind 给.留下印象9. take up 拿起,接受,从事,继续,占去10. take away 拿走,夺走,消除11. take back 拿回,收回,带回12. take sb./sth. for sb. / sth. 把某人/ 物误认为某人或某物13. take in 吸收,理解, 接受,领会,欺骗14. take off 起飞,脱下,成功15. take over 接管16. be surrounded by/ with. 被.包围/ 围着17. cant / couldnt tolerate sth.


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