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1、 新航标教育清溪分校 成功源于专业 1新航标个性化一对一辅导学案学生姓名:杨勇日期: 2015 年 5 月 1 日上课时段:13:00 15:00 辅导科目:八年级课次: 第 18 次 课时:( 2 )小时 上课地点:北京新航标教育清溪分校导学目标 第八单元词汇短语复习,现在完成时,综合练习导学内容一、课本基础词汇短语练习二、现在完成时三、综合练习导学重难点 现在完成时的理解和运用教学过程一、词汇短语检测二、英汉互译1. 出海_ 2. 读完它_3. 长大_ 4. On page 20 _5. 到达这座岛_ 6. 丧命_7. 砍伐_ 8. the back of the book _ 9. Hu

2、rry up _-三、根据句意及所给汉语提示写出单词或短语,补全句子。1. Knowledge is a _ (财宝), but practice is the key to it.2. Hainan _ (岛屿 )is the second largest in China._ 新航标教育清溪分校 成功源于专业 23. The next train is _(预期)in five minutes.4. _(赶快)up. Well be late.5. I live in a family _(充满)of love.6. I hope theyll remain friends _(永远).7

3、. Failure is the mother of _(成功)8. The dictionary _ (属于) to me.9 She will go _(国外) for further study.10. She holds the world _(记录) for long distance swimming.11. Many people pretend that they understand _(现代的)art.四、用括号中所给的词的适当形式填空。1. I havent _ (decide) where to go on vacation yet.2. He has to finis

4、h _ (write) the report this Friday.3. His grandma _ (visit) Malaysia in two weeks.4, Please read the article _ (quick).5. The girl _ (choose) two of these books at last.五、根据汉语完成下列句子,没空一词。你读过这本书吗?1. _ you _ Little Women yet?2. 它怎么样?What _ it _ like?3. 一个小男孩发现了一个满是珠宝的小岛。A boy found an Island _ _ treas

5、ures.4. 读书报告两周后就要到期了。The book report is _ _two weeks.5. 你得快点儿。You should _ _.6. 她过去常常几乎所有事情都和她的家人争吵。She used to _ _ almost everything with her family.7. 她开始意识到事实上她是多么想念他们。 新航标教育清溪分校 成功源于专业 3She _ _ _ how much she actually missed all of them.8. 这辆黄色轿车属于史密斯先生。The yellow car _ _Mr. Smith.9. 三百万工人已经栽种了数

6、以百万的树。Three _ workers have _ _ of trees.现在完成时基本结构【常用时间状语】recently, lately, since+时间点, for+数字+ 时间名词, in the past few months/years 等肯定形式:have/has + done 否定形式:have/has + not +done一般疑问句:have 或 has 放于句首 现在完成时的用法1)现在完成时所表示的动作在说话之前已完成,而对现在有影响。eg. The car has arrived.车子来了。 (结果:车子已在门口)Someone has broken the

7、window.有人把窗户打破了。 (结果:窗户仍破着)区别:have been to, have gone to, have been inhave been to,表示去过某个地方,不过现在已经回来了have gone to 表示去了,但还没有回来,也许是在去的途中have been in 指的是在某个地方,从过去一直延续到现在例如:你以前去过北京么?例如:A: Is Mr.Wang at home?B: No,he is not in,_(他去香港了)2)现在完成时所表示的动作开始于过去,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去。常用 for 和 since 表示一段时间的状语或 so far,now

8、,today ,this week (month,year) 等表示包括现在时间在内的状语。eg. He has studied English for 5 years.He has studied English since 2001.Now I have finished the work. 新航标教育清溪分校 成功源于专业 4注意:表示短暂时间动作的词,如:come,go,die,marry ,buy 等的完成时不能与for,since 等表示一段时间的词连用。用来持续的动作或状态或表过去重复的动作,如live,study,be ,wait 等,常和 since(自从)或 for(经历)

9、引导的词语连用。如:I have lived here for more than thirty years.我已在此住了 30 多年。由非延续性动词到延续性动词的转换:arrive be here go out be out borrow keepbegin(start)be on finish be over buy havedie be dead put on wear 或 be on catch(a cold) have(a cold)come back be back open be open leave be awayjoin be in fall ill(sick, asleep

10、) be ill(sick, asleep) close be closedget up be up一、 典型例题 ( )1.When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus _ for 20 minutes.A. has left B. had left C. has been away D. had been away( )2. I _ the League for 5 years so far. A. joined B. have joined C. have been in( )3.The factory _ since the February of 1988. A . has been



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