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1、背景文中涉及两家企业 A 和 B 以及一家宾馆。Boss A-宋升;Manager A-蔡群;Boss B-王啊龙;Manager B-吴苑东;Waiter Li-李彬彬场景一,(建议)A 经理给 A 老板建议场景二,(餐厅)服务生 Li 与 A 老板对话场景三,(餐厅)A 老板与 B 老板对话场景四,(参观)A 经理与 B 经理对话SCENE 1Manager A: Good afternoon, boss. Boss A: Good afternoon, Cai. Whats the matter?Manager A: I want to give you some advice, is

2、it convenient for you now? Boss A: Iam listening to your advice. Manager A: I think our logistics business should be outsourced to the third party logistics company. Boss A:Why, what is the third party logistics enterprise. Manager A: A third-party logistics enterprise is a kind of the company, usin

3、g their own assets and resources to manage and executes a particular logistics function of outsourcing services. Boss A: Why do we need to use the third party logistics, is it bad for us to take control of our own distribution. Manager A: Because the third party logistics can do a better job .And th

4、e outsourcing of logistics can release resources,whats more, it can make us focus on the core competitiveness, also can share the responsibility. Boss A: Ok, I will hold a meeting to discuss the idea.By the way , which company do you think is more suitable for our company.Manager A: It seems to that

5、 Huafei company is very good. if there are no other things, I go to busy. Boss A: Ok,your suggestion is good. 【译】A 经理:下午好,老板A 老板:下午好,有什么事吗A 经理:我有些建议想对你说,您方便吗A 老板:我会认真听你的建议A 经理: 我认为我们的物流业务应该外包给第三方物流公司A 老板:为什么呢,什么是第三方物流企业A 经理: 第三方物流企业是一种公司,使用自己的资产和资源来管理并执行某一特定物流功能的外包服务A 老板:为什么我们要使用第三方物流,难道我们掌握自己的配送不好吗

6、A 经理:因为第三方物流可以把物流做的更好,外包物流可以释放资源让我们专注于核心竞争力,还可以分摊责任。A 老板:好的,我会开会讨论这个问题的,顺便问你觉得哪家物流公司更适合我们A 经理:在我看来安康公司整体情况很不错,如果没有其他事情我去忙了A 老板:好的,你的建议不错。SCENE 2Waiter Li : Welcome, what can I do for you? Boss A: Excuse me,Where is my reservation room 888? Waiter Li: Please fellow me. Boss A: Thank you, you can serv

7、e now, the guests will arrive soon. Waiter Li: The boss is so rich, this dinner is so big., I guess there is a big business. Boss A:Cat was not leak.The young man ,I ask you do if you know how to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. Waiter Li: You mean the enterprise outsourcing being no

8、t important to the company should be removed. Just like the logistics activities.Boss A:Amazing, where was you graduated from? Waiter Li: I graduated from Anhui university and major in logistics management, if there is any need to please order Boss A: I will. (to himself)The students of Anhui univer

9、sity are excellent,specially the student majoring in logistic management. 【译】W:欢迎光临,我能帮你什么吗A 老板:请问一下我之前预定的 888 包间在哪W:请跟我来A 老板:谢谢,现在可以先上菜了,客人马上就到(给 F100 元),小费不必在意W:老板好气派,您这次的宴请很丰盛啊,我猜是有大生意A 老板:我不是老板。天机不可泄漏,小伙子我问你你可知如何提高企业的核心竞争力W:您是说对企业不重要的业务外包,来有更多的精力专注于核心业务?像物流等方面A 老板:看不出来,你哪里毕业的W:我毕业于安徽大学物流管理系,如果有什

10、么需要的话请吩咐A 老板:我会的,(自言自语)安大的学生就是牛,尤其是物流管理的SCENE 3Boss B: Nice to meet you Boss A: Nice to meet you too, you are really on time, please have a seat. Boss B:Thank you. (enter rooms) Boss A: I am glad you can spend time to go to the banquet. Boss B: Thank you for your hospitality. It is said that you are

11、 looking for logistics partners. Boss A: Yes, our company has a batch of goods now and want to find a transport company, I heard that your company is very competitive. Boss B: Yes, our companys main business is transportation ,also operate other logistics business. Our company provide timely service

12、 and ensure the safety of the goods. After the optimal route optimization, we make the transport costs to a minimum, having a price advantage in the industry. Both of us will profit from it. Boss A: Well, were going to find a logistics company and make a strategic long-term cooperation, hoping we ca

13、n become partners,.But before that, do you mind we visit your company. Boss B: No problem,welcome.Tomorrow or the day after I had free time. Boss A: Yes, tomorrow afternoon, Look forward to meeting you.Boss B: Me too.I will arrange my manager to show you around tomorrow, Im very glad to have lunch w

14、ith you. Boss A:Its my pleasure 【译】B 老板:见到你真高兴A 老板:我也是,你来的真准时,里请坐B 老板:谢谢(进入包间)A 老板:欢迎您抽时间来此宴请B 老板:谢谢你的款待。据说你在寻找物流合作伙伴A 老板:是的,我们公司现在有一批货物想要找一家公司代运,听说你们公司很有竞争力啊。B 老板:对,我们公司主营运输业务,其他物流业务也在服务范围之内。我们公司提供快速及时的运输服务,保证货物的安全性。经过最优的路线优化,使运输成本降到最低,在行业中具有价格优势。我们双方都会从中获利A 老板:很好,我们打算找一个物流公司进行战略性的长期合作,希望我们能成为合作伙伴,

15、但在此之前,不介意到你们公司参观一下吧B 老板:没问题,明天或后天随时欢迎A 老板:可以,明天下午吧,见到你真高兴 (期待和你的见面)B 老板:我也是,明天让我的经理带你参观吧,很高兴与您共进午餐。A 老板:这是我的荣幸SCENE 4Manager B: Welcome. Excuse me, are you assistant Wang? Manager A : Yes, you are assistant Wu. I have heard that your company is very good before. I know that wont let me down. Manager

16、 B: Manager Cai never be wrong, please come with me. Manager B : See, this is our truck, at present our company has five hundred freight cars, and cooperate with railways and airlines operating railway freight and air freight. Wherever you want to transport the goods to, we can meet your requirements any time. Of course, except the moon. Manager A: Ha ha. Hearing you say so, I suddenly want to sent the goods to the bottom of the sea. Manager B: Ha ha, we have profes



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