科技英语翻译 赵玉闪 3567章习题与答案

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1、1. The thickness of a tooth measured along the pitch circle is one half the circular pitch.沿节圆所测得的齿厚是周节的一半。2. The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.这次地震的震级为 6.5 力士震级。3. We must reflect what measures to take in case of any accidental collapse of a bed .我们必须考虑一下如果层床意外崩塌应该采取什么措施。4. In the tr

2、ansistor the output current depends upon the input current ,hence it is a current-operated device.在晶体管中,输出电流取决于输入电流,因此,晶体管是电流控制器件。5. The relay is operated by a current of several milliamperes.继电器由数毫安电流起动。6. The hearing aids are operated from batteries.助听器用电池供电7. Either of two reactions may be in eff

3、ect in the reduction of iron oxide with carbon.在用碳还原氧化铁时,两种反应中的每一种都可能发生8. Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixtures and compounds.合金是介于混合物和化合物的中间结构9. The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other.钉子同时绕两个相互垂直的轴旋转10. An electron is an extremely small corpuscl

4、e with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom.电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的微粒11. The rudder serves the purpose of yawing the airplane to the right or left.方向舵的用途是使飞机能够左右偏航12. Each of these compounds boils at a different temperature.这几种化合物的沸点各不相同13. After more experiments ,Galileo succeeded in

5、making a much better telescope.经过一些实验后,伽利略成功的造出了一架好的多的望远镜14. During the weo and half hour talk, the two sides exchanged views on the choice of terms of payment, but they made no mention of the mode of transportation.在两个半小时的商谈中,双方就付款方式交换了意见,但却没有提到运输方式15. The application of electronic computers makes

6、for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率16. The maiden voyage of the newly-built steamship was a success.那艘新建轮船的首航是成功的17. About 20 kilometers thick , this giant umbrella is made up of a layer of ozone gas .地球的这一巨型保护伞由一层臭氧组成,其厚度约为 20 公里。18. We have made a careful study of the pr

7、operties of these chemical elements.我们仔细的研究了这些化学元素的特性。19. Gases and liquid are perfectly plastic.气体和液体具有很好的弹性20. That radio factory impressed me deeply.那个无线电厂给了我很深的印象21. All of the austenitic stainless steels resist hydrogen damage .所有的奥氏体不锈钢都具有抗氢腐蚀性能22. If the N pole of one magnet is held toward th

8、e N pole of another, the magnets will push away from each other .把一个磁石的北极对着另一个磁石的北极,这两个磁石就会相互排斥23. Simple in principle, the experiment led to a scientific revolution with far-reaching consequences.这个实验虽然原理简单,却导致了一场影响深远的科学革命24. A list of all the ways that diesel power is used would take pages .一份列举柴油

9、机所有用途的清单可能要好几页25. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the air being only 0.03 per cent , carbon is amassed into the compass of the plant from a large volume of air.因为空气中二氧化碳的浓度只有万分之三,所以聚集在植物内部的碳是从周围极大体积的空气中得来的26. Ice and water consist of the same substance in different forms .冰和水由相同的物质组成,但形态不同27.

10、 Were here no gravity, there would be no air around the earth.假如没有重力,地球周围就不会有空气28. A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses , his theories ,and his conclusion.科学家经常设法否定自己的假设,推翻自己的理论,并放弃自己的结论。29. Solids transmit sound very well.固体传声效果很好30. This typewriter is indeed heap and fine .这部打字机真是

11、物美价廉31. James Watt invented the steam engine .詹姆斯瓦特发明了蒸汽机32. I can finish the work so long as you give me time .你给我时间,我能完成这项工作33. If you dont bring the map ,youll get lost.不带地图是会迷路的34. We should gradually eliminate the differences between town and country.我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别35. Applicants who have worker a

12、t a job will receive preference over those who have not.求职者中,有工作经验者将优先录用36. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他双手插进口袋,然后耸了耸肩37. Visible light covers a wave length range of about 0.38 to 0.78Mm.可见光的波长范围为 0.380.78Mm38. When the masses are of one heart , everything becom

13、es easy.群众齐心了,一切事情都好办39. It is not so easy to get iron from its ore .从铁矿石中提炼铁不是那么容易的40. Its no use quarrelling now .现在争论时没用的41. It is the U.S that is distorting and perverting the “Geneva spirit”正是美国在歪曲颠倒“日内瓦精神”42. We eat to live .but not live to eat .为生存而吃饭,而不应为吃饭而生存43. The industrial waste gases a

14、re harmful to us and we should by all means remove them .工业废气对我们是有害的,应尽力排除44. One must make painstaking efforts before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language .要掌握好一门外语,非下苦功不可45. A wise man will not make such a mistake .聪明的人不会犯这样的错误46. The earth goes around the sun .地球围绕太阳转47. The populati

15、on of Guangdong Province is even larger than that of the U.K.广东省的人口比英国多48. If you know the frequency , you can find the wavelength .如果知道频率,就能求出波长49. The jammer covers an operating frequency range from 20-500MHz.干扰机的工作频段为 20500MHz50. Aluminum alloys can be divided into two classes :heat-treatable and

16、 non-heat treatable alloys.铝合金可分为两类:可热处理铝合金和不可热处理铝合金51. All the metals are good conductors because there is a great number of free electrons in them.一切金属都是良导体,因为金属里有大量的电子52. Electrical inventors who followed Edison did not have to experiment with the substances which he had found would not work.爱迪生之后的电器发明家们无需再对爱迪生发明的不管用的材料进行试验了53. Basically, there are two directions of applied loads on the filldt welds: parallel to the weld length and transverse to the weld length.角焊缝所受外载基本上按两个方


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