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1、小学四年级英语第八单元试题一 根据汉语意思写出下列单词。 (10 分)1. 参观 2 飞机 3 大海 4 游泳衣 5 明天 6 来自 7 起床 8 坐飞机 二 选词填空。 (10 分)A. visit my grandma, B. am from, C. fish, D. on Sunday, E. by bus 1. Shes going to , We are going to eat the fish.2. Im going to with my mother.3. I China. 4. Were going to visit the zoo . I like buses.5. The

2、yre going there .三 单项选择。 (20 分) ( )1. This is swimsuit.A. Xiaoyong B. Xiaoyongs C. Xiaoyongs( ) 2. Im going to in the sea.A. swimming B.swiming C. swim( ) 3. They the zoo tomorrow.A. are going to visit B.visiting C. visit ( ) 4. is going to visit her grandma.A. I B. Daming C. Amy( ) 5. Were going to

3、 get at 5 oclock.A. to B.at C. up( ) 6. you going to Beijing? Yes, I .A. are; are B. Are; are. C.Are; am( ) 7. “Hooray” is A欢呼 B. 丧气 C. 加油( ) 8. Were going .A.sit plane. B. on plane C. by plane( ) 9. I China.A is for B. am from C. is from( ) 10. Lingling is going to row a boat. Shes going to .A. fis

4、h B. plays football C. flies a kite四 连词成句,注意标点及大小写。 (20 分)1. from, is, Lingling, China (.) 2. we, up, get, going, are, to, 5 oclock, at (.)3.in, Sam, sea, the, going, to, is, swim (.4. are, train, going, they, by (.)5. are, going, to, we, visit, the, zoo, on, Sungday(?)五将 B 栏中的相应答语的标号写在 A 栏句子的括号中。 (

5、20 分)( )1. How are you going to Hainan? A. Tomorrow.( ) 2. Where are you going ? B. Its Maomaos.( ) 3. When are we going to the zoo? C. Im going to swim in the sea.( ) 4. Whose swimsuit is this? D. Im going to Hong Kong.( ) 5. What are you going to do? E. Im going by plane.六 阅读理解。(20 分)Tomorrow, Sam

6、 and Amyare going to get up at five oclock. They aew going to visit the Ming Tombs with their dad and mum. Theyre going by bus. Amy wants to see lions, camels and elephants. At last, theyre going home at four oclock in the afternnoon.Sam is going to watch TV at six oclock. Amy is going to bed at nin

7、e oclock.根据短文内容,判断 (T)误(F).( )1. Sam is going to get up five o;clock.( )2. Amy is going to visit the Ming Tombs by bus.( )3. Amys mum and dad are going to visit the Ming Tombs.( )4. Theyre going home at five oclock in the afternoon.( )5. Amy is going to bed at nine oclock.Keys:一 (10 分)1 visit 2 plane 3 sea 4 swimsuit 5 tomorrow 6 from 7 get up 8 by plane 二 (10 分) CABDE三 (20 分)BCACC CACBA四、 (20 分)每题 4 分。五 (20 分) EDABC六 (20 分)TTTFT



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