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1、研 2013 级机械、电气第二次作业 一、利用我校图书馆主页上“读者服务”中的核心期刊查询模块在以下范围中查询属于自己所在专业的相关核心期刊目录,复制自己感兴趣的 3-5 种刊名。 1、北大中文核心期刊目录(2011 版)- 1.机械工程学报;2.中国机械工程;3.摩擦学学报;4.光学精密工程;5.机械科学与技术;2、SCI 核心版期刊目录(2012) 82. ADVANCES IN APPLIED MECHANICS Annual ISSN: 0065-2156ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC, 525 B STREET, SUITE 1900, SAN DIEGO,U

2、SA, CA, 92101-44951. Science Citation Index2. Science Citation Index Expanded315. ANNUAL REVIEW OF FLUID MECHANICS Annual ISSN: 0066-4189ANNUAL REVIEWS, 4139 EL CAMINO WAY, PO BOX 10139, PALO ALTO, USA,CA, 94303-08971. Science Citation Index2. Science Citation Index Expanded1609. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTI

3、ONS ON MECHATRONICS Bimonthly ISSN:1083-4435IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 445 HOESLANE, PISCATAWAY, USA, NJ, 08855-41411. Science Citation Index2. Science Citation Index Expanded3. Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology2643. MECHATRONICS Bimonthly ISSN: 0957-4158PER

4、GAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE,KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX5 1GBScience Citation IndexScience Citation Index ExpandedCurrent Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology3、EI 收录的中国期刊(2011 ) 28 Chuan Bo Li Xue/Journal of Ship Mechanics 1007729453 Gongcheng Lixue/Engineer

5、ing Mechanics 1000475088 Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics 10074708120 Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 04591879143 Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy16747348二、请完成以下检索: 1、请检索南通大学发表的论文在Web of Science中的收录情况,写出检索结果数,并分析检索结果,将主要学

6、科领域、发表论文主要期刊以及作者分析结果分别截屏复制到作业中。 检索结果: 2,490主要学科领域分析:发表论文主要期刊分析:作者分析:2、请自拟课题,在Engineering Village 2(检索平台)进行检索,写出检索过程及结果数。 进入检索平台,使用快速检索,选择搜索所有类型的文件,输入Mechanics AND Electronics,点击Research.结果数=533395 3、利用Elsevier ScienceDirect电子期刊,查找是否有南通大学的老师发表的具有全文的文章,并下载其中一篇的题录和摘要。(Nantong University) Yao H. Charact

7、erizing landuse changes in 19902010 in the coastal zone of Nantong, Jiangsu province, ChinaJ. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2013, 1(71):108115.AbstractCoastal zones have the characteristics of rich biodiversity and high biological productivity. Based on TM images of 1990 and ETM images of 2000 and 201

8、0, landuse in the coastal zone of Nantong (China) was classified as tidal salt marshes, silty beaches, shoals, aquaculture farms, construction land and other landuse types. Changes of landuse area and pattern were analyzed by landuse mapping and the corresponding statistical data. In 19902010, the t

9、errestrial area increased notably and the land-sea demarcation line moved evidently in the direction of the ocean. Terrestrial expansion brought by natural silting was considerable and the overall trends of landuse pattern evolutions in the region were consistent with the guidance and strength of co

10、astal development schemes in 19902010. Despite the fact that reclaiming along the coastal region can increase land resources, it may also cause serious damages to environmental quality and ecological health. In Jiangsus coastal development, we should be cautious about the scope, speed, strength and

11、mode of the schemes so as to avoid irreversible damages to coastal ecosystem.4、利用EBSCOhost全文数据库的基本检索或高级检索途径查询有关以下主题之一的信息,要求:写出检索步骤,检索记录总数,摘录其中一条记录的题录信息。 1)机械(machine,machinery,machanical)设计(design) 检索步骤:1、基本检索中输入: mechanical design 2、点击 搜索检索记录总数=4506Shabana, Yasser M. Minimizing Stresses of Layer Co

12、mposites by Controlling the Interface GeometryJ. Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures, 2014, 1( 21):47-52.5、利用SpringerLink的浏览途径(Browse by discipline)查询你所学专业的相关文献,提供其结果数,并摘录其中一篇期刊论文或一本图书的题录、摘要及全文中的一小部分信息。 结果数=883,671Fossen T I. Mathematical Models of Ships and Underwater VehiclesJ. Encycloped

13、ia of Systems and ControlAbstractThis entry describes the equations of motion of ships and underwater vehicles. Standard hydrodynamic models in the literature are reviewed and presented using the nonlinear robot-like vectorial notation of Fossen (Nonlinear Modelling and Control of Underwater Vehicle

14、s. PhD Thesis, Dept. of Eng. Cybernetics, Norwegian Univ. of Sci. and Techn, 1991; 1994, Guidance and control of ocean vehicles. Wiley, Chichester; 2011). The matrix-vector notation is highly advantageous when designing control systems since well-known system properties such as symmetry, skew-symmet

15、ry, and positiveness can be exploited in the design.6、请从专业名称或学科分类途径检索你所学专业的中文硕士或博士论文,任选其中你感兴趣的一篇,下载其题录和摘要信息,说明所使用的数据库以及检索结果等信息。 张巍. PC/PLC 机电控制系统研究 D.西北工业大学 .2003摘要可编程序控制器(PLC) 是近年来发展极为迅速,应用面极广,以微处理器为核心,集微机技术、自动化技术、通信技术于一体的通用工业控制装置。它具有功能齐全、使用方便、维护容易、通用性强、可靠性好、性能价格比高等特点,已在工业控制的各个领域得到了极为广泛的应用,成为实现工业自动

16、化的一种强有力工具。 本文基于OMRON公司的CPM2A PLC,提出了PC PLC机电控制综合实验开发系统的设计方法。重点研究了实验开发系统的工作原理、硬件部分的主要构成,以及硬件部分的设计、安装调试和实验应用开发。讨论了CPM2A指令系统、编程语言和程序设计方法,以及PC PLC 1对l上位联接系统(Host Link)的通信原理与实现,分析了OMRON PLC专用编程软件 CXP(CX-Programmer)在本系统中具体应用,以及文本、梯形图、助记符、实时监测、在线编程、编辑和编译等问题。 结合本文所研制的PCPLC机电控制系统,研究了实验系统的应用和二次实验开发。实验测试和系统实验开发结果表明,PC PLC机电控制系统硬件设计布局合理,工作可靠,操作、维护方便;编程软件界面友好,工作良好。该系统不仅可供工程技术和实验技术人员进行工业控制PLC应用开发,而且可供大学生进行科技创新与科技制作培训。因此,PCPLC机电控制系统具有一定的工程应用和推广价值.数据库=中


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