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1、1贾卫国,英汉对照描写辞典,上海交通大学出版社,2000 Along the road walked an old man. He was white-headed as a mountain, bowed in the shoulders, and faded in general aspect. He wore a glazed hat, an ancient boat-cloak, and shoes: his brass buttons bearing an anchor upon their face. In his hand was a silver-headed walking-

2、stick, which he used as a veritable third leg, perseveringly dotting the ground with its point at very few inches interval. One would have said that he had been, in his day, a naval officer of some sort or other. (T. Hardy, The Return of the Native) 一个老头儿顺着这条大道走来。他满头的白发,好像一座雪山,两个肩膀伛偻着,穿着一双皮鞋,他的衣服上钉的

3、那些痛纽子上面还刻着船锚。他手里拿着一跟镶着银把的手杖,简直跟他的第三条腿一样,每隔几时,他就非把它的下端往地上一拄不了,看他那种样子,一准会有人说,他当年大概是海军军官一流人物。 (张谷若) His bulk for a Malay was immense, but he did not look merely fat; he looked imposing, monumental. This motionless body, clad in rich stuffs, coloured silks, gold embroideries; this huge head, enfolded in

4、 a red-and-gold head-kerchief; the flat, big round face, wrinkled, furrowed, with two semicircular heavy folds starting on each side of wide, fierce nostrils, and enclosing a thick-lipped mouth; the throat like a bull; the vast corrugated brow overhanging the staring proud eyes-made a whole that, on

5、ce seen, can never be forgotten. (Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim) 他的身躯,就马来人说,是硕大无比的,但他并不是单单显得胖;他看上去魁梧而且雄壮。那稳定不动的身体,穿着华贵的衣饰,染色的丝绸,同金织的锦绣;那庞大的头儿,裹着赤紫的头巾;扁平的大圆脸,满起着皱纹,另有两条半圆形的粗纹,从宽大凶猛的鼻孔两旁出发,围绕着厚厚的嘴唇;脖子像匹公牛;宽阔皱蹙的眉毛,罩在骄横的圆睁睁的眼睛上,整个儿合在一起,叫你看见一回之后,永远再也不能忘记。 (梁遇春 袁家骅) The words referred to a broad, round-shoulder

6、ed, one-sided old fellow in mourning, coming comically ambling towards the corner, dressed in a pea overcoat, and carrying a large stick. He wore thick shoes, and thick leather gaiters, and thick gloves like a hedgers. Both as to his dress and to himself, he was of an overlapping rhinoceros build, w

7、ith folds in his cheeks, and his forehead, and his eyelids, and his lips, and his ears; but with bright, eager, childishly-inquiring grey eyes, under his ragged eyebrows, and broad-brimmed had. A very odd-looking old fellow altogether. (C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend) 这句话是对一个壮实、圆肩膀、斜着身子走路的、穿件丧服的老头子说的

8、,他正步态轻盈地、样子有些儿滑稽地向拐角上走来,穿一件豆绿色的外套,拿一根大手杖,脚登一双厚底鞋,罩着厚皮的鞋罩子,一双厚手套,像是修篱笆的园丁戴的。从他的装束和他本人来看,都像是头满身皱折的犀牛,他的面颊上,额头上,眼皮上,嘴唇上和耳朵上,满都是皱折;但是,在他乱蓬蓬的眉毛和宽檐帽子下面,都是一双明亮、亲切、孩子般好奇的灰色的眼睛。总之是个样子非常古怪的老头子。 (智量) At this moment, there walked into the room: supporting himself by a thick stick, a stout old gentleman, rather

9、lame in one leg, who was dressed in a blue coat, striped waist-coat, nankeen breeches and gaiters, and a broad-brimmed white hat, with the sides turned up with green. A very small-plaited shirt frill stuck out from his waistcoat; and a very long steel watch-chain, with nothing but a key at the end,

10、dangled loosely below it. The ends of his white neckerchief were twisted into a ball about the size of an orange; the variety of shapes into which his countenance was twisted, defy description. He had a manner of screwing his head on one side when he spoke; and of looking out of the corners of his e

11、yes at the same time: which irresistibly remained the beholder of a parrot. (C. Dickens, Oliver Twist) 就在这当儿,屋里走进一位胖胖的老绅士,拄着一根挺粗的手杖,一条腿颇有点瘸;他穿一件蓝色的外套、一件条纹背心和一条本色布面马裤,下面裹一幅皮绑腿,头戴翻起绿色镶边的宽檐2白礼貌。从背心里面露出一条裥打得很密的衬衫褶边,背心的口袋外面晃荡着一条很长的怀表链,表链末端只有一把钥匙,别无他物。他的白围巾的边角卷成桔子般大小的一个球。至于他扭动的面部作出的种种奇形怪状简直难画难描。他说起话来有把头转向

12、一边的习惯,同时用眼角斜睨,旁人看了都会情不自禁地联想起一只鹦鹉。 (荣如德) This gentleman was about thirty-five years of age. He was of a middle size, and what is called well built. He had a scar on his forehead, which did not so much injure his beauty as it denoted his valour (for he was a half-pay office). He had good teeth, and so

13、mething affable, when he please, in his smile; though naturally his countenance, as well as his air and voice, and appear all gentleness and good humour. (Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones) 这为先生年约三十五岁,中等身材,体格可以说是挺健壮的。额上有块疤痕,那并无损于他的俊秀,却足以表明他的骁勇他是个退伍军官。他的牙齿很美,而且只要他愿意,笑起来也能显出和蔼可亲的样子。虽然他的相貌神情和嗓音都

14、带着一股粗鲁气,可是他随时都可以收敛起来,显得温柔体贴,好脾气。 (萧乾 李从弼) The innkeeper himself was a man of from forty to forty-five years of age, tall, strong, and bony, a perfect specimen of the natives of those Southern latitudes. He had the dark, sparkling, and deep-set eye, curved nose, and teeth white as those of a carnivor

15、ous animal; his hair, which, spite of the light touch time had as yet left on it, seemed as though it refused to assume any other colour than its own, was like his beard, which he wore under his chin, thick and curly, and but slightly mingled with a few silvery threads. (Alexandre Dumas, The Count o

16、f Monte Cristo, trans. Lowell Bair) 客栈老板是一个年约四十至四十五岁的人,身材高大强壮,骨骼粗大,实是法国南部人的一个好标本。他有闪闪发光而深陷的黑眼睛,弯曲的鼻子和像一只食肉兽那样雪白的牙齿。他的头发,虽然经过时间的吹拂,却似乎不愿变白,像他蓄在颔下的胡须一样,茂密而卷曲,但已略微混入了几根银丝。 (蒋学模) The child was small for his age, and unnaturally pale. A mass of straight black hair, defying all attempts to train or curl it, fell over his projecting forehead, and hung down to his shoulders, giving increased vivacity to eyes already sparkling with a youthful love of mischief and fondness for every fo


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