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1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福口语对话场景之中医门诊1.惯用口语句子:Whats your complaint?您怎么不舒服了?complaint n. 疾病,身体不适,抱怨Let me feel your pulse.我来给您把一下脉。pulse n. 脉搏feel ones pulse“为某人把脉”Show me your tongue.我看一下您的舌头。tongue n. 舌头Have you ever had any trauma?您受过外伤吗? trauma n. 外伤,损伤Is there any relation between the pain and the weather?

2、疼痛和天气有关系吗?Is there any relation between the pain and walking?疼痛和走路有关系吗?relation n. 关系,关联weather n. 天气Id like to treat you with acupuncture if you agree.如果您同意,我想用针灸给您治疗。Are you afraid of acupuncture?您害怕针灸吗?acupuncture n. 针灸,针灸疗法How do you feel when I rotate the needle?我捻针时您有什么感觉?rotate v. 转动,旋转,(这里指)

3、捻动needle n. 针Acupuncture may cause a little pain and a certain feeling of numbness and distention. 针灸可能有点痛,还会使您感到有点麻木和发胀。numbness n. 麻木distention n. 发胀,膨胀Acupuncture will have effect, but a prolonged treatment is needed.针灸会有疗效,但需要长期治疗。prolonged a. 特别长的treatment n. 治疗You need to take some Chinese her

4、bs.您得服用一些中草药。herb n. 草,药草Although its a little bitter, its quite effective.虽然有点苦,但是很有效。effective a. 有效的Do you know how to decoct Chinese herbs?您知道怎么煎中药吗?Soak the herbs in an earthenware pot with cold water for about 30 minutes. Then heat it until it boils, and then let it simmer for 20 minutes. 耙草药放

5、在砂锅里用凉水浸泡30分钟。煮沸后,改用文火熬20分钟。Some drugstores offer decocting service.有些药店提供煎药服务。decoct v. 煎,熬(药等)soak v. 浸泡earthenware n. 土器,陶器pot n. 罐,锅simmer v. 慢慢熬,文火煨Please come back to me after taking these 6 dosages.请服完这6剂药后再来找我。dosage n. 剂量2.实用对话Acupuncture针灸治疗Doctor: Please point out the painful place with y

6、our finger. Is there any relation between the pain and the weather?医生:请用手指指出您的疼痛部位。疼痛和天气有关系吗? Patient: Yes, the pain comes more intense when the weather is bad. And the pain comes more intense when I walk too much病人:有,天气不好的时候疼痛就加剧。而且我走路走太多时,就会疼得更厉害。Doctor: Have you ever had any trauma?医生:您曾经受过外伤吗?Pa

7、tient: Yes, I have.病人:对,我受过外伤。Doctor: Does the pain become more intense at night?医生:夜里是不是会更疼?Patient: Yes, it does. Just like a needle prick. Besides, the place that hurts often feels cold. too.病人:是的。就像针扎一样疼。此外,疼痛的部位也经常会感到冷。Doctor: Do you have the sensation of ants crawling over the painful part?医生:

8、您有没有感到疼痛的部位就像有蚂蚁在爬?Patient: Yes, I do.病人:有,我有这种感觉。Doctor: Id like to treat you with acupuncture if you agree.医生:如果您同意,我想用针灸给您治疗。Patient: By the way. does acupuncture hurt? 病人:顺便问一下,针灸疼吗?Doctor: Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension.

9、 Well try it every day for seven days. Will that be all right?医生:针灸可能会有一点儿疼,但还会使您感到麻木和发胀。我们每天扎一次,连续治疗七天。这样可以吗?Patient: Yes. Lets start today.病人:可以。咱们今天就开始吧。3.详细解说1.“point out sb./sth.(to sh)”在这里表示“把某人或某物指出(给某人看)”,例如:Ill point him out幻you if we see him(如果我们看到他,我会指给你看的。)另外, “point out sth /that.”还可以表示

10、“指出来,指出(某人不知道或没有想到的)某件事情”,例如:He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.(他总是特别喜欢指出我的错误。) Some economists have pointed out that developing too fast is not necessarily a good thing.(有些经济学家指出,发展过快不见得是一件好事情。)2.“treat sb. with sth.”在此处的意思是 “用(药、手术等)治疗某病人”,例如:The doctor treat him with Aspirin.(医生用阿斯




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