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1、美 术 学 专 业 攻 读 博 士 学 位 研 究 生培 养 方 案一、培养目标为了更好地贯彻党和国家的教育方针,教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的要求,培养德、智、体全面发展的教学、科研和适应国家经济建设和社会发展需要的高级专门人才,对博士生培养基本要求如下:1较好地掌握马克思主义的基本原理,坚持党的基本路线,热爱祖国,遵纪守法,品德优良,学风严谨,具有较强的事业心和献身精神,积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。2在本门学科上掌握坚实宽广的理论基础和系统深入的专门知识,具有独立从事艺术研究工作的能力和创新能力,在学科领域内做出创新性的成果。3身体健康。4本专业的主要研究方向有:中外美术比较、美


3、能把握本专业与社会文化思想发展方向,整合各方面讯息;独立承担并创造性地完成美术学科中的研究课题;胜任高校和艺术研究部门的教学、科研和管理工作的高级专门人才。二、学习年限1博士生的学习年限为 3 年;2在职博士生学习年限为 4-6 年。三、主要研究方向01中外美术比较;02美术考古;03美术史论;04城市公共艺术。四、课程设置(见表)五、论文工作要求将参照学校最新规定实行六、科研和论文要求1开题报告:选题:论文的研究课题应与本专业的前沿研究相关或来自本专业相关的国民经济建设中的重要课题。条件:应当修满规定的 15 学分以上,并提交 2 篇文献研读报告或学术讨论报告。要求:在入学一年内(专职博士生

4、)或两年内(在读博士生)完成 8000 字以上的开题报告。内容包括文献综述、选题意义、研究目标、难点与特点、预期成果和可能的创新点等部分。引用文献不少于 50 篇。评审:组织 7 名以上相关学科高级职称(含 4 名教授)的教师听取开题报告并进行评议,评议通过后方可开题。2阶段报告:在论文课题研究中期,在与开题报告相似的范围内,对论文进展情况进行阶段性报告和考核,以保证论文按进度完成。若偏差较大,给予黄牌警告。3论文工作、答辩及学位:按学校相关要求执行。美术学专业博士研究生课程设置类 别 课程编号 课 程 名 称 学时 学分 开课学期 备注000000702 马克思主义与社会当代思潮 60 3

5、1公共基础课000000703 第一外国语(英语) 120 4 1,2130201701 美术史与美术理论研究 40 4 1学位课专业基础课专业课 130201702 公共艺术实践与理论 40 4 2任选一门必修课学术研讨课 5The Scheme for Doctors Degree Study of Fine Arts Department1. MissionTo follow out the government educational policy, the education should be modernized, international and confront the f

6、uture. To foster all - round development of teaching, research and train the professional doctor to suit for the requirement of economic growth and social development, the following is about fundamental principles. 1.1. To grasp the Principle of Marxism, insist on partys basic lines, love our mother

7、land, observe disciplines and law and have rigorous scholarship. 1.2. To be devoted to a cause or goal and serve the socialist economic construction with dedication.1.3. To possess or demonstrate profound and systematic knowledge, theory and skill in a particular area. To be capable of engaging in a

8、rt research independently and creatively to achieve palpable results in this field. 1.4. In Good health 1.5. The major direction as follows: The comparison of western and Chinese art , Art Archaeology , At History , Public Art and etc. The comparison of western and Chinese art To stand the front lin

9、e of the academic research at home and aboard To study the important topics on the comparison and exchange of western and Chinese art from cross-culture angle of view. Art Archaeology To be featured with integrity, distinction, exploration and creativity. To be make outstanding contribution to Chine

10、se culture research with interdisciplinary methodology.Art historyTo combine national and local economic and cultural development and Art science To stand the front line of the academic research at home and aboard to study the important topics on at history.Public ArtTo do the research on the creati

11、on of public space arts with care of human, To be featured with interdisciplinary, many sphere and integrity To train the doctors to have profound and systematic theory and research ability to raise and solve theoretical and creation questions of font line of this field.To follow the development of

12、this field and society and culture to integrate different information to do the research on art independently and creatively.To be professional staff in the university, art institution and highly competent for teaching, research and administration. 2.Duration 2.1. Full time study 3 years2.2. Pat tim

13、e study 4-6 years3.Research directions3.1. The comparison of western and Chinese art 3.2. Art Archaeology 3.3. At History 3.4. Public Art4.Curriculum (attached table)5. The dissertation and the works Follow new instruction of Shanghai University 6. The requirement of Research and dissertation 6.1. O

14、pening report1) Topic selectionThe topic should be relevant with the front line of this field and the important issues in the national economy2) ConditionsAchieve the required 16credits and submit 2 pieces of academic research report and document literature report. 3). Requirement The report on the

15、proposal of your dissertation is done in the 2 years (full time) and the 3 yeas (part time ), and the content of your research should be not less than 8,000 characters including literature summary, the research significance , the objectives, the difficulties, the features, expected achievement , cre

16、ative points and etc. The literature cited is not less than 50 pieces. 4). SupervisionYou wont start the formal dissertation until the opening report and the proposal of dissertation is reviewed and supervised by more than 7 relevant field professors and deputy professors ( 4 professors)6.2. Interim report In the middle of process, the dissertation will be supervised systematically by phases and assure of getting off on the right foot, otherwise


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