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1、疑问词:(6)(4) what 什么(what time 什么时间,what day 星期几,what class 几年级),where 哪里,who 谁,how 怎么( how old 几岁),how many 多少,how much 多少钱 人称&物主:(12)(2 ) he 他,her 她的,his 他的,I 我,it 它(its 它的),(3 ) my 我的, our 我们的,she 她,they 他们(their 他们的),we 我们,you 你、你们,your 你的、你们的,(4 ) 代词:()(0) that 那个,those 那些,this 这个,these 这些 (5 ) 天

2、气:(10)(5) cloudy 多云的(cloud 云),cold 寒冷的,cool 凉爽的,fine晴朗的,hot 炎热的、辣的,rainy(rain 雨)下雨的,snowy(snow 雪)下雪的,sunny(sun 太阳)晴朗的, warm 温暖的,windy(wind 风)有风的 (6 ) 衣服:(14 )(3) belt 腰带,blouse 女式衬衫,cap 帽子(有檐的),coat 外套、大衣,dress 连衣裙 女装,hat 帽子(有边的),jacket 夹克,jeans 牛仔裤(cowboy 牛仔),raincoat 雨衣(rain 雨、下雨),shirt 男式衬衫,shoe

3、鞋(多用复数 shoes), skirt 短裙,socks 短袜, sweater 毛衣、运动衣,trousers 裤子,T-shirt 体恤衫,uniform 制服、校服,vest 马甲、背心,zip 拉链 家庭成员:(12)(5 ) aunt 阿姨,boy 男孩,brother 兄弟,daughter 女儿,father(dad)父亲,girl 女孩,grandfather(grandpa)爷爷、外公,grandmother(grandma)奶奶、外婆, mother(mum, mom 美语)妈妈,sister 姐妹,son儿子,uncle 叔叔 星期:(10)(0 ) Sunday 星期

4、日,Monday 星期一, Tuesday 星期二,Wednesday 星期三,Thursday 星期四,Friday 星期五,Saturday 星期六, day 天,week 星期,weekend 周末 颜色:(11)(0 ) black 黑色的,blue 蓝色的,brown 棕色的,green 绿色的,grey 灰色的,orange 橙色的、橘黄色的,pink 粉红色的,purple 紫色的,red 红色的,white 白色的,yellow 黄色的 课程 art 美术 Chinese 汉语, English 英语,maths 数学(math 美语),maths class 数学课,musi

5、c 音乐,PE 体育(physical education),science 科学,subject 科目 职业:(22)(1 ) actor 男演员,actress 女演员,bus conductor 公交车司机,dancer 舞者,dentist 牙医,doctor 医生, driver 司机,farmer 农民,fireman 消防员,nurse 护士,policeman 男警察,policewoman 女警察,post man 邮递员(post 邮局),singer 歌手,student 学生,tailor 裁缝,taix driver 出租车司机, teacher 教师,vet 兽医,

6、waiter 男侍者,waitress 女侍者, writer 作者I 询问姓名、年龄。1, -Whats your name? -你叫什么名字?-My name is _. -我叫。2, -How old are you? -你几岁了?-I m 12. -我十二岁。II 询问颜色。1, -What colour is it? -它是什么颜色的?-Its yellow and white. -黄白相间。2, -What colour are they? -它们是什么颜色的?-Theyre green. -绿色的。III 询问数量或价钱 。1, -How many kites can you s

7、ee? -你可以看见几只风筝?-I can see 12. -我可以看见十二只风筝。2, -How many crayons do you have? -你有多少支彩笔?-I have 16. -我有十六支。3, -How many people are there in your family? -你家有几口人?-Three. -三口人。4, -How much is this dress? -这条连衣裙多少钱?-Its ninety-nine yuan. -九十九元。5, -How much are these apples? -这些苹果多少钱?-Theyre thirty-five yu

8、an. -三十五元。IV询问时间或日期。1, -What time is it now? -现在几点钟?-Its nine oclock. Its time for English class. -九点。该上英语课了。 2 一、性别及家庭成员 1 boy bi 男孩 2 girl :l 女孩 3mother m 母亲 4 father f: 父亲 5 grandpa rnp: 爷爷,外公 6 grandma rnm: 奶奶,外婆 7 grandmother rndm 祖母,外祖母 8 grandfather rndf: 祖父,外祖父 9 dad dd 爸爸 10 mum mm 妈妈 11 pa

9、rents prnt 父母 12 uncle kl 叔叔,舅舅 13 aunt :nt 阿姨,姑姑 14 sister sist 姐,妹 15 brother br 哥,弟 16 Ms. miz 太太 17 Mr. mist 先生 18 Miss mis 小姐19 lady leidi 女士 20 cousin kzn 表(堂)兄弟姐妹School Good morning/afternoon/evening/night. Whats your name? Im Joy. Hello./Hi./Bye. Body I have two eyes. This is my eye. Whats t

10、his? Its the head. Animals I have a rabbit. I like my dog. It has big eyes. Numbers How old are you? Im six. How many stars? Five stars. Colours What colour is it? Its red. What colour do you like? I like pink. Classroom How are you? Fine, thank you. Wheres the ruler? Its in the pencil case. My room

11、 This is my room. In my room, I have . Whats behind (in, next to, under) the door? A chair. Toys Whats your favorite toy? A pinwheel. I want this red ball. Lets play together. Shapes I can make a square. Clothes Ive got a jacket, a skirt, a sweater, and pants. Who is wearing a purple dress? The clown. She ( He ) is wearing . I like my T-shirt. It has a star. Red is my favorite colour. Food and drink I like ice cream. Its delicious. I dont like ice cream. Its too sweet. Birthday cake for you. Have some noodles, please.



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