八年级英语下册 unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park section b学案

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《八年级英语下册 unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park section b学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park section b学案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、- 1 -Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park Section B 学习目标疑难点拨:1、such as 与 for example 的区别 I like drinks such as tea and soda. For example, John has the same opinion.根据以上两个句子可以得知:such as 是固定短语,意为 “ ”表示 ,for example 表示 ,往往需要 隔开。【小试身手】( )1、He likes fruit bananas and apples.A 、such as B 、for ex

2、ample C 、to be D 、so as( )2、 ,many factories are pouring waste into the rivers.A 、Such as B 、For example C 、Like D 、As2、英语中分数的表达。 Three fifths of the students are boys. One fifths of the food is bad. Its a quarter to eleven now.根据以上两个句子可以得出,在表达英语分数时,分子用 ,分母用 。当分子大于 1 的时候,分母要用 。quarter 做可数名词,意为“ , ”t

3、hree quarter 表示“ ”【小试身手】( )1、This is a big class, And of the students are girls.A 、two third B 、second three C 、two thirds D 、two three 2、A is another way of saying 15 minutes.3、population 的用法: Three population of this city is about 3 million. Whats the population of your city? Two thirds of the pop

4、ulation are farmers in the village.- 6 -根据以上句子可以得出,population 做名词,意为“ ”。指人口总数,做主语时,谓语动词用 。为某地人口的多少要用疑问词 population,前用修饰词时,比如分数、百分数,表示一个整体人口中的一部分人,谓语动词用 。表示人口的多少,形容词通常用 large 或 small.【小试身手】( )1、The populating of Shanghai is than that of Tianjin.A 、large B 、larger C 、big D 、bigger 2、中国的人口是多少?the popul

5、ation of China?【自学导航】1、词汇:1、学习 P71-73 单词测一测自己记住了多少?交换生 空中服务员 发觉,发现 要求 导游 电影 2、学习 P74-75 词汇,完成下列翻译。极好的 假日,假期 一刻钟 四分之三 人口 害怕,担心 勇敢的 卓越的 印度的 黑暗 醒来 狐狸 自然的 环境 温度 无论何时 春天 秋天 季节 醒着的 2、对话:1、按要求完成课本上的 1a,1b 2、仿照听力材料,编对话,了解同学学习英语的原因及其它情况。EXAMPLE: A : Good morning. I need to ask you some questions.B : . .A : H

6、ow long have you been studying English? B : . .- 1 -3、文章:1、阅读 3a 完成下列短语翻译。1.山顶语言学校_ 2. 写出问题的答案_3. 做的最好方式是 _ 4. 成为一名航空服务员_5. 美国_ 6. 帮助.做_7. 开始上课_2、再阅读一般回答课文中的问题。3、合上课本翻译下列句子:1. 当我还是一个小姑娘的时候,我曾想做的事是旅行,而且我断定最好的办法就是当一名空姐。_2.我知道我必须提高我的英语,所以我已经开始了在山顶语言学校的课程。_3. 或许当我毕业时,我会考虑当一名英语老师而不是导游。_4、让学生描写一下自己曾经经历的事情

7、。5、阅读:1、阅读完成下列翻译:- 1 -在东南亚:_ 度假的一个好地方:_一方面,另一方面:_ 四分之三的人口:_一个练习你英语的好地方:_ 国外: _做某事费劲:_ 醒来:_ 无论.还是:_ 在白天:_ 一个品尝新食品的好地方:_ 醒着的:_ 睡着的:_ 在一个自然环境里:_全年:_ 靠近赤道;_ 2、阅读文章回答下列问题:(1.) What four aspects(方面)of Singapore are mentioned in the article?(2) Where is Singapore? What languages do people speak in Singapor

8、e?(3).Can we find any Chinese food there ?What kinds of other new food can we find there?(4) Is the Night Safari special ? And why?(5)When can we go to Singapore? Why?3、完成课本的 75 页 3a、3c检测:1、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. Hainan is a w_ place to have fun. 2 .80% of the p_ of the country are farmers.3.It is n_ for

9、a bird to fly. 4. Its our duty to keep our e_ good .5. You dont look well. Youd better take your t_.6. The buses take d_ routes , but they all end up in the same place.7. I want to study in an English-speaking country ,and p_ my English.二、根据所给词的适当形式填空1.When I was 16 years old, I started_ (travel) al

10、l over the world.2.If I have enough time, I _ _ (visit) my uncle.- 1 -3. If its possible, I can think about _ (become) a policeman.4. His English _ (write) isnt good, so he needs to do much practice.5.He decides _ _ (join) an English club _ (improve) his speaking skills.3、单选( ) 1. Neither of the books _ written by that writer.A. is B. are C. have D. has( ) 2. Its such a long way. Lets _ a bus to get there.A. do B. make C. carry D. take( ) 3.I hear your father _to Japan.Yes. He _there last year.A. went; has been B. has been; went C. goes; went D. has gone; has been( ) 4. Her grandmother _


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