译林牛津八年级下8B Unit3(第1课时)练习

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1、8B Unit 3 Online Travel(Comic strips & Welcome to the Unit ). 翻译短语。1. 不 知 道 2. 看 上 去 像 3. 同 意 某 人 的 观 点 4. 遥 控 器 5. 打 开 电 视 6. 选 择 领 导 7. 举 行 一 场 写 作 比 赛 8. 搜 索 信 息 . 根据首字母完成句子。1. You can use the r_ control to turn on the air conditional.2. This program is boring. Can you change the c_ for me?3. Hav

2、e you ever heard about o_ travel?4. Can the computer do the word p_?5. My granny says the computer looks like a t_. 选择填空。( )1. The boat on the lake_ a duck.A. looks B. looks like C. looks after D. looks at( )2. Your radio is too noisy. Would you please_?A. turn it on B. turn on it C. turn it down D.

3、 turn off it( )3. -Mrs King, your necklace looks nice, is it new?- No. I _ it for 2 years.A. had B. have had C. bought D. have bought( )4. -Can you show me_ the computer? -Yes, of course.A. how to restart B. what to restart C. how can I restart D. why I can restart( )5. He doesnt think_rain this aft

4、ernoon.A. it wont rain B. its going toC. if its going to D. whether its goingIV. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 电脑现在已经被打开了。The computer_ _ _ now.2. 你会用电脑收发电子邮件吗?Can you use the computer _ _ and_ e-mails?3. -你经常用你的电脑做什么?-我经常用它来搜索信息。-_do you usually use your computer _?- I usually use it to_ _ _.4. 我的表弟最近对绘图和设计感兴趣。My

5、cousin has_ interested_ _and _recently.5. -他能读写电脑程序吗? -不能。-Can he_ and_ computer_?-No, he cant.V. 句型转换。1. Im afraid Ive no idea.Im afraid I _ _.2. Tom will say “Yes” to me.Tom will _ _me.3. The boy turns on the TV now.The TV _ _ _now.4. What do you use the computer for?What do you use the computer _

6、 _?5. I use the computer to search for information.The computer is _ _search for information.VI. 阅读理解。Do you want to say what you think in a letter to Jimmy Carter, President(总 统 ) of the United States? Youll get an answer from him- written in ink, not typedafter only a few days.Jimmy Carter gets ab

7、out 4,000 letters week. He answers every letter on special(特 别 的 ) White House paper. But he doesnt need a lot of time for it. In fact, he only gives 20 minutes a week to look at his private letters. He has the most modern computer in the world to help him. It costs $ 1,200,000.This computer has its

8、 own room on the first floor of the White House. It has a bank of electronic pens and they write like the president writes, in his favourite light blue ink. Each letter to the President gets a number according to the type of answer it needs. The pens then write the correct answer for it according to

9、 the number . Each letter takes less than a second to write. A White House official said “Its not important that the letters come from a computer. Each letter says what he wants to say.”下 列 句 子 对 还 是 错 ,请 用 T 或 F 填 入 括 号 内 。( )1. You have to wait a long time for an answer from Jimmy Carter.( )2. The

10、 President spends 20 minutes a week reading all his private letters.( )3. This special writing machine is very large.( )4. “A bank of electronic pens” here means “A special place with a lot of electronic pens in.”( )5. President Carter prefers to use light blue ink.( )6. The computer writes less than 60 letters a minute.



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