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1、口译笔记精选上册1. Due to the financial crises in Asia, the number of tourists coming and going between the Asian countries has dropped by a large margin since summer 1997. The growth speed of world tourism decreased from 5.5% in 1996 to 3.8%in 1997.由于金融危机的影响,亚洲各国之间出入境旅游人数从 1997 年夏季开始大幅度减少,世界旅游业的增长由 1996 年的

2、 5.5下降到 1997 年的 3.8。2. From January to August 1998, the number of tourists entering China totaled 41.3284million people/times or an increase of 12.22% over the figure for the corresponding period of last year. Foreign exchange earnings generated by tourism reached 8.198 billion us dollars or an incr

3、ease of 5.55% over the figure for the corresponding period of last year. The number of overseas tourists coming to China has kept growing, except from the other Asian countries, the number of whose tourists has shown a slight reduction.1998 年 18 月份,我国旅游入境人数达到 4132.84 万人次,比 1997 年同期增长 12.22,旅游收入达到 81

4、.198 亿美元,比 1997 年同期增长 5.55,国际客源市场中,除了亚洲市场有所下降,其他各大洲市场均有增长。3. 从 1978 年到 1996 年,旅游业所得外汇从 2.6 亿美元增加到 102 亿美元,也就是平均每年增长了 22From 1978 to 1996, foreign exchange earnings derived from tourism rose from us dollar$ 260 million to us$10.2 billion, an average annual growth of 22%.4. Tourism should help a count

5、ry keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also improve the well-being of local inhabitants.旅游业应该帮助一个国家保存他的那些吸引游客的风俗文化和美丽风景,同时旅游业也应该保证当地居民的幸福健康。5. 第一个生态公园 去年开放的,位于顺德的生态公园是广东省的一个新旅游景点。这个公园的建立,既符合生态规律,又展示了当地独特的生态农业。 耗资 3 亿元人民币建成的这个生态公园,占地面积 200 万平方米,是中国第一个以生态环境保护为中心的特色公园。它把当地

6、的自然环境与旅游度假,文化娱乐,生产以及环境保护相结合,目前已经开放的耗资 900 万的第一期工程。First Eco-parkThe Shunde Eco-park, opened at the end of last year, is a new tourist attraction in Guangdong province, built in line with ecological principles and displaying the local unique eco-agriculture. Built at a cost of 300 million yuan, the p

7、ark covers nearly 2 million square meters and is the countries first theme park that centers on ecological environmental protection. It integrates the local natural eco-environment with sightseeing, holidays, culture, entertainment, production and environmental protection. The part that has been ope

8、ned in the first phrase project built with an investment of 9 million yuan. 6. 由中国国家旅游局策划的“江南水乡游”,可以让旅客欣赏到中国东南部和长江三角洲的秀丽风光。这一线路从江苏省省府南京开始,最终到达浙江省绍兴市,全长 300 多公里。这条线路的各个旅游城市都相距很近,交通都很方便。“The Lower Yangtze river city tour” is an itinerary designed by the China National Tourism Administration; on this t

9、our travelers have the chance to appreciate the beauty of southeast China and the Yangtze Delta. The tour starts in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province, and ends in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province. Totaling 300km. Cities along this tour are very close to one another, so transportation is very convenien

10、t.7. 无锡以太湖胜景,鱼米之乡,经济发达,人文荟萃四大特点,名列全国 10个旅游重点城市之内。Wuxi is known for its attractive Taihu Lake, advanced economy, a fertile “ land of fish and rice”, and a galaxy of talents. It is one of the key tourist city in China.8. 云南市中国最大的少数民族聚集地,中国 56 个少数民族中,就有 52 个少数民族生活在云南。她被誉为少数民族风俗文化地起源地。Yunan has the larg

11、est number or ethnic groups-52 out 56 Chinese ethnic groups live in Yunnan. It is regard as the origin of ethnic folk art and literature. 9. at the mouth of Hudson river on the east coast of the united States is New York city, the countrys biggest city. It is also the oldest.纽约市位于美国东海岸哈德孙河河口,是美国最大的城

12、市,同时也是最古老的城市。10.Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United Sates with the depth of 1932 feet.火山湖是美国最深的湖泊,湖深 1932 英尺。11.据国家统计局的最新统计,2000 年夏粮比 1999 年减产 1100 万吨。The latest statistics from the State Statistics Bureau shows that summer grain output of 2000 will decrease by 11 million ton compared that

13、 of 1999.12.China has a pressing need to develop agriculture which use water efficiently in a bid to ensure security of food supplies and alleviate poverty in its vast arid areas, a senior Ministry of Agriculture official said.农业部一位高级官员说:为保证广大干旱地区的粮食供应和消除平穷,中国迫切需要发展有效利用水资源的农业。13.Analysts say that if

14、 China joins the World Trade Organization, the domestic fertilizer industry will suffer tough competition from foreign counterparts since the costs of their fertilizers are much lower than those in china。 分析家们认为,假如中国加入世贸, 国内化肥业将面临国外同行的激烈竞争,因为国外化肥成本要低的多。14.自从中国阿在 70 年代末, 80 年代初恢复了在国际体育组织的合法地位后,中国非常积极

15、地投身于各种竞赛,包括参加了国际足联组织地前五届世界杯锦标赛。但每一次都在分区预赛中就被淘汰,总是没有机会参加决赛。 Since the restoration of its rightful status in the international sports organizations in the late 70s and early 80s, China has take an active part in their competitions, including the last five Word Cup editions organized by FIFA. But on al

16、l occasions it was knocked out in the zonal preliminaries and failed to advance to the final stage.15.大概是二十多年前,中国体育界提出了很有感召力的口号“冲出亚洲,走向世界”Over the past two decades or so, the Chinese sports circles have raised the inspiration slogan” Rush out of Asia and march into the World”16.Professional American football in the United States is almost wholly played by the native American citizens, mostly very large and very strong, many of them black.从事美式足球的运动员几乎都是土生土长的美国人,他们通常身材高壮,多数为黑人。17


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