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1、Unit 4 Body language,熟记单词,1. (adj.) 较大的,主要的2. (vt.) 代表,象征3. (adj.) 好奇的,求知的4. (v.& n) 接近,靠近;接近,方法,途径5. (v.) 触摸,major,represent,curious,approach,touch,6. (vt.) 保护,保卫7. (v. & n) 表达,快车8. (v.) 避免,消除9. (vt.) 误会,误解10. (adj.) 相似的,类似的11. (n.) 一致,协议12. (n.) 姿态,手势,defend,express,avoid,misunderstand,similar,agr

2、eement,gesture,13. (n.& adj.) 成人,成年人;成人的,成熟的14. (v.) 惩罚,处罚15. (adj.) 地方的,当地的16. (adj.) 口语的17. (n.) 胸膛18. (adj.& n) 一般的;将军,adult,punish,local,spoken,chest,general,翻译词组,1很可能2站近,靠近 3一般来说 4面部表情5采取行动6舒适,自由自在7想要,打算,be likely to,(stand) close to,in general,facial expression,take action,at ease,intend to,8丢

3、脸9上上下下,来来回回10握手11直视某人12保卫以免受13背对,背弃,lose face,up and down,shake hands,look sb. in the eye,defend against,turn ones back to,14即使,尽管15乐意,愿意16把介绍给/引入,even if,be willing to,introduce.to/into.,背诵句型,1Not all cultures greet each other the same way.各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同例句仿写Not all people care about money.并不是

4、所有的人都在乎钱。,2.so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.我们能彼此理解,这真是件令人惊奇的事啊!例句仿写It is necessary that we master a foreign language.我们掌握一门外语是必要的。,1. represent vt.代表;描绘;表现;体现;象征(1)represent.as.把描绘成represent oneself as/to be自称是represent sth.to sb.向某人说明某事,向某人传达某事,(2)represent

5、ation n表现,描述,描绘,表现形式make representations to.与交涉;向提出抗议(3)representative n代表adj.典型的,有代表性的,represent,on behalf of,stand for(1)represent用来表示“代表某人/某个团体/政府等”,“某种标志代表什么”,“某物(书、雕塑等)表现的是什么”和“把某人/物描绘成什么”。(2)on behalf of只能用作状语,表示“代表/代替某人”。(3)stand for往往用来表示“(字母、数字、符号等)代表/象征什么”。,1完成句子(1)The competition attracte

6、d over 500 players _(代表8个不同的国家)(2)He _(声称自己是一位专家)(3)Let me try to _ (向你说明我的想法)in another way.,representing 8 different countries,represented himself as an expert,represent my ideas to you,(4)The King is _(是一个英雄) in the play.(5)We _(与学校进行了交涉),but without success.(6)_(我代表在座各位),I wish you a very happy

7、holiday.(7)What does “VIP” _ _(代表),represented as a hero,have made representations to the school,On behalf of everyone here,stand for,2. approach vt.& vi.建议;要求;接近;靠近 n接近;方法;途径(1)at the approach of.在快到的时候make an approach to.向提出建议(要求)(2)approach to接近,近似,约等于;(做某事)的方法(途径)approach sb.on sth.就某事与某人接洽(商量、交

8、涉)be approaching (to)(与)差不多,大致相等,2完成句子(1)The time for graduation _(即将来临)(2)_(冬天来临) brings cold weather.(3)_(学习外语最好的途径) is the study of the spoken language.,is approaching,The approach of winter,The best approach to learning a foreign language,3. major adj.较大的,主要的v主修和in连用 n主修课程majority n大多数in /at the

9、 majority占大多数by/with a majority以多数票,3完成句子(1)Diligence _(起主要作用) in our study.(2)My sister _(主修英语) at Shenzhen University.(3)In the nursing profession,women_(占大多数),plays a major part,majors in English,are in a majority,4. defend vt.保护;保卫(1)defend sb./sth.from/against sb./sth.保护某人(某物)免受伤害;保卫某人(某物)defen

10、d oneself against sth.为自己辩护(2)defence n保卫;保护;辩护;答辩,defend,guard,protect这三个词都含有“保护”之意。(1)defend指“保卫,防御”,应用范围很广,对象可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的。Troops have been sent to defend the borders.已派出部队去守卫边疆。,比较网站,(2)guard指“保卫,守卫”,指注意观察、戒备,以免受可能的攻击或伤害。The dog was guarding its owners luggage.狗守护着主人的行李。(3)protect指“保护”,以免遭受危险或伤

11、害等。They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.他们挤在一起,免受风吹。,4.完成句子(1)All our officers are trained to_(能够对付持刀袭击)(2)Its the glorious duty for every soldier to _(卫国抗敌)(3)The law allows people to _(对指控进行辩护),defend themselves against knife attacks,defend our country against enemies,defend t

12、hemselves against a charge,(5)He was sorry for not being able to _(保护妻子免受伤害),protect his wife from being harmed,5. similar adj.类似的,相近的(1)be similar to与相似的(2)like (unlike) prep.像(不像)alike adj.相似的(作表语)adv.相似地,5完成句子(1)We have _(相同的观点)(2)Boys wear fashionable clothes to attract girls._(同样地),some birds h

13、ave bright feathers.(3)Your skirt _(看上去和她的裙子类似),similar opinions,In a similar way,seems similar to hers,6. not.nor.既不也不(1)no.nor.不也不never.nor.不也不neither.nor.既不也不(2)neither或nor放在句首时要注意句子的倒装。,6完成句子(1)I never saw him again,_(也没有收到过他的来信)(2)He doesnt want to go there,_ (我也不想去)(3)_(无论你,无论我,无论哪个人) has seen it.(4)Im not going to work today and _(Susie也不去),


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