2017年八年级英语上册 unit 6 go with transportation lesson 34 flying donuts学案 (新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 34 Flying Donuts学 习目 标掌握新短语:presentation, invention, imagination, backpack教学重难点Stay up late, with的用法。学生自主学习 课堂同步导案【自主预习】英汉互译。1.穿上_2.give a presentation_3.熬夜_4.打开_5.饥饿_6.需要去做某事_7.会飞的面包圈_8.probably_【合作探究】难点讲解:1. Last night, Danny stayed up late to make his invention.昨晚丹尼熬夜去制作他的发明。stay up late 意

2、为“_”.= not go to bedDont wake him up, he stayed up late last night.(翻译)_不要熬夜太晚,否则明天你会疲惫。(翻译)_ The inventor invented two great inventions.这位发明家发明了两项伟大的发明。invent _词,意为“_” 。invention _词,意为“_” 。inventor _词,意为“_” 。 2. Who is the boy with yellow eyes?(翻译)_Eg.我经常和 Tom一起踢足球。_.我们用手写字。_ 区分三个句子中 with的意思:1._2._

3、3._区分 with/without: with_词, “_”.without_ 词“_”.他穿着外套出去了。 (翻译)_他没穿外套就出去了。 (翻译)_Teaching Steps Step 1 .Check the paper of the studentsStep 2 ListeningStep3 Reading Step4 Practicethe exercise.Step 5 Homework 3. The phone doesnt work. 这部电话不运转了。本句 work _词,意为”_” 。 work/job 意为“工作” 区分:work _名词= job_名词这台机器昨天不

4、运转了。(翻译)_- 【课堂检测】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _ too late last night. Now Im sleep.A. got up B. put up C. picked up D. stayed up 2. _Tons help. I finished it quickly.A. In B. With C. At D. After3.To be a writer ,you need a good_(imagine)4. It is one of the most important_(invent) of the world.5._(打开) the TV plea

5、se.【课后作业】Rewrite how Danny builds his invention and how it works.Last night, Danny 1._late to make his 2._. He took 3._. Then he made 4._. He 5. _and 6._ them. In the morning, on his way to school, he 7._. With the invention, you dont need an airplane to fly. First, you 8. _. Then you turn it on and

6、 9._. Donuts are used for 10. _.课后反思参考答案:【自主预习】1. put on 2. 做演示 3. stay up late 4. turn on 5. hungry 6. need to do sth. 7. flying donuts 8. 可能地【合作探究】1. 熬夜别吵醒他,他昨晚熬夜了。Dont stay up late, or you will be tired tomorrow. 动;发明名;发明(物)名; 发明家2. 那个有着黄眼睛的男孩是谁?I often play football with Tom.we write with hands.

7、 1. 有 2. 和一起 3. 用 介,有着; 介,没有He went out with wearing a coat.He went out without wearing a coat.3. 动,运转不可数;可数This machine didnt work yesterday.【课堂检测】1. D 2. B 3. imagination 4. inventions 5. Turn on 【课后作业】1. stayed up 2. transportation 3. an old backpack 4. two cardboard rockets5. painted 6. glued 7. bought ten donuts 8. put the Flying Donuts bag on your back9. jump into the air10. eating



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