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1、边界弹性与工作-家庭冲突、增益的关系:基于人-环境匹配的视角 马红宇 申传刚 杨璟 唐汉瑛 谢菊兰 青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室 华中师范大学心理学院暨湖北省人的发展与心理健康重点实验室 中国科学院心理研究所 中国科学院大学 摘 要: 本研究从人-环境匹配理论的视角探讨工作和家庭边界弹性能力和边界弹性意愿对个体工作-家庭冲突和工作-家庭增益的交互影响。通过问卷法共获得 494 份有效数据, 基于多项式回归分析和反应曲面分析的结果表明:工作弹性能力与工作弹性意愿的匹配对工作家庭冲突有显著的负向效应, 对工作家庭增益无显著影响;家庭弹性能力与家庭弹性意愿的匹配对家庭工作冲突、家庭工作增益有

2、显著的负向效应。关键词: 人-环境匹配; 边界弹性能力; 边界弹性意愿; 工作-家庭冲突; 工作家庭增益; 作者简介:马红宇;E-mail:作者简介:申传刚;E-mail:540收稿日期:2013-05-16基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目 (31200795) ;国家自然科学基金重大研究项目 (91324201) Boundary Flexibility and Work-family Conflict and Enrichment: from Person-environment Fit PerspectiveMA Hongyu SHEN Chuangang YANG Jing TANG H

3、anying XIE Julan Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behaivor (CCNU) , Ministry of Education; Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Abstract: Work and family are two important domains in an individuals life. How to balance work and family domains have become an increasin

4、gly compelling and pressing issue for both the organizational scholars interested in theoretical advances, and for human resources practitioners seeking to promote the employees daily life. Individuals negotiate the boundaries between work and family in their daily activities. There are differences

5、between the individuals preference and the resource that provided by the organization in boundary management of work and family domain. In our study, using a person-environment (PE) fit theoretical base, we explored how the interaction between an individuals boundary flexibility willingness and the

6、perceived flexibility ability of the domain boundary affects work-family conflict and work family enrichment. Specifically, we predict that the fit of domain boundary flexibility-ability and individuals domain boundary flexibility-willingness would be associated with lower work-family conflict and h

7、igher work-family enrichment. Data were collected from a sample of 494 fulltime married employees from different industries. The questionnaire for employee included work-family boundary flexibility scale, work-family conflict and work-family enrichment. Among the major measures, the 16-items boundar

8、y flexibility scale was adopted from Matthews and Barnes-Farrell (2010) , WFC was measured via 10 items that was adopted from Netemeyer and Boles (1996) , the eight item WFE scale was adopted from Wayne, Musisca and Fleeson (2004) . Results show that the Cronbachs alpha coefficients for the above me

9、asures range from 0.72 to 0.89. Polynomial regression and response surface methodology were utilized to examine the proposed hypotheses. In line with the predictions, results of polynomial regression and response surface methodology demonstrate that work-to-family conflict decreased as work flexibil

10、ity-ability (WFA) approached work flexibility-willingness (WFW) , and increased as WFA exceeded WFW, family-to-work conflict decreased as family flexibility-ability (FFA) approached family flexibility-willingness (FFW) , and increased as FFA surpassed FFW. The results also showed that the fit of WFA

11、 and WFW has no effect on work-to-family enrichment, and the fit of FFA and FFW has the significant effect on family-to-work enrichment, but it is opposite to the hypotheses. Specifically, family-to-work enrichment decreased as FFA approaching FFW, and increased as FFA exceeded FFW. The present stud

12、y extends to our understanding the mechanism of the process of the work-family conflict and work-family enrichment happens. Finally, the theoretical and managerial implications of the findings, limitations and future research directions were also discussed.Keyword: person-environment fit; boundary f

13、lexibility-ability, boundary flexibility-willingness; work-family conflict; work-family enrichment.; Received: 2013-05-161 问题提出工作和家庭是现今成年人生活中的两个重要组成部分, 工作角色和家庭角色是个体最主要的社会角色, 它们之间相互影响, 密不可分。目前关于工作和家庭角色之间关系的研究主要基于两种视角:一种是消极视角, 认为由于个体有限的时间、高水平的压力和竞争性的行为期望而引发角色之间的相互冲突, 即工作 -家庭冲突 (work-familyconflict, WF

14、C) (Eby, Casper, Lockwood, Bordeaux 另一种是积极视角, 认为个体可以从工作和家庭角色的投入中获得有意义的资源 (如自尊、经济收入等) , 继而提升个体在相对角色领域的表现, 即工作-家庭增益 (work-family enrichment, WFE) (Greenhaus &Powell, 2006) 。这两种不同的视角为个体处理工作和家庭之间的关系提供了新的思路, 即个体在履行工作和家庭角色时如何尽可能在减少角色间冲突的同时增加角色间的积极溢出。边界理论的提出为我们回答上述问题提供了可能。根据边界理论, 个体会围绕其所在的工作领域或家庭领域建立起不同的角色

15、边界, 个体每天投身于工作和家庭领域并进行着跨边界的角色转变活动 (Ashforth, Kreiner, & Fugate, 2000; Clark, 2000; Kreiner, 2006) 。不同的个体, 由于价值观、对工作和家庭所持有的分割-整合偏好不同, 在面对另一领域的角色需求时, 个体是否愿意进行相应角色转变的意愿程度有所不同, 这种是否愿意从一个角色向另外一个角色转变的程度称之为边界弹性意愿, 包括工作弹性意愿 (work flexibility-willingness, WFW) 和家庭弹性意愿 (family flexibility-willingness, FFW) (Ma

16、tthews Matthews, Bernes- Farrell, & Bulger, 2010) 。另一方面, 由于组织政策、家庭责任、管理者和家人支持等外部环境因素的影响, 环境对其进行角色转换所提供条件或资源也不相同 (Ashforth et al., 2000; Clark, 2000; Kossek, Lautsch, & Eaton, 2004) 。研究者将个体对其能否离开所在领域去满足另外一个领域需求的外部环境特征的认知性评估称之为边界弹性能力, 包含着工作弹性能力 (work flexibility-ability, WFA) 和家庭弹性能力 (family flexibility-ability, FFA) (Matthews Matthews et al., 2010) 。当个体身处一个领域, 而另一领域有需求需要其进行角色转变时, 除了会受到组织政策、家庭责任等环境因素的影响之外, 还会受到个人的角色转变意愿的影响。这提示我们,


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