1、工作幸福感对员工创新绩效的影响机制一个多层次被调节的中介模型 黄亮 彭璧玉 广东财经大学工商管理学院 华南师范大学经济与管理学院 摘 要: 本研究通过问卷调查我国企业 73 个工作团队的主管及其 355 个下属,从个体自我表征理论和情境力量理论相整合的视角,构建了一个多层次被调节的中介模型,以探讨员工的工作幸福感与创新绩效的关系。实证结果表明,组织自尊在工作幸福感和创新绩效之间起中介作用,但内部人身份感知在工作幸福感和创新绩效之间没有起中介作用;交易型领导对员工的组织自尊与创新绩效关系以及对员工的工作幸福感通过组织自尊影响创新绩效的间接效应均具有跨层次的负向调节作用,但它对员工的内部人身份感知
2、与创新绩效关系,以及对员工的工作幸福感通过内部人身份感知影响创新绩效的间接效应均没有显著的跨层次调节作用。这些结论对于我国企业提升员工创新绩效的管理实践具有重要启示。关键词: 工作幸福感; 创新绩效; 内部人身份感知; 组织自尊; 交易型领导; 作者简介:黄亮,广东财经大学工商管理学院副教授、管理学博士,研究方向为组织行为、人力资源管理;作者简介:彭璧玉(通讯作者),华南师范大学经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师、管理学博士,研究方向为组织生态学、人力资源管理基金:国家自然科学基金青年项目(71202100)Occupational Well-being and Employee Innovati
3、ve Job Performance: A Multilevel Moderated Mediation ModelHuang Liang Peng Biyu School of Business Administration, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics; School of Economics and Management,South China Normal University; Abstract: Employee innovative job performance has become one of the most
4、 important factors that inf luences enterprises competitive advantage and sustainable development. Therefore, the relevant issues of how to improve employee innovative job performance have been attached much importance to by scholars and practitioners in recent years. The relationship between occupa
5、tional well-being and employee innovative job performance is one of the hot topics among these issues. Contemporar y researches on this topic have been done mainly in western cultural context and they didnt reach clear consensus. Due to significant differences between eastern cultural context and th
6、e western one, the specific mechanism on this topic in Chinas context has been called in question but it has not been paid enough attention to by researchers. In order to explore it further, this article tries to build a multilevel moderated mediation model in order to analyze the relationship betwe
7、en occupational well-being and employee innovative job performance by integrating individual self-representation theory and situational strength theory in Chinas context. Drawing on the above two theories, we hypothesized the mediating role of organizational-based self-concept and the moderating eff
8、ect of transactional leadership between occupational well-being and innovative job performance. The empirical test of data from 73 work teams with 355 subordinates and their supervisors in multiple enterprises in China partly supported our hypotheses. It shows that organization-based self-esteem med
9、iated the relationship between occupational well-being and employee innovative job performance. It also indicates that transactional leadership negatively moderated the relationship between organization-based self-esteem and innovative job performance, and this type of leadership also negatively mod
10、erates the indirect effect of occupational well-being on innovative job performance through organization-based self-esteem. However, perceived insider status shows no signs of mediating the relationship between occupational well-being and employee innovative job performance. Transactional leadership
11、 does not moderate the relationship between perceived insider status and innovative job performance, and it has not effect in moderating the indirect effect of occupational well-being on innovative job performance mediated by perceived insider status either. These results inform the practical circle
12、s that cultivating employees occupational well-being, strengthening his or her organization-based self-esteem, and restraining leaders transactional leadership style in organizations should be effective ways of enhancing employee innovative job performance.Keyword: Occupational Well-being; Innovativ
13、e Job Performance; Perceived Insider Status; Organization-based Self-esteem; Transactional Leadership; 引言员工创新绩效是指员工在工作角色、工作群体或组织内有目的地产生、推销并实施新颖且有益于角色绩效、 工作群体或组织的想法的成果。1为了提升员工的创新绩效,企业组织必须理解影响员工创新绩效形成的个体因素和情境因素及其作用机制。2在众多影响员工创新绩效的个体因素中,工作幸福感是一个较为微妙的影响因素,快乐的员工是否会有更好的创新表现是一个争论较多的研究话题,因为既有相关研究表明,工作幸福感的提升
15、他们以“齐家、治国、平天下”作为角色责任和成就追求的自我概念,这种自我概念将促使中国人产生更多有益于他们所在群体的行为表现。7-9这说明, 基于群体的自我表征(S el f R e p r e s e n t a t i o n)过程是促进中国人的幸福感向他们有益于所在群体的行为表现转化的重要个体心理机制之一。 因此可以推断, 在我国企业中, 从个体自我表征的理论视角剖析基于组织的自我概念在员工的工作幸福感与创新绩效之间的传导作用,可能是进一步揭示员工的工作幸福感对创新绩效影响机制的理论突破口之一,但这一研究课题却尚未得到学术界的足够重视。 由于本土心理学的研究仅局限于社会心理层面,其理论观点
16、在解释我国企业员工创新绩效形成方面的适用性, 仍需要做进一步的理论论证和实证检验,这是本文研究的重点之一。研究指出,除了个体因素的影响以外,员工创新绩效的形成过程也受到组织情境因素的影响,领导风格是其中一种重要的组织情境因素。2在我国当前经济高速增长时期,企业间的竞争日趋激烈,越来越重视经济绩效的提升,以实现预期经济绩效为导向的交易型领导在我国企业中得到了普遍青睐和广泛运用。10两个元分析表明,交易型领导对追随者的动机、满意度和领导者的效能改善都具有较强的解释力。11随着员工创新对于企业获取和维持竞争优势的作用越来越重要,交易型领导对员工创新绩效影响的相关研究也逐渐受到了理论界的关注。这类研究一般将交易型领导视为影响员工创新绩效的一种个体层次前因变量,重视分析交易型领导影响员工创新绩效的直接作用或中介作用,12,13鲜有研究将交易型领导视为一种对员工创新绩效形成的心理过程起跨层次调节影响的群体层次组织情境因素,并探讨其作用机制,这不利于深化对交易型领导影响员工创新绩效形成的机理认识,因此学术界在