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1、细木工板blockboard暗马牙榫;全隐燕尾榫 sicret dovetail暗销;定位销 dowelpin; blind tenon; concealed tenon; hidden tenon凹刨 fluting plane凹槽 fillister; flute; groove; fluting 凹榫 bling mortise板条芯细木工板 laminboard板芯胶拼机;木条胶拼机 lumber core edger glue; lumber core composer半搭接 half-lap joint半鸠尾榫 half dovetail半陷鸠尾榫 half-blind dovet

2、ail边交叉搭接;边十字搭接 edge cross lap joint边斜接;侧边斜接 edge mitre joint ; edge rabbet joint表面处理及抛光 surface treatment and polishing 裁边后规格 trimmed side槽口接 fillistered joint插销榫 plug tenon齿室锯屑容量 gullet sawdust capacity雌雄榫接合;榫卯接 tenon and mortise joint 大芯板 lumber core单板封边;拼花巾机 oystering 单面木工刨床 single face woodworki

3、ng planer; thecknesser倒棱;削角 chamfer钉接 nailed joint端搭接 end lap joint端搭斜接 mitre with end-lap joint端接 end matching ; heading joint端铣 end milling 对缝指接;光面接 plain edge joint (plain joint)对接;平接 end-to-end joint横槽舌接 dado-and-lop joint横槽榫接 dado-and-tenon joint横凸榫;横舌榫 cross tongue 互搭鸠尾榫 lap dovetail 滑槽榫接 pull

4、ey mortise 加腋嵌接 haunch rabber joint 加腋榫 haunched tenon 夹紧装置 clamp 家具装配工具及部件 furnitrue fitting tools and accessories 径切面 radial plane radial saction 径向锯解 radial sawn radial sawing鸠尾槽 dowetailed housing joint 鸠尾搭接 dovetail lap joint 鸠尾单榫 single dovetail 鸠尾接合 dovetail joint 鸠尾套接 dovetailed housing join

5、t 开跨接 cogging caulking 开榫 tenoning;tenon making 开榫槽;护墙板 dado 开榫机 mortising machine;tenoner;tenon making machine 开榫锯;手锯 tenon saw 开腋榫 haunching 空芯细木工板 hollow-core board 扣接合;销口(接头)lock joint 宽脚榫;宽角短粗榫 stump tenon 立式开榫机 vertical spindle tenoner 螺旋榫钉 spiral dowel 木工车床 woodworking lathe 木工铣床 woodworking

6、milling machine 木工钻床 woodworking drilling machine 木块芯细木工板 blockboard 内装细木工制品 built-in joinery 腻子 wood putty 啮合榫接头 joggle joint 拼花边缘 parquet border 平面斜嵌接 plane scarf joint 平斜接 flat mitre joint 普通鸠尾榫 common dovetail 齐,胶,截联合加工法 edge,glue and rip (EGAR) process 启接口 cogged joint; grooved and tongued and

7、tongued joint 企口槽接 rabbet ana dado joint 嵌槽边接 rabbet edge joint 嵌槽斜接 mitre with ribbet joint 全鸠尾槽榫 full dovetail dado全隐鸠尾榫 blind dovetail三面刨床 three-side planning machine;three-side planer 舌搭接 tongued-lap joint; tongued approach grafting双头开榫机 double end-tenoner双凸榫 double tenoner榫槽 chase mortise榫槽接合 t

8、enon and slot mortise;tongue(d) and grove(d) joint榫齿 mortise chisel榫钉边接合 dowel edged joint榫接 mortise joint; joggle; rabbet榫孔;榫眼 mortise 榫卯接 mortise joint; joggle; rabbet榫舌;公榫 tongue榫头;榫口 rabbet榫销接合 tenon dowel joint榫腋脚 haunch锁紧圆榫 lock dowel锁斜接 lock mitre joint条板;小方材 batten条板芯细木工板 batten-board;lamin-

9、board; lumber core board透榫 hollowed out tenon; through tenon 铣槽 milled slot细木工 cabinet work细木工板芯板组装机 blokboard core composing machine 细木工胶 wood glue;joiners glue镶嵌细木工 wood-mosaic销钉接合 doweling joint楔钉榫接 cogged scarf joint楔角 face angle楔形榫 wheelwrights tenon斜齿 oblique tooth斜对接 bevelled halving斜角齿口接 rabbet-mitre joint斜接 hopper joint斜接(搭接)bevelled joint;oblique joint斜拼合 tongue mitre斜榫 bevelled tenon;oblique tenon雄榫 cog雄榫接合 cogged joint雄榫斜嵌接合 cogged-scarf joint羽状结合 feather joint 凿榫;开榫 mortising 止动臂 clamp arm指接 finger joint


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