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1、北京市区表层土壤稀土元素空间分布特征研究 刘轶轩 赵文吉 于雪 齐梦溪 孙春媛 首都师范大学资源环境与地理信息系统北京市重点实验室 城市环境过程与数字模拟国家重点实验室培育基地 摘 要: 土壤稀土元素作为反映土壤污染的指标之一, 识别其空间分布特征及来源对于客观评价城市表层土壤污染水平、制定治理方案具有重要意义。为研究北京市区表层土壤稀土元素的空间分布特征, 于 2014 年 3 月 15 日系统采集 46 个表层土样, 并用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定 10 种稀土元素 (La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Sm、Eu、Gd、Tb、Dy 和 Sc) 的含量。采用统计分析和地统计方法对北京市区表层土壤稀土元

2、素的变化趋势及空间分布进行研究, 并对表层土壤和大气降尘中稀土元素进行 Pearson 相关性分析, 结果表明, (1) 北京市区表层土壤呈轻稀土富集型, 稀土元素主要污染点位于海淀区周家巷桥和西直门外大街采样点, 表层土壤与大气降尘中的稀土元素相关系数介于0.8730.946 之间, 相关性显著。总体上, 北京市区表层土壤稀土元素污染较轻。(2) 各采样点 Ce 和 Eu 的变化范围分别为 0.850.98 和 0.630.82, 说明稀土元素 Ce 无显著异常, 稀土元素 Eu 负异常, 亏损较大。 (3) 大部分稀土元素 (La、Ce、Nd、Sm、Gd、Eu 和 Dy) 在东西方向和南北

3、方向均呈现先减少后增加的趋势, 最低值出现在东西方向和南北方向的中心位置。 (4) 富集因子表明北京市区表层土壤中各稀土元素受人为因素影响较小, 为弱污染。主成分分析结果表明, 煤炭燃烧和汽车尾气的排放, 煤炭燃烧、工业生产和农业化肥的使用可能分别是四环线内、外各稀土元素的主要人为来源。关键词: 土壤; 稀土元素; 趋势分析; 空间分布; 作者简介:刘轶轩 (1994 年生) , 女, 硕士研究生, 研究方向为 GIS 在环境中的应用。E-mail:作者简介:赵文吉, 男, 教授。E-mail:收稿日期:2017-08-19基金:国家青年科学基金项目 (411014404) The Space

4、 Distribution Characteristics Study of Rare Earth Elements in the Surface Soil of Urban Areas in BeijingLIU Yixuan ZHAO Wenji YU Xue QI Mengxi SUN Chunyuan Abstract: Rare earth elements, as a crucial indicator for soil pollution, play a significant roles for both evaluating the level of soil polluti

5、on objectively and developing controlling program to identify spatial distribution characteristics and provenances. In order to study spatial distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in the surface soil of urban areas in Beijing, forty-six surface soil samples were obtained by systematic

6、collection on March 15 th, 2014 and ten rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy and Sc) were measured by ICP-MS. Statistical analysis and Geostatistical methods were both used on variation trend and space distribution of those rare earth elements for the surface soil in Beijing, and

7、the correlation of rare earth elements in topsoil and atmospheric precipitation were analyzed. The results show that, (1) The surface soil of Beijing was enriched-type of light rare earth. The main pollution points of the rare earth elements were the sampling points of Zhoujiaxiang Bridge and Xizhim

8、en Street in Haidian district. The correlation coefficients of rare earth elements in topsoil and atmospheric precipitation ranged from 0.873 to 0.946, and the correlation was significant. In general, the pollution of rare earth elements in the surface soil was light in Beijing. (2) The variation ra

9、nge of delta Ce and delta Eu was 0.850.98 and 0.630.82 on sampling points, respectively. There were no significant differences in Ce in different sampling point. The rare earth element of Eu was negative anomaly, and was much lower than the standard value. (3) Most of the rare earth elements (La, Ce

10、, Nd, Sm, Gd, Eu and Dy) declined at first and then increased in east-west and north-south direction, the lowest contents of rare earth elements were located in the east-west and north-south center of the study area. (4) By enrichment factor method, we concluded that the surface soil was less pollut

11、ed and affected by human factors in urban areas of Beijing. The principal component analysis results indicated that coal combustion and the use of automobile exhaust emissions, coal combustion, industrial production and the agricultural fertilizer might be the main artificial sources on rare earth e

12、lements inside and outside the fourth ring line.Keyword: soil; rare earth element; trend analysis; space distribution; Received: 2017-08-19引用格式:刘轶轩, 赵文吉, 于雪, 齐梦溪, 孙春媛.2017.北京市区表层土壤稀土元素空间分布特征研究J.生态环境学报, 26 (10) :1736-1746.LIU Yixuan, ZHAO Wenji, YU Xue, QI Mengxi, SUN Chunyuan.2017.The space distribu

13、tion characteristics study of rare earth elements in the surface soil of urban areas in BeijingJ.Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 26 (10) :1736-1746.中国是世界上稀土元素储备量最大的国家 (Yang et al., 2009) , 中国土壤中稀土元素的含量整体呈由南到北和从东向西逐渐降低的趋势 (王瑞兵等, 2009) 。近年来, 随着环境问题日益突出, 稀土元素污染逐渐受到了关注。影响土壤中生物有效态稀土元素含量的因素可以分为内因和外因两方

14、面, 内因包括成土母质、土壤类型与土壤理化性质等, 外因则包含淋溶沉积作用和人类活动等 (朱维晃等, 2003) 。由于稀土元素常被用于渔业、农业和畜牧业 (Zhu et al., 1997) , 故人类活动现已成为影响稀土元素含量的主要原因。城市表层土壤是城市生态系统的重要组成部分 (孙春媛等, 2016) , 其污染将会对人类健康造成严重的危害。近年来, 由于化工厂、合金厂等大量应用需求, 稀有地球矿物被大量开采 (Zhang et al., 2014) , 农用稀土元素被大量使用, 随着水土流失的加剧, 环境中稀土元素污染也日益严重 (刘攀攀等, 2016) 。北方地区降雨量虽少, 但降

15、雨引起不同程度的地表径流会直接将土壤中的稀土元素带入水体之中, 对水资源造成不可忽视的污染。进入水体中的稀土元素通过食物链最终进入人体。目前虽然没有关于通过食物链发生人体中毒事件的报道, 但持续暴露于低水平稀土元素亦会对人体健康产生影响 (Chen, 2005) 。例如, 稀土元素 Gd、Yb 和 Sc 可以增加致癌的概率和引发呼吸道疾病 (Green et al., 2003) , 更严重的是, 稀土元素会在人体内多部位累积, 例如骨头、唾液、指甲、头发等 (Hbarth et al., 1993) , 具有肝毒性和神经毒性作用, 导致肺功能衰竭 (Kobayashi et al., 200

16、5) 。稀土元素在土壤中大量累积会影响土壤微生物的活动, 降低有机物分解速率 (Foti et al., 2017) , 对农田生态系统中的植物、动物和微生物具有潜在毒害作用 (金姝兰等, 2014) , 破坏生物地球化学循环, 进而影响生态系统结构和功能稳定 (Bth, 1989) 。目前, 国内外有关稀土元素的研究主要集中在矿区稀土元素的成分和分布, 而有关稀土元素造成环境污染的研究相对较少 (Wang et al., 2014) 。Meryem et al. (2016) 研究发现矿区农用土壤中稀土元素的分布与当地居民体内稀土元素的累积密切相关。Paye et al. (2016) 基于探索性数据分析和箱形图分析了巴西土壤中稀土元素的分布, 发现土壤中的稀土元素主要与铁、锰、钛氧化物以及有机质相关。土壤稀土元素污染是亟待解决的土壤污染问题之一, 而目前国内针对北京市土壤稀土元素空间分布的研究鲜见报道。解决土壤稀土元素污染的首要问题在于掌握土壤中各稀土元



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