文献检索ars poetica

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《文献检索ars poetica》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《文献检索ars poetica(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、12012 级美国文学课程作业文献资料检索Ars Poetica诗艺课程名称: 美国文学 任课教师: 许晓琴博士、教授 专 业: 英 语 班级: 2012 级英语本科 1 班 学号: 1428320005 姓名: 肖甜 检索日期: 2015.3.122015.4.23 2 Introduction to AuthorArchibald MacLeish (May 7, 1892 April 20, 1982) was an American poet, writer, and the Librarian of Congress. He is associated with the Modern

2、ist school of poetry. He received three Pulitzer Prizes for his work.Archibald MacLeish was born in Glencoe, Illinois in 1892. He attended Yale University and served in World War I. Later, he went to Harvard Law School and practiced law in Boston for a few years until he gave it up and moved to Pari

3、s with his wife and children to devote all his time to writing poetry. During the next four years he published four books of poetry, including The Happy Marriage and Other Poems (Houghton Mifflin, 1924) and The Pot of Earth (Houghton Mifflin, 1925). In 1928, MacLeish returned to America, where he be

4、gan research for his epic poem Conquistador by travelling the steps and mule-ride of Cortezs army through Mexico. MacLeish won the Pulitzer Prize for his efforts in 1932. MacLeish worked as an editor at Fortune magazine from 1930 to 1938 and he served as Librarian of Congress from 1929 to 1944. In 1

5、944, he was appointed assistant Secretary of State for cultural affairs. After World War II, MacLeish became the first American member of the governing body of UNESCO, and chaired the first UNESCO conference in Paris. In 1949, Archibald MacLeish retired from his political activism to become Harvards

6、 Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, a position he held until 1962. From 1963 to 1967, he was Simpson Lecturer at Amherst College. MacLeish continued to write poetry, criticism, and stage- and screenplays, to great acclaim. His Collected Poems, 1917-1952(Houghton Mifflin,1952), won him a sec

7、ond Pulitzer Prize, as well as the National Book Award and the Bollingen Prize. J.B.(Houghton Mifflin, 1958), a verse play based on the book of Job, earned him a third Pulitzer, this time for drama. And in 1965 he received an Academy Award for his work on the screenplay of The Eleanor Roosevelt Stor

8、y. Archibald MacLeish died in April 1982 in Boston, Massachusetts.Summary of Ars PoeticaArchibald MacLeish divides Ars Poetica into three eight-line sections, each explaining what a poem“should be.”3The first section compares a poem to familiar sights : a fruit, old medallions, the stone ledge of a

9、casement window, and a flight of birds.The second section compares a poem to the moon. If a poem has universality, it can move from one moment to the next, or from one age to another, while its relevance remains fixed(“motionless,” Line 9). Thus, like the moon traveling across the sky, a good poem s

10、eems to stand still at any given moment-as if it were meant for that moment. Its content remains fresh and alive to each reader down through the years, down through the centuries.The third section states that a poem should just “be”, like a painting on a wall or a sculpture or a pedestal. It is not

11、a disquisition or a puzzle, but a mood, a feeling, a sentimenta work of art. Translation of Ars PoeticaA poem should be palpable and muteAs a globed fruit, DumbAs old medallions to the thumb, Silent as the sleeve-worn stoneOf casement ledges where the moss has grown - A poem should be wordlessAs the

12、 flight of birds.* * *A poem should be motionless in timeAs the moon climbs,Leaving, as the moon releasesTwig by twig the night-entangled trees, Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves,4Memory by memory the mind - A poem should be motionless in timeAs the moon climbs.* * *A poem should be equa

13、l to:Not true. For all the history of griefAn empty doorway and a maple leaf. For loveThe leaning grasses and two lights above the sea - A poem should not meanBut be参考译文:诗艺诗歌应该是看得见,摸得着的如同一个圆球状的水果它暗哑无声就像用拇指抚摸旧奖章它静悄悄的像那被衣襟磨损窗台边长出了布满青苔的斑驳的石头诗歌应该是无声的如飞鸟滑过天际5诗歌应该在时光中静止像明月悄悄爬上枝头像明月一个枝桠一个枝桠地释放那被夜幕笼罩的树林像明月遗

14、忘残冬一片记忆一片记忆地从心头离去诗歌应该在时光中静止像明月悄悄爬上枝头诗歌应该等同于不真实的空荡的门廊,一枚枫叶足矣渲染充满哀伤的历史随风摇曳的青草,海上的两盏明灯足矣表示爱诗歌不应该只是表意而是本质 On the theme of Ars PoeticaArs Poetica is one of the most famous and most quoted poems of twentieth-century American literature, possibly because it addresses a subject that all poets and poetry tea

15、chers hold dear poetry itself. The title is Latin and can be translated as “The Art of Poetry.” In addition, the life of the poems author, Archibald MacLeish, 6showed the sort of commitment and received the sort of recognition that supporters of the art like to think of when examining the artist. I will analyze the theme of Ars Poetica from the following.1. Language and Meaning In Ars Poetica MacLeish suggests that readers should not analyze a poem to determine its meaning, because, ideally, a poem should not have hidden meanings beneath its surface. However, this suggestion introduc


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