【优品课件】How was your weekend提高作业

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《【优品课件】How was your weekend提高作业》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【优品课件】How was your weekend提高作业(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网 21 世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21 世纪教育网Unit 9How was your weekend?Practice 1作业导航1.掌握本单元的基础知识:学会规则动词和不规则动词在一般过去时中的用法。2.能够通过练习熟练掌握如何谈论过去的活动。.Find out the word which has the different sound from the others.从下列每四个划线部分中选出与其他三项发音不同的一项。1.A.cat B.back C.was D.had2.A.what B.got C.wa

2、nt D.sat3.A.beach B.meat C.dream D.great4.A.off B.of C.photo D.geography 5.A.looked B.watched C.played D.stopped.Vocabulary.词汇。A)Fill in each blank with a proper word.用适当的单词填空。6.Last Sunday,we went to the b_.Some students swam,others made sand castles.7.On Sunday,two kids visited friends and r_.8.Ye

3、sterday we had a math t_.I got full marks.9.How many days are there in a w_?Seven.10.His friend had a traffic a_ on his way home.B)Fill in each blank with the proper form of the words given.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.Merry _ me a kind of _ of sugar,milk and chocolate when I visited him.(mix) 12._ teacher boug

4、ht a lot of books for _.(they)13.A few doctors and nurses _ for saving SARS patients.Their _ are glorious (光荣的).(die)14._ the teachers,he wouldnt win the second place for English competition.(with)15.How _ the building is!Do you know what _ it is?(high).Form sentences. 组句。 (请注意大小写和标点符号)16.did,you,wh

5、at,do,over the weekend 本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网 21 世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21 世纪教育网17.for,in the morning,I,science,studied,the test18.finish,we,not,did,our homework19.your weekend,was,how20.you,did,the,talk show,interesting,see.Complete the dialogue with proper words.补全对话。A:You (21)_ tired.B:I a

6、m.I had a (22)_ busy weekend.A:Did you play (23)_ games?B:Yes,I (24)_.On Saturday morning,I (25)_ soccer on my computer.Then I watched a football match.A:Where did you (26)_ it?B:(27)_ TV.A:Great.And what did you do on Sunday night?B:I listened to the music (28)_ midnight.A:It sounds (29)_ fun.B:Yes

7、,but (30)_ of tired.Reading for fun. 课外阅读。Maybe the word “hello” is used more often than any other one in the English language.Everyone in the United States and other countries uses the word,again and again,everyday of the week.The American inventor Thomas Edison is believed to be the first person t

8、o use “hello” on the telephone soon after the invention of it.At first,people began their words on the telephone with “Are you there?” They were not sure the small machine could really carry voices.Edison was a man of few words.He wasted no time.The first time he picked up the telephone,he did not a

9、sk if anyone was there.He was sure someone was there and only said “hello”. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网 21 世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21 世纪教育网From then on, “hello” is often heard when you pick up the telephone.参考译文:在英语中可能单词“hello”比其他任何单词更频繁地被使用。在美国,在其他国家的人们每天都在一遍一遍地使用这个单词。美 国 发 明 家 托 马 斯 爱 迪 生 被 认 为 是

10、 在 电 话 发 明 后 不 久 第 一 个 通 过 电 话 使 用 “hello”的 人 。 起先,人们打电话先说“你在那儿吗”。他们不相信这个小小的仪器真的能够传送声音。 爱迪生是个沉默寡言的人,他从不浪费时间。他第一次拿起电话时,没有问是否那儿有人,他相信有人一定在那儿,于是只说了句“hello”。从那以后,当你打电话的时候“hello”就能经常听到了。参考答案.15 CDDBC.A)6.beach 7.relatives 8.test 9.week 10.accidentB)11.mixed,mixture12.Their,them13.died,deaths14.Without15.high,height.16.What did you do over the weekend?17.I studied for the science test in the morning.18.We did not finish our homework.19.How was your weekend?20.Did you see the interesting talk show?puter 24.did 25.played26.wacth 27.On 28.until29.like30.kind


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