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1、Thank sarrow for her convincing speech, BUT I still dont agree that its violence in mess media that lead to more gun shootings in the US. Its quite easy to understand my point. Have you seen the movie The Dark Knight Rises? If you havent, then you must have seen Django Unchained, because we watched

2、this movie in Alans class. There are so many violent, bloody, horrible scenes in this movie, I believe you still keep them in your mind, however, will you use a gun to shoot at me, or kill others if you have quarreled with them after seeing this kind of movie? Of course not! Violence in movies obvio

3、usly cannot go so far to trigger your murderous intention, even you have the intention, theres a more important thing, you dont have the gun.Lets move on. Id like to figure out several controversial points in oppositions speeches. First, Emily pointed out that children spent thousands of hours watch

4、ing TV, which largely increase the opportunity for children to imitate the violent ways in TV to solve the dispute. Yes, I agree that when we were young, we contributed almost all of our leisure time watching TV, and theres no denying the fact that I saw some violent scenes in TV. However, does it m

5、ean I will behave violently in some occasion in the future? I dont think so. Because in those violent programs, no matter what cruel things the criminal had done, the criminal would finally be arrested by polices, evildoer will ultimately be put into prisons, even be sentenced to death. Therefore, e

6、ven I had been inspired by violent things in TV, I didnt dare to hurt others, to kill others, because I dont want to be imprisoned. In this way, violence in TV doesnt lead to childrens violent behave, instead, this kind of program warns children that bad guys will never have a bright future, and the

7、refore reduce the gun shootings in society.Second, you have referred that parents wont teach children to shoot at others, and children dont have many opportunities to learn violence, so those children who shoot at others must learn these things from movies, TV programs, games and so on. But does the

8、 government want to do this job? The nation deliberately teaches its citizens to do these kinds of violent things? Obviously its impossible. Instead, the upbringing influences the children a lot, that is to say, some parents undersigned behaviors, such as drinking to excess, quarrel, or domestic vio

9、lence have a great impact on their children. Its very difficult for parents to give up all of these bad habits, however, these bad habits have vital influence on children. None of us can ensure that one day in the future, we wont use the ways that our parents had used to treat our own children. We c

10、ant ignore the parents influence. Furthermore, there is an experiment, and the research finding shows that those children who was cultivated by the parents who are addicted to alcohol, always quarrel, or who have some violent behaviors, although the parents didnt intend to teach these to their child

11、ren, when the children grow up, he or she is 2 to 4 times likely to attack others, while those who grow up in a harmonious family, the possibility for them to do violent things, such as shooting at others is much smaller. Emily had emphasized that violence in TV indeed influence children. Yes, I adm

12、it. But, “influence” isnt equal to “lead to”. For instance, here is a handsome man. Someone tells you, this man has a good personality, hes kind, hes helpful, and bla bla., then you marry him. Is this possible? No, the story must be, one day, you go out for a date with this handsome man, and gradual

13、ly you fall in love with him. Because you find hes very nice and considerate, you two have many things in common, and most importantly, he loves the song that you like best. Then you marry him. This is the reasonable one. We cant deny that others words influence us, but others words will never be th

14、e decisive factor to our final decision. Similarly, violent TV programs influence isnt the key which leads to the violence like gun shooting, there are other more important factors that lead to the gun shooting.What we should know is that, those TV programs, movies and computer games, which have a l

15、ot of violence in them, does not only exist in the US, and people in the US dont advocate a culture of violence. Instead, there is strict censorship on press in the US, in other words, in the US, in accordance with the law, some programs are only available to adults, while under-age children are not

16、 allowed to see them. However, why are there still so many horrible gun shootings in the US?There are at least 5 reasons, in which, We think, the gun laws in the US is the most important cause. Lydia had mentioned it before, its very easy for people in the US to get a gun. Although the US Congress has put forward the law to prohibit students bringing guns into campus, the number of students who bring guns into school is still very large, which threaten o


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