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1、饮品: 饮料 beverages/quencher红茶 black tea锡兰上等红茶 Pekoe新茶 sincha茉莉花茶 jasmine tea龙井 dragons well/Lungching乌龙 Oulung铁观音 Tieh-Kuan-Yin云雾茶 cloud mist功夫茶 gongou袋泡茶 teabag柠檬水 lemonade姜汁 ginger ale酸奶 yoghurt全脂 full cream脱脂 skimmed不含咖啡因 decaffeinated咖啡伴侣 coffee mate方糖 cube sugar速溶咖啡 instant coffee七喜 Seven-up养乐多 C

2、hlorella Yakult苏打水 soda麦酒 ale补酒 tonic生啤 draft beer黑啤 stout宾治 punch酸梅汤 plum juice樱桃酒 kirsch 雪利酒 sherry奶粉 powered milk干邑 cognac香槟 champagne金酒 ginRecommend the dishes 推荐菜式 1. We are still looking at the menu. Maybe you could recommend something? 我们正在看菜单,也许您能给我们推荐点什么? 2. The T-bone steak is very good. I

3、 would suggest that you try that. 带骨牛排很好吃。我建议您点这个菜。 3We make some pretty good Crispy Barbecued Duck 我们的脆皮鸭不错。 4We have fresh butterfish from market, would you like to have a try? 我们有新鲜的平鱼,想尝尝吗? 5Which soup do you want? We have Eggdrop Soup with Sliced Tomatoes, Famous Hot & Sour Soup. 您来点什么汤?我们有番茄蛋花

4、汤,酸辣汤。 6. We have Cantonese dish and Sichuan dish. Which would you prefer? 我们有广东菜和四川菜,您喜欢哪一种? 7. I think our fish will be to your taste. There are three different flavors available. Please try it. 我想我们的鱼排会适合您的口味。有三种不同风味的鱼排。请您尝试一下。 8. It is Duanwu Festival today, would you like some Zongzi? 今天是端午节,来点

5、粽子吗? 9Its most economical for a conference banquet. 这是举办会议宴会最经济的。 10. “Small potato” is very famous here, would you like some? 咱们这儿的小土豆特别著名,来点小土豆吧。 中餐常见的烹调方法 中菜的烹调方法至少有 50 多种,但大体不离:煮 (boiling), 煲/炖 (stewing),烧/ 焖/烩(braising), 煎(frying),炒(stir-frying),爆(quick-frying),炸(deep-frying),扒(frying and simme

6、ring), 煸(sauteing),煨 (simmering), 熏(smoking),烤(roasting/barbecuing), 烘(baking), 蒸(steaming), 白灼(scalding) 。煮 boiled, “煮咸牛肉” (Boiled Corned Beef) 煲/炖 stewed. 如“清炖牛尾” (Stewed Ox Tail in Clear Soup) 烧 braised. 如“红烧牛蹄” (Braised Ox Trotters in Brown Sauce) 煎(pan- )fried. 如 “煎明虾” (Fried Prawns) 炒 stir-fri

7、ed 如“炒鸡丁” (Stir-Fried Chicken Dices)爆 quick-fried. 如“葱爆羊肉 ” (Quick-fried lamb with Scallion in Ginger Sauce)炸 deep-fried. 如 “炸大虾” (Deep-fried prawns)扒 fried and simmered. 如“虾子扒海参” (Fried and Simmered Sea Cucumber with Shrimps Roe) 煸 sauted . 如 “干煸鳝鱼” (Sauted Eel Slices) 煨 simmered. 如“煨牛肉” (Simmered

8、Beef)焖 braised 如 “黄酒焖猪排” (Braised pork chops in rice wine) 烩 braised 如 “烩鸡丝” (Braised chicken shreds with peas) 熏 smoked 如 “熏鱼” (Smoked Fish) 烘 baked 如 “烘鸽” (Baked Pigeon ) 蒸 steamed 如 “蒸鲜鱼” (Steamed Fresh Fish)酱/醋 marinated 如 “酱鸡” (Marinated Chicken) 卤 spicy; stewed in gravy 如“卤鸭” (Spicy Duck) 涮 in

9、stant-boiled 如 “涮羊肉 ” (Instant-Boiled Mutton Slices) 酿 stuffed 如“酿青椒” (Stuffed Green Pepper) 烤 roast; barbecued 如“烤鹅” (Roast Goose ) 清蒸 steamed (in clear soup) 如 “清蒸桂鱼” (Steamed Mandarin Fish) 清炖 stewed in clear soup 如 “清炖甲鱼” (Stewed Turtle in Clear Soup) 白灼/微煮 scalded 如“白灼海虾 ”(Scalded Prawns) 红烧 br

10、aised in brown sauce 如 “红烧蹄筋” (Braised Pork Tendon in Brown Sauce ) 干烧 in pepper sauce 如“干烧干贝” (Scallop in Pepper Sauce) 麻辣 with hot pepper 如 “麻辣豆腐” (Bean Curd with Hot Pepper / Spice Bean Curd) 酱爆 in bean sauce 如“酱爆肉丁” (Diced Pork in Bean Sauce) 鱼香 in (spicy) garlic sauce 如“鱼香肉丝” (Shredded Pork in

11、Garlic Sauce ) 糖醋 with sweet and sour sauce 如“糖醋排骨” (Spareribs with Sweet and Sour Sauce) 宫保 with chili and peanuts 如 “宫保鸡丁” (Diced Chicken with Chili and Peanuts)脆皮 crisp (in spicy sauce) 如 “脆皮鱼” (Crisp Fish) 香酥 crisp fried 如“香酥鸡” (Crisp Fried Chicken) 焦熘 fried in sauce 如“焦熘鱼片” (Fried Fish Slices i

12、n Sauce) 甜酸 sweet and sour 如“甜酸肉” (Sweet & Sour Pork) 胡辣 with pepper and chili 如“胡辣海参” (Sea Slug with Pepper and Chili) 油淋 drip-fried with oil 如 “油淋兔” (Drip-Fried Rabbit with oil) 干煸 dry-sauteed 如“干煸季豆” (Dry-sauteed String Beans) 盐水 boiled in salt water 如“盐水虾” (Boiled Shrimps in Salt Water) 家常 home

13、style 如“家常豆腐” (Bean Curd Home Style) 陈皮 with spicy orange peel 如 “陈皮鸡” (Chicken in Spicy Orange Peel) 回锅 double-sauteed 如“回锅肉 ” (Double-sauteed Pork Slices) 五香 spiced 如“五香牛肉” (Spiced Beef) 干炸 dry deep-fried 如“干炸羊肉 ”(Dry Deep-fried Lamb Breast)软炸 soft deep-fried 如 “软炸里脊” (Soft-fried Pork Fillet) 酥炸 c

14、risp deep-fried 如“酥炸羊脯” (Crisp Fried Lamb Breast) 串烤 skewered 如“串烤羊肉青椒” (Skewered Mutton with Green Pepper)铁扒 grilled 如“铁扒乳鸽” (Grilled Baby Pigeon ) 烧烤 roast 如“烤乳猪” (Roast Suckling Pig) 砂锅 in casserole 如“砂锅鱼翅 ” (Sharks Fin in Casserole) 锅巴 with sizzling /crispy rice crust 如“锅巴海参” (Sea Slug with Sizz

15、ling / Crispy Rice Crust) 芙蓉 with eggwhite 如“芙蓉海参” (Sea Cucumbers with Eggwhite) 麻酱 with sesame paste 如“麻酱海参” (Beche-de-mer with Sesame Paste ) 三鲜 with two other delicacies 如“三鲜海参” (Sea Cuucumbers with Other Two Delicacies) 醋溜 in distilled grains sauce 如“醋溜鸡片” (Sliced Chicken in Didtilled Grains Sau

16、ce) 凉拌 in soy sauce 如“凉拌海蛰” (Jellyfish in Soy Sauce) 酸辣 hot and sour 如“酸辣黄瓜” (Hot and Sour Cucumber) 姜汁 in ginger sauce 如“姜汁扁豆” (Snap Beans in Ginger Sauce) 蚝油 in oyster sauce 如“蚝油香菇” ( Mushrooms in Oyster Sauce)蒜泥 with mashed garlic 如“蒜泥胡豆” (Broad Beans with Mashed Garlic) 什锦 mixed; assorted 如“什锦丝冬粉” (Assorted Shreds with Vermicelli) 茄汁 in tomat


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