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1、I摘 要哈龙灭火剂在灭火、防爆和抑爆方面具有优越的性能,曾得到广泛的应用。但它属于溴氟烷烃类物质,对大气臭氧层有巨大的破坏作用,因而消耗自氧物质的蒙特利尔协议中规定哈龙灭火剂为限制使用物质,要求予以取代。目前,寻找有效的替代技术已成为世界各国研究的焦点。细水雾灭火系统对环境影响小、灭火迅速、耗水量低、破坏性小,可在燃气轮机或蒸汽机、电话中心局、计算机或电子设备机房和易燃液体库等场合,非常成功地替代一般的消防措施,开发、应用前景广阔,已成为国际上公认的哈龙灭火系统的主流替代技术之一。本课题对于手提式细水雾灭火器的研究与设计可以推动细水雾灭火技术的发展,对逐步取代目前应用普遍的二氧化碳手提式灭火器

2、具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对双流式细水雾灭火器以及活塞式、直接加压式和皮囊式单流细水雾灭火器四种结构方案的分析比较,选定了皮囊式结构作为罐体内部的结构。在进行市场调研的基础上,对市场上现有的手提式细水雾灭火器成品进行了灭火实验,结果表明:现有产品存在雾径太粗、质量过大的缺点。针对这些缺点,本文进行了全面的优化设计,选择了性能优越的离心式高压水雾喷嘴,从而实现了压力高、重量轻和雾径细的技术要求。本课题对所设计的手提式细水雾灭火器进行了工程图绘制,可直接运用于试制手提式高压细水雾灭火器初样机。关键词:高压细水雾,手提式灭火器,罐体结构,性能要求IIAbstractHalon has been w

3、idely applied with superior performance in fire, explosion-proof and explosion-suppression. However, to be halogenated hydrocarbon, it has adverse effect on the ozone layer. Thus,“Montreal Protocol about material of oxygen consumption ” provided halon for using restrictedly, and required to be repla

4、ced. At present, it has brought the development of effective alternative fire-fighting technologies into focus at most countries worldwide. In view of its significant advantages including environment-friendly, Rapid fire suppression, low consumption of water, small devastating, etc., and that it can

5、 take the place of general fire safety measures successfully on many occasions such as gas turbine or steam engine, telephone central office, computer or electronic equipment room, and flammable liquids library,etc., water mist fire extinguishing system has been recognized as the most potential subs

6、titude of halon fire-fighting system. Research and design on water mist portable extinguisher in this dissertation will promote the development of water mist fire extinguishing technology, in addition, it has great significance for replacing carbon dioxide portable extinguisher which is very common

7、application for the moment progressively.By means of the analysis and the comparison of four water mist fire extinguishers structure, double-flow structure as well as piston-type, pressure directly and bladder-type single flow structure, the bladder structure was selected as the internal structure o

8、f the tank. Based on market research, an experiment has been undertaken on existing water mist portable fire extinguisher at the market. The results suggest that: existing finished products have shortcomings of too thick spray droplet size and too heavy. In accordance with these defects, this paper

9、conducted a comprehensive optimization of the design, selected the superior centrifugal high-pressure spray nozzle, thereby achieved the technical requirements of high pressure, light weight and small spray droplet size.This subject made engineering drawings of designed water mist portable fire exti

10、nguisher, in order to be used derectly for trial-manufacture of prototype.IIIKeywords:High-pressure water mist, portable extinguisher, construction of tank, performance requirementsIV目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II1 选题背景.11.1 课题来源、目的、意义 11.2 主要问题和技术要求 21.3 细水雾灭火技术简介 21.4 国外基本研究发展概况 41.5 国内基本研究发展概况 72 方案论证.93 设计过程论述.113.1 确定罐内水和气体体积 113.2 确定罐体的直径 d 和高 h123.3 选择罐体材料 133.4 确定罐体壁厚 t133.5 确定开关阀结构与弹簧尺寸 173.6 确定充气阀结构与弹簧尺寸 194 结果分析.234.1 粗算灭火器质量 234.2 验算灭火时间 245 总结与展望.



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