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1、1What is intelligence (智力 ) anyway? When I was in the army I 36 an intelligence test thatall soldiers took, and, against 37 of 100, scored 160.I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not 38 have scored more than 80. 39 , when anything went wrong with my car I hurried t

2、o him - and he always 40 it.Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man 41 questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them I d prove myself a 42 . In a world where I have to work with my 43 , I d do poorly.Consider my auto-repair man 44 . He had a habit of telling 45 . One time he said,Doc, a

3、 deaf-and-dumb (聋哑) man 46 some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made 47 movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He 48 his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk 49 him some nails. He picked out the right si

4、ze and left. Well, Doc, the 50 man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors (剪刀). 51 do you suppose he asked for them? I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, Why, you fool, he used his 52 and asked for them. I ve been 53 that

5、on all my customers today, but I knew 54 Id catch you. Why is that?” I asked. Because you are so goddamned educated, Doc. I knew you couldnt be very 55 .And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.36. A. failed B. wrote C. received D. chose37. A. an average B. a total C. an exam D.a number38

6、. A. always B. possibly C. certainly D. frequently39. A. Then B. Thus C. Therefore D. Yet40. A. fixed B. checked C. drove D. changed:41. A. answered B. practised C. designed D. tried42. A. teacher B. doctor C. winner D. fool43. A. brains B. effort C. hands D. attention44. A. again B. as usual C. too

7、 D. as well45. A. lies B. jokes C. news D. tales46. A. bought B. tested C. found D. needed47. A. cutting B. hammering C. waving D. circling48. A. nodded B. raised C. shook D. turned49. A. brought B. packed C. sent D. sold50. A. clever B. other C. right D. next51. A. What B. How C. Who D. Which52. A.

8、 imagination B. hand C. voice D. information253. A. trying B. proving C. practising D. examining54. A. for sure B. at once C. in fact D. right now55. A. clear B. silly C. slow D. smart该篇文章是一个说明文。讲述到底什么是智力,智力测验能检测出一个人的智力么?从作者所讲述的故事中我们可以得出一个结论。根据这个思路我们来分析该篇文章的结构和上下文的联系。 36. 答案 C。动词判断。易错选 failed;因为在整篇文

9、章没有任何信息提到作者的智商低,以至于在智力测试中不及格。只是提到曾得到过一分智力测试题。 37. 答案 A。这份智力测试题的总分不是一百分而是一百六十分。因此只有 a total of 了。 38. 答案 B。第二段讲道他有一个修汽车的朋友,如果做这个智力题很不可能超过 80 分,可见他的智力之低,然而当他遇到出毛病的汽车时却能很快地修好它。从此段反衬 36 小题的选项只能是 C。同时根据逻辑此题只能选 possibly. 39. 答案 D。yet 在此表示表示转折。是整段行文逻辑畅通。 40. 答案 A。作为汽车修理工,马上判断出问题并立即修好这就是本事。故在所给的 4 个动词中选 fix

10、ed 应该没有疑问。 41. 答案 C。第三段要注意分析句子结构了。如果汽车修理工来答智力题,后面证明我是个白痴就逻辑不通了,故通过分析此空只能选 designed(设计)了。42. 答案 D。为什么选 fool,上面已经讲到了。 43. 答案 C。此题考察了名词用法辨异。brain 不能用复数;BD 逻辑不通。 44. 答案 A。再一次拿汽车修理工举例。当然得用 again 哟。 45. 答案 B。tell lies , tell jokes 从语法的角度都成立。但在本文中,没有任何句子说明修理工喜欢撒谎,故排除 tell lies, 就只有 tell jokes 适合了。看完全文也就应证了

11、这一点的。 46. 答案 D。只有需要才去商店买。 47. 答案 B。hammer 既是名词 榔头。又是动词 用榔头敲。作出用榔头敲的动作,hammering 就顺理成章的。 48. 答案 C。店员拿错了东西,聋哑人只能摇头的。选 shook 不商量。 49. 答案 A。店员明白了聋哑人的意思,拿来了几种不同种类的钉子,让他挑选。动词用 bring,如果用 sell 后面的挑选就不成立。 50. 答案 D。第二个人进来买剪刀。此题易错选 other 前面没有提到只有两个人,再者如果两个中的另一个也只能用 the other 而不是 the other man。 51. 答案 B。特殊疑问句中缺

12、表示方式的副词。故选 how。 52. 答案 C。前一个人是聋哑人买东西,不能言语只能打手势;第二个是盲人买东西,看不见但能说话呀!他只能用语言表达他要买什么东西。故选 voice。 53. 答案 A。汽车修理工利用人们的定势思维拿人们开涮。今天屡试不爽!故用 trying 构成完成进行时态。 54. 答案 A。for sure 肯定。表示汽车修理工的自信。 55. 答案 D。注意词句的否定词 not,注意这是解此题的关键,句意是我早就知道你不可能很聪明。当然罗答案就只有 smart 了。I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last

13、 week. It was one of the most 336 and tiring games Ive ever had. When Ed first phoned and 37 we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an 38 victory. After all, Eds idea of 39 has always been nothing more 40 than lifting a fork to his mouth. 41 I can remember, Eds been the least physically fit member

14、in the family. and 42 proud of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often 43 about that. Id refused to buy a 44 T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed 45 for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly 46 . I was so surprised that I was 47 . My cousin must ha


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