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1、剑桥商务英语中级词汇精选常用词汇句型运用A1. absenteeism n.(经常性)旷工、旷职;缺勤As a manager, we have to punish those absenteeism behaviors.2.access n.接近(或进入)的机会,享用权;市场销路;进入市场v.使用;获取,使用科技手段取得We must master the access to market.3.accumulate v.积累,累积We couldnt ignore accumulating our experience.4.adjust v.调节,修改,核算(盈亏) ,精算We have t

2、o adjust ourselves to adapt to the new working environments.5.adopt v.采纳,批准Adopting different kinds of opinions of our staffs would improve our working efficiency.6.afford v.买得起,承受得住;承担费用Selecting an appropriate accommodation, the most important factor is the affording power from our corporation.7.a

3、llocate v.分配,配给We have allocated the mission equally among all members of the department.8.agenda n.议事日程Because of the emergency, we have got to place the language training courses on the agenda.9.allowance n.不用付税的津贴,补贴;折扣,折价We should provide allowance to those retired staff.10.ambition n.强烈的欲望,进取心,

4、雄心When recruiting a staff, the most important qualities we pay more attention is his ambitions.11.anticipate v.预订,占先,抢先;预支,提前使用,期待Before the meeting, we have to anticipate all needs.12.appeal n.吸引力We can design some attractive brochures to make an appeal to our customers.13.awareness n.意识,认识程度The mo

5、st fundamental factor is to have the awareness of team work.B1.balance n.收支差额,余额; v.使均衡Our company has to keep the balance between the cost and expense.2.bargain v.谈判,讨价还价;n.契约,合同;便宜货We have set up a bargain with foreign company.3.board n.董事会,膳食Through the discussion of board, we pass a new contract

6、.4.bonus n.奖金,花红,工作津贴;红利All staffs will receive the annual bonus tomorrow.5.boost v.推动,促进,宣扬Boosting the power of advertisement is a nice way to expand the market.6.brand,名牌I would choose the brand name because of their high qualities and great after sales services.7.brief adj.简洁的,扼要的 n.摘要To be

7、 brief, we couldnt accept these cruel employees.8.brochure n.小册子Handing out the advertising brochures will attract more customers.9.budget n.预算,预算案;预算拨款,专款;拨款,为节省金钱Before the manufacturing, we have to discuss the budget.C1.campaign n.活动,运动;战役What preparation we need to do before an advertisement cam

8、paign?2.cancel v.取消,注销,撤销;废除Due to the absence of the chief executive , we have got to cancel the financial meeting in this afternoon.3.candidate n.求职者,候选人,申请人What do you think the most important qualities of the candidates should have?4.capture v.获得,赢得This advertisement captured the attraction of r

9、eaders.5.catastrophe n.大灾难,大祸This is the most scared catastrophe that our corporation have gotten through.6.certificate n.证书,证明书After having the courses, you would get a certificate.7.chain n.连锁店,一系列We have to consolidate our home n.渠道Developing the new sales channel is vital.9.clie

10、nt n.顾客We have to take some measures to attract our regular ponent n.机器元件、组件、部件;部分Each of the components is useful in some degree.11.conflict n.冲突,争论,矛盾Solving the conflict between the employers and employees decides the work efficiency in the company directly.12.consolidate v.巩固,加强;账目合并;统一We are de

11、ciding to consolidate all of our foreign companies.13.consultant n.咨询人员,顾问We have employed several financial consultants to ask for help.14.consumer n.消费者Manufacturing new products is decided to the attitudes of consumers.15.contract n.合同, 契约 v.订约,承包We have to draw up a contract with the operating c

12、orporation.16.crisis n.危机,转折点Facing to the worldwide financial crisis, we have to calm down and analyze the advantages and disadvantages.17.critical adj.关键的Having enough funds is the critical factor of the plan.18.current n.潮流,趋势The worldwide economic is the current that we couldnt hide it.D1.defect

13、 n.过失,缺点;v. 变节,背叛Analyzing their own defect is essential to a responsible n.递送,交货If we remove to a new city which always has traffic jam, we wouldnt delivery the products to our clients in time, which may lead to the decrease of our regular clients.3.demand n.要求,需求 v.要求,查询Knowing th

14、e demanding of our clients is essential.4.differentation n.区别We have to pay more attention on the differentiation of labor (劳动力分工)to promote the v.管理,指导,注意力指向; adj.直接的,直率的,直系的The high level management should spare no efforts to direct the departments produce

15、n.折扣,贴现 v.打折,贴现Discount is a sales strategy to attract more clients.7.dismiss v.开除,解雇We will dismiss the employees who disobey the rules in our company.8.diversify v.使不同,使变化,使多样化A factory must try to diversify for further development.9.division n.部门Different divisions work different missions.E1.enga

16、ge v.雇用,预定,使从事于;允诺,保证We engaged him as a technical consultant.2.eventual adj.最后的Eventual working also couldnt be neglected.3.exceed v.超越,超过The income of this month exceeded the average data of last years.4.exhibit v.展示 n.展品Our new products in this month will be exhibited tomorrow.5.expense n.费用,开支,损失Trying our best to save the expense in our company is a good way to create the bigger financial effectiveness.6.expertise n.专长,专门知识与技能We wouldnt engage the emplo



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