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1、1千百年来,人类传递的梦想从未间断。古老的奥林匹斯圣火,传递着人类更快、更高、更强的奥运精神,悠远的丝绸之路传递着中西文明的交融。今天,中远物流与您同行,用更丰富的方式传递梦想,传递价值。物畅其流,传递文明。传递以领先同行的姿态,中远物流传递全球客户期待,依托中远集团的品牌优势和中国远洋的资本优势,定位于整合的物流运营商。以作最强的物流运营商、最好的船务代理人为目标,中远物流成就了一大批国内外知名物流项目,不断刷新一个又一个历史记录,成为领军中国国际市场的三方物流企业。中远物流网络遍及国内外,目前,在中国设立了400 多个分支机构,在海外设立了 17 家业务网点,与 40 多家海外国际物流公司

2、,签订了长期合作协议,形成了遍及中国辐射全球的物流、船代和货代服务网络性。中远物流业务资源强大,拥有的供职 4000 于辆各类运输车辆,大件运输车辆 400 多种现 10000 多在线职工,在中国运营 300 多个分拨中心,危险品库,冷库,海关监管库,保税部和对唱。在北美,欧洲,西亚,拥有各类仓储和运输资源。今天的中远物流堪称中国最具实力的整合物流服务提供商。在专业物流领域,中远物流追求与众不同的起点和品质,致力于为全球客户提供最优的物流解决方案,在高端项目服务中均刻下历史的印记。中远物流是中国首个洲际干线飞机总装线,空客 320 项目的全程物流服务商,并获得空中客车公司全球年度唯一的运输优秀

3、贡献奖。青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高的铁路,中远物流在海拔 5000 多米的高原上创造了汽车拉火车的奇迹。在极具挑战性的核能物流领域,中远物流为中国众多大型核电站提供了全程物流服务,成为中国最大的专业核能物流服务企业,中远物流常年承担堪称世界上最长距离的中国核发燃料公路运输任务,凭借专业水准,确保运输和环境安全。超越自己是中远物流不懈的追求,历年来多次刷新自己创下的记录,在新洲物流石化项目中,创造了中国最 1703 吨加氢反映技术组装 和道路运输等最新纪录。中远物流致力于海外开拓市场,为全球最大的电镀 瑞累死 经济化工程项目提供了全程物流服务,在南亚市场上为中国最大的海外电站项目群和中国最大的高科


5、值。中远物流拥有领先的供应链解决方案,肖瑶池全程物流服务的卓越能力。在电子产品,化工、航空、电力、汽车、会展、融资物流领域,为国内外客户提供了量身定制的整合物流解绝方案。作为中国最大的船务带领企业,与全球 180 多个国家和地区的数千家船通客户建立了密切的业务联系。秉承专家型代理,人性化服务的理念,为海内外船通提供了省事快捷的船务代理服务,赢得了海内外船通的信任。中远物流拥有一批独立完全知识产权的专利技术,以满足不同客户的特殊需求,致力推广公共物流信息技术,积极开发了库存管理,订单管理,货物跟踪,船代在线,货运 focus 的数字化信息系统,实现了商务数据的快速交换和安全传输。中远物流拥有完善

6、的企业管理体制,通过多项国际领先的综合管理体系认证,开发并运用了 tcss 网络完全客户满意度测评系统,形成了自我约束,改进,创新,发展的循环广度体制。中远物流人以开阔的国际视野,运筹帷幄之心,决胜千里之外,凭借着专业的技术团队,专业的物流系统,为客户实现最大价值。中远物流致力于打造高素质的精英团队,为企业的发展助力,在这里每一位员工以创2造与分享为荣,不断以优质高效的服务向客户传递信赖。中远物流始终与您齐心协力,共赢每一步。有所存在,才有价值。中远物流用人文关怀和担当精神回馈社会,实现企业和社会的和谐发展。天不厌高凌云志,路在脚下。海不厌深豪情发,雄图如画。中远物流这艘国内物流业最大的企业,

7、秉承务实,协调,创新的优良企业文化,连续五届蝉联中国物流业百强榜首。中远物流实力雄厚,目标远大,将乘着中国发展的春风,在中远集团和中国远洋的引领下,朝着更伟大的目标奋勇向前。For thousands of years, human beings had never be drop the chasing the dream. Ancient Olympus torch relay in human faster, higher and stronger more before the Olympic spirit, stretches of the silk road and western

8、 civilization blend convey. Today, cosco logistics with your permission, with more rich style to deliver dream, delivering value. Content chang its flow, transfer civilization. Transfer to the leading colleague posture, cosco logistics transfer global customer expectation, relying on the brand advan

9、tage of cosco group and Chinese ocean of capital advantage, located in the integration of logistics operators. To be the strongest logistics operators, the best shipping agent for target, cosco logistics achievement of a large number of domestic and foreign well-known logistic project, continuously

10、break another historical records, become leading China international market tripartite logistics enterprises. Cosco logistics network spreads at home and abroad, at present, 3established in China with more than 400 branches in the overseas established 17 home business site, and is home to more than

11、40 overseas international logistics company, signed a long-term cooperation agreement, formed throughout China radiation global logistics, ship agents and forwarding service network sex. Cosco logistics business resources powerful, have ministered in cars all kinds of transportation vehicles 4000, b

12、ig transportation vehicles more than 400 now more than 10,000 online worker, operating in China with more than 300 distribution centers, dangerous goods storehouse, the cold storage, the customs supervision library, bonded department and the duet. In North America, Europe, Asia, with various storage

13、 and transport resources. Todays cosco logistics is Chinas most powerful integrated logistics services provider. In the professional logistics fields, cosco logistics pursuit extraordinary starting point and quality, committed to global customers to provide optimal logistics solutions, in high-end p

14、rojects in both history of engraving service mark. Cosco logistics is the first Chinese intercontinental route, airbus 320 aircraft general assembly line project of whole logistics providers, and obtain the airbus global annual only transport outstanding contribution award. The qinghai-tibet railway

15、 is the worlds highest railway, cosco 4logistics at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters plateau created the car pulled the train the miracle. In a challenging nuclear logistics fields, cosco logistics for Chinas large nuclear power station provides the whole logistics services, become Chinas large

16、st professional logistics service company, nuclear cosco logistics perennial bear is the worlds longest distance of China issued fuel highway transportation, relying on professional level and task to ensure transportation and environmental security. Surmount oneself is cosco logistics unremitting pursuit, has repeatedly refresh yourself in the record set by the local logistics petrochemical projects, China has created the most 1703 tons add green reflect technical


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