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1、1初中英语语法【名词】1名词的可数与不可数可数名词指表示的人或事物可以用数来计量,它有单数与复数两种形式。不可数名词指所表示的事物不能用数来计量。物质名词与抽象名词一般无法用数目来统计,都是不可数名词。不可数名词前一般不能用冠词 a、an 来表示数量,没有复数形式。要表示“一个” 这一概念,就须加 a piece of 这 一类短语。要注意许多名词在汉语里看来是可数名词,在英语里却不可数。如:chalk ,paper,bread,rice,grass,news 等。2名词的复数(1)规则变化A一般情况下加-s。B以 s, x, ch, sh, 结尾的加-es。如:bus-buses, box-

2、boxes,watch-watches,brush-brushesC以 辅音字母加 y 结 尾的改 y 为 i 再加-es。如:city-cities,country-countriesD以 f,fe 结尾的,去掉 f 或 fe,变成 v 再加-es。(2)不规则变化A元音发生变化。如:man-men,woman-women ,foot-feet,tooth-teeth,mouse-miceB词 尾发生 变化。如:child-childrenC单 、复数同形。如:fish-fish,Japanese-Japanese, Chinese-Chinese,sheep-sheep3物质名词(不可数名

3、词)量的表示方法2(1)用 much,a little,a lot of 等表示(2)用容器表示a bowl of rice,a glass of water,a cup of tea,a piece of,orange,two glasses of milk,two pieces of paper另外,大家应注意:单数集合名词作主语时谓语动词“数的” 变化:单数集合名词如 class, police, family, school, group, team 等。尽管形式上是单数, 意义上都是复数,因此,一般要与复数谓语动词连用,例如:Class Five have a foreign fri

4、end. 五班有一位外国朋友。 (这里的五班指五班的同学的。 )His family are good to me. 他的家人对我很好。 (很显然,这里的 family指家庭成员。 )当上述集合名词着重指“整体” 时, 意义上则是单数,因此,要与单数谓语动词连用。例如,Our school team often plays well in our city. 我们的校队经常在我们市踢得很好。 (这里的 team 指整个队,但意义上仍为单数,故谓语动词用 plays.4名词的所有格(1) 名 词所有格的构成法 A单 数名词词尾加s,复数名词词尾若没有 s,也要加s 。the workers bi

5、ke,the Childrens ball B表示几个人共有一样东西,只需在最后一个人的名字后加 s若表示各自所有,则需在各个名字后 s。如: This is Lucy and Licy s room These are Kates and jack s roomsC. 如果是通过在词尾加s 构成的复数形式的名词,只加 。如: the students books,the girls blouses(2)名词 +of+名词名词是有生命的,我们就用s 结构来表示所有关系。如果名词所表示的事物是无生命的,我们就要用名词+of+名词的结构来表示所有关系.如:3the legs of the desk

6、,the door of the room但在表示名词所有格时, s 结构也常可转换成 of 结构。有些表示时间,距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以加s 来构成所有格.如:ten minutes walk,todays newspaper例题:例 1(1)How far is your school from here?Not very far. Its about twenty _ walk.A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes D. minute(2)It is about _ from the school to my home.A. ten min

7、utes walk B. ten minutes walkC. ten minutes s walk D. ten minutes walk分析 上述两题考查名 词所有格的构成及用法。由句意可知空格处所填内容是表示距离的名词,选项中的名词 minute 和 walk 存在所有关系,因此必须用名词的所有格。名词所有格的s 也可以加在一个短语之后,若 该短语最后一个名词的词尾是-s ,则只加“。如:an hours ride, two weeks time。因而(1)、 (2)小题答案均为 B。例 2 Have you seen _ at the foot of the hill? A. any

8、sheep B. some sheeps C. any sheeps D. some sheep分析 此题 考查名词复数的特殊例子。 sheep 的单复数同形;any一般用在疑问句和否定句里,some 用在肯定句里。答案为 A例 3Who is the man in the blue car?He is _father. A. Kates and Marys B. Kate and Marys C. Kate and Mary D. of Kate and Mary分析 本题考查名词所有格的构成及方法。两个并列的所有格,只给第二个名词加“s” 。例 4 (哈尔滨 市,2003)-Where i

9、s Tom?- He s left a saying that he has something important to do.4A. excuse B. message C. exercise D. news分析 此题考查名词的用法,由 a 知道选项 A、C、D 不行,故选B。答案 选 B解后反思 an excuse(一个借口),an exercise(一个练习),news(新闻)是不可数名词。例 5 (天津市, 2003)He had something to write down and asked me for A. a paper B. some papers C. some pi

10、eces of papers D. a piece of paper分析 此题 考查不可数名词的用法。Paper 作“纸”讲时是不可数名词,故 A、B、C 可排除。答案:选 D解后反思 paper 当“ 试卷”、 “文件” 讲时是可数名 词。类似的词还有:fish,chicken 等。练习:1. June 1st is _ Day.A. Childs B. Childs C. Childrens D. Childrens2. I need _ paper, Mum. I want to write _ letter to my English teacher.A. any, some B. s

11、ome, a C. a, some D. some,any3. There are two _ and three _ on the table.A. knifes, forks B. knifes, fork C. knives, forkes D. knives, forks4. We have got a lot of_ today.A. newspaper to read B. homework to do C. homeworks to doD. book to read5. We could see _ children and hear _ noise in the park.A

12、. many, many B. much, much C. many, much D. much, many6. Will you pass me _?5A. a few pieces of chalk B. a few chalks C. a few of chalks D. some chalks7. _ has been invited to the dancing party.A. A friend of her B. A friend of hers C. Friends of hers D. Friends of her8. September 10th is _ Day.A. t

13、he Teacher B. Teachers C. Teacher D. Teachers9 -Can I help you, sir?-Id like to have 100_. I want the students to draw pictures on them.A. piece of paper B. pieces of paper C. papers D. paper10. -Would you like _ milk, please?-No, thank you. I still have some.A. some more B. an C. a little of D. all

14、11. _ the old woman is in!A. What good health B. How a good health C. What a good health D. How good health答案:D .B .D .B .C .A .B.B.B . A.A选择正确答案1. There are forty _ in our school.A. women teachers B .teacher women C. woman teachers D. women teacher2. Mr. Li is one of _ in the hospital.A. most popul

15、ar doctors B. the most popular doctorsC. most popular doctor D. the most popular doctor3. The sign NO PHOTOS means that you cant _.A. take pictures B. bring in pictures C. buy any photos D. sell any photos4. Some of the boys in _ are afraid of maths exams.A. Class Three B .the Class Three C. Three Class D .the Three Class65. Have you got any _ for us this time?A. pieces of message B. piece of messagesC. pieces of messages D. messages6. _, those mountains will be covered with trees.A. In a few years time B. After


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