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1、UNIT 1 The Winners Guide to SuccessMotivational experts reveal what drives them成功者的成功之路励志专家揭示其前进的动力1 How do successful people think? What drives them? To find out, I interviewed some of the people most successful in motivating others: top motivational speakers and bestselling authors of “how-to-succ

2、eed” books. Here are seven keys to success that they share. 成功人士是怎麽想的?什么在驱动着他们?为了究探原由,我访谈了一些最能成功激励大众的人士:顶尖的励志演说者和 “如何成功”类畅销书的作者们。他们提出了 7 个关键点。2 Take full responsibility. In a society in which people blame everyone from their parents to the government for their failure to get ahead, motivational supe

3、rstars refuse to buy into the victim mentality. Their credo is “if its to be, its up to me.”承担全部责任。在社会上,有的人会将他们的失败归咎于他人,从他们的父母到政府,而励志超级之星们决不接受(他们是)受害人的思想。他 们 的信条是, “如果没有成功, 责任在我。 ”3 They realize that when you say someone or something outside of yourself is preventing you from succeeding, youre givin

4、g away your power. Youre saying, “ you have more control over my life than I do.”他们认识到当你说是自身之外的某件事或某个人阻碍了你成功,就是在 举手投降。你是在说, “别人比我更能控制我的人生。 ”4 Consider Les Brown. Given up by his parents at birth and labeled “educable mentally retarded” as a child, he had every reason to lose hope. But when a seconda

5、ry school teacher told him “someone else opinion of you does not have to become your reality,” Brown realized that his future lay in his own hands. He went on to become a politician and author, and today earns $20,000 per hour as one of Americas top motivational speakers.想想 Les Brown。一出生就被父母遗弃,孩童 时冠

6、以“智力迟钝但尚可教育”,他比任何人都更有理由失去信心。可当一位中学老师告诉他, “别人对 你的任何看法都不能成为你的事实, ”Brown 意识 到他的未来掌握在他自己的手中。 经过不断努力,他最终成为一个政治家和作家,并且今天作为一个顶级 励志演说者每小时能挣 20000 美元。5 Brown understood that you cant control things in life such as nature, the past and other people. But you can control your own thoughts and actions. Taking re

7、sponsibility for your life is one of the most empowering things you can do.Brown 明白:你无法操控生命中 诸如自然、过去和他人等东西,但是可以控制自己的思想和行为。对自己的人生负责 是你能够做的最应该做的事情。6 Live life “on purpose”. Perhaps what most separates motivational superstars from others is that they live life “on purpose”they are doing what they fully

8、 believe they were put here to do. “Having a purpose in your life is the most important element of becoming a fully functioning person,” says Wayne Dyer, author of the best-selling Your Erroneous Zones.“有目标”的生活。也许 励志超级之星和他人最大的区 别就是他们的生活是“有目标”的他们坚信作为一个人应干的事情。 “在人生中树立一个目标,是让你充分发挥能良的最重要要素。 ”Wayne Dyer,

9、最畅销书Y our Erroneous Zones作者,如是说。7 Not living life on purpose consists of expending just enough effort to get by with the least amount of problems. When you live life on purpose, your main concern is doing the job right. You love what you do and it shows. People want to do business with you because t

10、hey sense your commitment.没有目标地生活表现在只要能得过且过就多一事不如少一事。当生活中有了目 标,你会主要关心把事做对。你热爱 你所做的并且取得相应结果。人们想要和你做生意,因为他们感到了你在为之奉献。8 How do you live your life on purpose? By finding a cause you truly believe in and creating a business around it. Mike Ferry, who was once a salesman of audiotape programs, believed re

11、al-estate agents needed help to develop sales skills. So he started the Mike Ferry Organization, a training company for the real-estate industry. His company has generated more than $20 million a year in sales.怎样做能让你过上有目标的生活?找一项你认定的事业,并为之努力。 Mike Ferry,曾经是一位录音磁带节目的销售人员,相信房地 产代理商在 发展销售技能方面需要帮助。于是,他成立

12、了 Mike Ferry Organization,一个训练房地产业(销售技能)的公司。他的公司获取了每年 2 千万美元的销售业绩。9 Write out a plan. Trying to achieve your goals without an action plan is like trying to drive on unfamiliar roads to a distant city. The wasted time, energy and money will probably cause you to give up before very long.写出计划。没有一个可行的计

13、 划想要达到目标,就象开 车在一条陌生的公路上通往一个陌生的城市一样(会遇到重重困难)。不会太久,浪费的时间、精力和金钱可能将让你放弃。10 One of Americas most successful sales trainers, speakers and authors, Brain Tracy, points out, “Goals that are no in writing are not goal at all. They are merely fantasies.”Brain Tracy,一位美国最成功的销售训练者、演说者和作家,指出, “没有写下来的目标根本不是目标。它们仅

14、仅是幻想。 ”11 With a written map in hand, however, youll enjoy the trip and arrive at your destination in the shortest possible time.手中有份已经勾画好的的地图,无 论怎样,你都会享受旅程并会在尽可能最短的时间内到达目的地。12 Be willing to pay the price. Wanting a big house, a luxury car or a million dollars is nice, but the problem is that practi

15、cally everyone wants these things. Successful people find out what it costs to make their dream come true and then make it happen. They dont complain about the work they take up.学会付出代价。住大房子、开豪华汽车或是有 100 万美金是好的,问题是几乎所有的人都想要这些。成功的人会意识 到要付出什么样的代价来让 梦想成真,然后努力 让梦想变为现实。他们不会抱怨开始从事(的事情)。13 Les Brown has a c

16、allus on his left ear. Why? “When I decided to get into speaking, I had no credentails, no reputation, no credibility or experience, soI had to call a lot of people,” he says. “I call up over a hundred people a day to ask for an opportunity to speak to their group. This callus is worth several million dollars!”在 Les Brown 的左耳上有块老茧。为什么?“ 当时我想进入演讲界,我既没资历又无名气,也没有可信性和阅历,不得不给很多人打电话。 ”他说, “我每天会给一百多个人打电话,请求他们给我一次机会去给他们部门做演讲。这块老茧值几百万美元啊! ”14 Became an expert. One striking fac



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