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1、1Vera Wang Honors Her Chinese Roots王薇薇以中国根为傲With nuptials(婚礼) season in full swing, Vera Wangs wedding dress remains at the top of many a brides(婚礼) wish list. The designer, who recently took home the lifetime achievement award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America, has been innovating in

2、 bridal design for yearsusing color, knits and even throwing fabric into a washing machine.随着婚礼季的全面展开,王薇薇(Vera Wang)婚纱依然是许多新娘愿望清单上的首选。王薇薇最近刚拿到美国时装设计师协会(Council of Fashion Designers of America)颁发的终生成就奖。多年来她一直在婚纱设计领域进行创新运用色彩和编织手法,甚至将面料扔进洗衣机里。Ms. Wang said that her latest collection is about constructi

3、on. “I had felt that I had really messed that vocabulary of perfection for brides for a while, where theres six fabrics to a skirt, ” she said. “I wanted to go back to something that maybe was what I started with, but in a whole new way, and that would be architecturenot simplicitybut maybe minimali

4、sm.”王薇薇说,她的最新婚纱系列重点在于构建。她说:“我觉得有段时间我确实搅乱了新娘们对于完美的概念,一条裙子有六种布料。我想回到最原始的东西,但是以一种全新的方式,这种方式就是服装架构不是简单而是极简主义。 ”The Wall Street Journal sat down with the designer in her studio to talk about some of her most memorable wedding and red-carpet looks, business in China and “Tiger Moms.”华尔街日报记者在这位知名设计师的工作室里对她

5、进行了采访,聊到了她记忆里最深刻的几款婚纱和红地毯装扮、她在中国的业务以及她对“虎妈”的看法。What is your approach to dressing someone for the red carpet ?你给人设计红毯装用什么方法?Vera Wang: In red carpet I am more of a wardroberlike Edith Heada wardrobe designer, where it has to be reflective of the star. Their look, their personality, their body type an

6、d what theyre trying to express that night. So that becomes a way more specific journey than what I do in ready to wear.王薇薇:在红毯装上我更像是一个造型师就和伊迪丝海德(Edith Head)一样衣服必须反映明星的气质。要看他们的长相,他们的个性、体型以及当晚他们想表现什么。因此红毯装就比我做成衣的过程要具体得多。Which red-carpet looks do you get asked about the most?哪些红毯装被人问得最多?Michelle Willi

7、ams ranks up there. Charlize Theron in the mandarin orange, 30s-inspired dress, 2where she wore the pair of brooches. She couldve definitely been in a film in that dress. She just shot “The Legend of Bagger Vance, ” which was a 30s period piece about a golfer, and she wanted to stay in character for

8、 the Oscars, so she did the more retro hair. Thats definitely one of the ones Ive been asked the most about.被问起最多的是米歇尔威廉姆斯(Michelle Williams)。还有查理兹 塞隆(Charlize Theron)那条以30 年代风格为灵感、配一对胸针的橘色长裙。她穿那条裙子绝对可以拍电影。当时她刚拍完重返荣耀(The Legend of Bagger Vance),那是一部有关 30年代一名高尔夫球手的电影,她想为了奥斯卡(Oscars) 保留角色的样子,所以做了比较复古的

9、发型。那绝对是我被问得最多的红毯装之一。Certainly Sharon Stone after “Basic Instinct” when she came in a blond duchesse tight ball gown with a huge train in the back and no jewelry. Just the blond skin, blond hair, and incredible blond dress. That was sort of my first big Oscar moment. Everything came together to make

10、it magical. It really does take a certain amount of luck and serendipity for all the factors to come together. Ive dressed amazing women: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopezthere have been so many.当然还有刚拍完本能(Basic Instinct)的莎朗斯通(Sharon Stone),她身穿了一条金色丝硬缎紧身晚礼服,大大的裙裾,没有佩戴首饰。只有金色的皮肤、金色的头

11、发和光彩照人的金色长裙。那是我的第一个相当于奥斯卡的时刻。所有的元素组合在一起,造就了这身不可思议的装束。所有这些因素组合在一起确实需要一定的运气和缘分。我为很多优秀的女星设计过红毯装:茱莉亚路易斯德利法斯(Julia Louis-Dreyfus)、桑德拉布洛克(Sandra Bullock)、詹妮弗洛佩慈(Jennifer Lopez)太多了。What about wedding moments?那婚纱呢?Chelsea Clinton, certainly, not only because of her provenance and her family and the fact tha

12、t theyre an extraordinary American dynasty in terms of politics. The wonderful thing about Chelsea was her desire to go a more fashion route, a more unexpected place. I credit her with that. Thats really all about her own vision of how she saw herself. For a wedding of that pomp and circumstance, it

13、 was really very much of a family affair, and so that authenticity came through not only in the actual wedding but in how she looked. I was not dictating to Chelsea. We collaborated together. There was a youth and a romance and a certain acceptance of techniques that were quite complex from a fashio

14、n point of view.当然是切尔西克林顿(Chelsea Clinton),不仅仅因为她的出身和家庭以及他们在美国政界历史上非同寻常的地位。切尔西很棒的一点是她渴望走比较时尚和比较出乎意料的路线。我觉得她这点很不错。最重要的是在于她自己如何看待自己。对于那种华丽场合的婚礼,确实是一场家族盛事,因此不光婚礼要呈现出真实性,她的装扮也要真实。我并不是在指导切尔西,我们是在合作。要表现出青春和浪漫,从时装角度来看相当复杂的技术性细节,也要能让人接受。Alicia Keyssame night, 6 hours before, in fact I looked at my watch at

15、noon and said, “Alicias getting married right now” in the south of France, I believe. She was sort of barefoot and pregnant. She just embraced being pregnant and the fact that she wanted to Grecian and like an Earth goddess. And so: Two very different brides, two very different continents, two very

16、different lifestyles, and yet I think each one felt that she had expressed who she was on her most important day. Even in celebrity 3weddings I feel like Im a costumer.还有艾丽西亚凯斯(Alicia Keys),她的婚礼也是同一天,不过比切尔西早六个小时。我中午就看着表说:我猜艾丽西亚现在就在法国南部举行婚礼。她赤着脚还怀着孕。她坦然接受自己怀孕,而且想要希腊式婚纱,看起来像大地女神。因此:两位截然不同的新娘,两块截然不同的大陆,两种截然不同的生活方式,但我认为她们都觉得在自己最重要的日子表现出了真实的自我。即使在名人的婚礼上我也觉得自己像个服装师。What about business growth in Asia?在亚洲的业务发展得怎么样?Being Chinese, but ha


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