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1、 1转型时期 DK公司发展战略思考与风险管理中南财经政法大学 MBA 学院EMBA04 级上海班研究生姓名: 指 导 教 师 :二六年十月八日 2转型时期 DK公司发展战略思考与风险管理目 录摘要Abstract前言5第一章 DK 公司现状分析第一节 总体情况第二节 核心企业和核心业务情况第三节 已有的改革计划第四节 转型要求第五节 小结 3第二章 战略分析与选择第一节 上海市地下空间开发与利用现状和规划第二节 DK 公司 SWOT 分析第三节 DK 公司主业确定的定量分析第四节 DK 公司行业竞争力评价第五节 小结第三章 战略规划与风险评价第一节 突出两个抓手第二节 突现三个转变第三节 战略

2、规划的风险评价 4第四节 战略规划的有效性讨论第五节 小结第四章 战略实施与风险管理第一节 构建四大平台第二节 健全五项保障体系第三节 战略实施的风险管理第四节 风险对策优选第五节 小结结束语注释 5参考文献后记摘 要企业发展战略决定企业命运。面对转型时期要求,DK 公司必须前瞻后顾,认清现状,确定发展战略,制定战略规划, 6落实战略目标的实施。本文作者在对 DK 公司 历史回顾、现状分析的基础上,提出 DK 公司目前必须 确定自己的发展战 略,这样才能适应转型要求,才能有所发展,才有未来。通过 SWOT 分析,DK 公司在城市地下空间开发与利用方面具有明显优势,DK 公司应确定以地下空间开发

3、与利用为主业的发展战略。在战略规划方面,结合 DK 公司实际,作者提出:突出两个抓手,即深化改革,优化资源配置;加强管理,提高经营效益。实现三个转变,就是专注主业的转变,管理调控手段的转变和协同作用的转变。并对 DK 公司的战略 规划进行风险评价,得出 DK 公司的战略规 划风险小的结论。在战略实施方面,作者针对目前 DK 公司在经营管理和资源整合优势比较薄弱的情况,提出构建四大平台,即为业务拓展平台、组织结构平台、内控制度平台和考核激励平台;健全五项保障体系,即为人才保障体系、技术创新保障体系、资金保障体系、制度保障体系和企业文化保障体系。作者还用层次分析法对 DK 公司 战略实施进行风险

4、分析与评估,找出影响战略实施的主要风险要素,并对风险对策进行优选。关键词: DK 公司 发展战略 战略规划 战略实施风险分析 数量化理论 模糊综合评判层次分析法 风险对策Thinking And Risk Management of DK CompanyDevelopment Strategy During The Change Time 7ABSTRACTThe development strategy of the enterprise determines its destiny. In order to meet the requirement of the period of mak

5、ing the transition, DK Company must be over cautious of the current situation, confirm the development strategy, make the strategy plan, implement the strategic objective.On the reviewing to DK Companys history and on the basis of analyzing the current situation, the author of this thesis proposes t

6、hat DK Company shall confirm its own development strategy at present, and only in this way, DK Company could meet the needs of making the transition, could develop to some extent and could have future. Through SWOT analysis, DK Company has the obvious advantages in exploiting and utilizing the under

7、ground space of city, DK Company shall confirm the development strategy of exploiting and utilizing the underground space as its principal business.In strategical plan, combining with DK Companys reality, the author proposes that to stress two points, which means to deepen reform, to optimize resour

8、ce distribution; to strengthen management, to improve benefit of managing. To realize three transitions means concentrating on the transition of principal business, the transition of the management methods and the transition of cooperative effect. And by means of the appraisal of risk to the strateg

9、y planning of DK Company, the conclusion that the risk of strategical plan of DK Company is little is drawn.In strategy implementation, for the weakness of management and resource strengthening to DK Company at present, the author proposes that constructing four major platforms, they are the busines

10、s expansion platform, institutional framework platform, internal control platforms and performance evaluation and encouragement platform; Building five security systems, they are talents security system, technological innovation 8security system, fund security system, institution security system and

11、 corporate culture security system. The author still carries on the risk analysis and assessment to DK Companys strategy implementation by analytic hierarchy process, find out the main risk key element of influencing strategy implementation, and carry on optimum seeking to the risk countermeasures.Keywords: DK Company, development strategy, strategical plan,strategy implementation, risk analysis, quantitative theory, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, analytic hierarchy process, risk countermeasure 9前 言关于战略管理的讨论是个既传统又现代的话题,是个至关重要,甚至称之为左右企业命运的课题,若思考不慎,论证失据,也可使一个企业从辉煌走向死亡。人们


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