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1、题目 20t22.5m 电动单梁桥式起重机设计学生姓名: 学生学号: 指导教师: 机械工程 学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 专业 班2016 年 6 月 15 日毕业设计(论文)任务书专业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班级 姓名 下发日期 2016-2-28题目 20t22.5m 电动单梁桥式起重机设计专题 起重机设计专题主要内容及要求电动单梁桥式起重机品种规格多,用途范围广,遍及机械制造、冶金矿山、交通运输、港口装卸、化工、轻工、林业和建筑等各行各业。近年来,国内外电动单梁桥式起重机的生产,由于采用新工艺、新材料和先进的检测技术,使产品不论在结构形式还是性能上都有较大地创新和提高,品种也在不断增加

2、。本课题将根据 20t22.5m 电动单梁桥式起重机的性能要求,参照 中华人民共和国机械行业标准 JB/T1306-2008,完成起重机的结构设计。主要要求:(1)查阅相关文献资料,了解国内外电动单梁桥式起重机的发展现状、型式分类、典型产品、基本结构、设计计算、试验检测和安装架设等;(2)设计电动单梁桥式起重机的主梁、端梁和车轮结构,并完成计算校核;(3)绘制零件图和整体装配图,其绘总量不少于 2.5 张 图;0A(4)编写论文设计说明书,要求书写规范、条理清晰、内容完整。成果形式:说明书不少于 30 页,查文献不少于 15 篇,翻译外文 30005000 字。主要技术参数起重量:20t跨度:

3、22.5m进度及完成日期2 月 28 号3 月 13 号:布置设计和实习任务,了解设计题目的内容和背景,并查阅相关资料,到工厂参观实习3 月 14 号4 月 15 号:设计主梁和端梁整体结构并完成计算校核4 月 16 号5 月 17 号:用 UG 或 AutoCAD 绘制装配图和零件图5 月 18 号6 月 5 号:完成毕业设计论文6 月 6 号6 月 15 号:毕业设计审阅、修改和准备答辩教学院长签字 日 期教研室主任签字日 期 指导教师签字 日 期文本未全,需要全套的童鞋请联系 QQ: 指导教师: 年 月 日指 定 论 文 评 阅 人 评 语 评阅人: 年 月 日答 辩 委 员 会 评 语

4、指导教师给定成绩(50%)评阅人给定成绩(20%)答辩成绩(30%) 总 评答辩委员会主席签字评定成绩摘要起重运输机械已经广泛应用于工业生产,仓库贮存等各个领域,随着生产规模的进一步扩大,起重运输机械的应用也越来越广泛。本次设计,设计完成了 20t 22.5m电动单梁桥式起重机,该起重机可以适用于机械制造、冶金矿山、港口装卸、交通运输等多种场合,满足了轻型起重机中起重量较大的特殊要求,同时,较大的跨度满足了在较大范围内起吊重物的要求。本论文主要针对电动单梁桥式起重机作了设计,主要包括结构方案确定和设计校核计算两部分内容。通过对主梁和端梁优化方案的比较分析,以满足强度和刚度使用要求为最终目标,首


6、的框架结构,加工工序简单,工艺性能好,降低了起重机制造成本。关键词: 起重机;桥式起重机;主梁;端梁;金属结构IAbstractLifting transportation machinery has been widely used in industrial production, warehousing and other fields. With the further expansion of production scale, lifting transportation machinery is becoming more and more widely applied. Thi

7、s design finished the 20t 22.5m electric single-girder bridge crane, which widely applied to machinery manufacturing, mining and metallurgy, port handling, transportation and other occasions. Meeting the special requirements of the lifting weight is bigger at lightly crane, and meeting the requireme

8、nts of the lifting heavy objects on a wide range.The mainly design of this thesis is electric single-beam bridge crane, which including the determining structure of the program and calculation method for designing. This thesis firstly introduces the overall design scheme of bridge crane and the desi

9、gn process, through comparative analysis optimization programs of the main beam and side beam, to meet the strength and stiffness requirements for the ultimate goal. The main contents of this part include comparative analysis for carrying capacity and structural strength of main beam and side beam,

10、and detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various structures. Determining metal structures applicable to their own design, through comparing analysis, and combining with the design requirements.Secondly, making the detailed design and calculation of the metal structure of this cra

11、ne. In this part, regarding cross-sectional size of the main beam and side beams as design variables, designing experience size through trial and error, and then, checking the strength and stiffness, to determine the structure and size of the section of main beam and side beam. Metal structure inclu

12、des the main beam and side beams, design and calculation of metal structures includes structural design, to determine the size and strength check of main beam and side beam.The crane metal structure mainly solid web framework, this framework made from combination welding of plate, it has good streng

13、th and stiffness, and meeting the requirements of the crane carrying capacity. Processing operations of welding frame IIstructure is simple and process performance of it is well, and reduce manufacturing costs of crane.Keywords: crane; bridge crane; main beam; side beam; metal structureIII目录摘要 .IAbstract .II目录 .IV第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 课题研究的意义及现状 .11.2 论文主要研究内容 .6第 2 章 整体方案设计 .72.1 主梁整体方案设计 .



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