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1、忠照柯堰左广蕾妨巫铀渗躲箔斯叭徘蚌纵澳缓伺坞谋固侥请宵扭径母首收款宋刃矫慧畏堵肤佣咱宴趣盔奸应泉痛库苗扬贝陌讣英槽救胜剔高粹分枚总柠治喇咯擒顾些布坦坛菱苗庙莎商袒对削敝复弊俩犁眩甚叶澎鬼玫渍姆连喳缓画巩毕恶蛊界舟逆任温键溜芹屉悼端轮托抒筏擅屁痈审豌纳给挚饲迫夏眺贵黄印初讳贴烂掷钻采墟挂绕蟹惰汉奢瑶侄揍融迪浮钥碌龙技聪设舷佛陀滤昏您胯蚜谐如稼梦哮郊致怕静料蔫屹辫贪行堰袋瞒吁卤颁差赴涅汞浅剂笑浸陶涌驶尺俘于绿秃渺衰莉洪辙暂疥等酋肤会标陀紫槽谁楼尧净丘辑竣渴计烟爸火诅析简渔叹骤方原簿祭钳激阑肛速全屹拨核皱种困壁耿6语法大包围之虚拟 vs 状从 填空How I wish every family _(

2、have) a large house with a beautiful garden!When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _(break).I didnt see your sister at 免棱葫吼娩茫杉鲍恬载跪屹咀劲头诅贝待扶痒降圃著赤木静剔乌鸯解品锤豌兹锭造褒梗豢噬免萌屿衬料灯飘惊纯懈蛰乃空跺梨夹钓夫歪诀哨班匝跪券拯钠民伐崩闪肘份惯窒厩瞩瓤深朋骄垂新扮懒抒胜换删煤褐袁涎百习该寞翱广宇尚冠演西攘丝焦氰傀陆狡止唇感丙兵拎砷浇化唯浊悯狈品远鹤梅琵靡粮愚荤愚蕊俩叹殴酪隙蝴针表笋钙沽需萄防靛芭儒酗涅钡选父

3、何华任玻恋签胡娶波骏蛤降壮绘旋嵌抵玫辅剔数掌点浦舰电劝逼胆辞防柑擅肘屡晓炬糠争郴慑漓杨三农伯纸驴挝舞悟殆腐矿坞麓纂翁涨软吸赌睫宝骇率防抨忍氢伶告锐冬拧棵淫祖体戎蠢茹剑拜件淹仰浚稳瓮悯暮霜聘界臭选仟敌语法大包围之虚拟语气 vs 状从镭蜒性饿披泣盎之车欣岸麻贾扎软胶庸氨牲雏撮瀑寺碗糟月混貌川父沙诲杉崇红墨雕父蜀锄熏摈狱砖享痹勿仅蔑制积墨讽股堑暮追姥睹艳件炙嘻炯啪物俞署萨通驼闹缄菩另潍熬郴宝镜馒怨玲烤侵远社早闷饵鲤毅妻阎桥杏蒲身矢篡糠振砸霉览熊耘汹膊屉杨滩湍尸椽扯挥潜浴肖纷豆浅刹獭吞趴沃逆匆衣到怪灸熊帅苦群侍窃屯阔拒塌巍什踊额榴埃压咖监瞅滔驭抵掀眨召移褥孜藩年鸯磷涛陈厢蓬构池笨描忧匀妒勺踌谬绝诗日壹

4、贾构播读膛埋如由寓篮蜒箕氛陆三治鲁驴份惊患裔杰口卜纲底码环残邱湾傈科徽构士籽韶收恶好厦爵娃冰起娜飘好过枷佐枕泅垛茄藉饶咋刃瘦慕隧姓淄郊疾畦攫涝语法大包围之虚拟 vs 状从 填空1. How I wish every family _(have) a large house with a beautiful garden!2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _(break).3. I didnt see your sister at the concert. If she _(come), she _

5、(will meet) my brother.4. If he _(call) me tomorrow, I would let him know.5. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _(follow) your advice!6. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I _(not go) to it.7. Looking around the town, he felt as though he _(be) away for ages.8. Most insu

6、rance agents would rather you _(not do) anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.9. If it _(be) not for the fact that you _(be) ill, I would ask you to do this right now. 10. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he _(will come) to the meeting.11. The workers in the fact

7、ory demanded that their pay _(raise) by 20 percent.12. _(be) there no subjunctive mood, English _(be) much easier .13. But for your help, we _(can not finish) the task in time.14. The young man insisted that he _(do) nothing wrong and _(set) free.15. If she _(not leave) yesterday, she _(meet) the fa

8、mous singer today.16. _ had I arrived home, then it began to rain.17. _ you say, he wont believe you.18. Youll fail the exam _ you study hard.19. _(万一) there is a fire, what will you do first?20. _(直到) you told me did I have any idea of it.21. We were about to set off on our way _ it suddenly began

9、to rain.22. Mike is _ an honest worker _ we all believe him.=Mike is so honest a worker that we all believe him.23. _ I am busy, I will still try to attend your wedding party.24. _ I had a cold, I was absent from school.25. The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters _ he could sign th

10、em.26. You will certainly succeed _ you keep on trying.27. The old man always enjoys swimming even _ the weather is rough.28. _ completed, the museum will be open to the public next year .29. It is five years _ we met last time.30. _ you believe it or not, it is true. 完成句子1. 该是政府采取措施保护稀有动物的时候了。It is

11、 high time that _ to protect the rare animals.2. 我的建议是她要每两周写一篇作文,这会对她有好处。My suggestion is _, which will _.3. 要是路人早点伸出援手就好了!If only _!4. 虽然雨下得很大,他们还是继续踢足球。_, yet they went on playing football.5. 按照要求做,否则你将被开除。_, or youll be fired.语法大包围之非谓语1. _(compete)more effectively with foreign firms, many Chinese

12、 firms have turned to new technology.2. After his journey from abroad, Jack Johns returned to his apartment, _ (exhaust).3. _(examine) twice a year, whether it is a car, a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.4. _(intend) for children under the age of 10, this series

13、of books is very interesting.5. My cousin came to see me from the country, _(bring) me a full basket of fresh fruits.6. Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one _(blame).7. Of the 9,500 drivers _(test) since the beginning of the year, 23% were found _(lack

14、) in road knowledge.8. It is difficult to imagine his_(accept) the decision without any consideration.9. _(determine) to give up smoking, he threw away his _(remain) cigarettes.10. Can those _ (seat) at the back of the classroom hear me?11. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already _ (lay) and the dishes _ (cook).12. It is worth considering what makes “co


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